
It’s ok to let it out

Leo’s POV

Ever since we returned to Spring Lake, Arabella seemed to be in a world of her own. It was as if she was physically present but mentally miles away.

Since her twenty-first birthday, life had dealt her blow after blow. It hadn't even been eight months, and already it was turning out to be a terrible year for her. I wanted to be there for her, to offer her a shoulder to lean on, but that was proving to be a challenge. Arabella had built walls around herself, refusing to let anyone in.

I watched as Arabella retreated further into herself, her usually vibrant eyes now dull and distant. It was heartbreaking to see her like this, a shell of the woman she once was. I knew she was dealing with a lot, the weight of the world seemingly on her shoulders.

One night, I found her sitting alone on the porch, her gaze fixed on the moonlit lake. The sight of her, so alone and lost, tugged at my heartstrings. I approached her slowly, not wanting to startle her.

"Arabella," I began, my voice
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