
Memories of last night

Arabella’s POV

As my eyes fluttered open, the warm rays of morning light filtering through the curtains, memories of last night flooded my mind. Leo, with his gentle hands and tender lips, had made every moment unforgettable.

His touch had been feather-light, caressing every inch of my body with a reverence that left me breathless. His lips had mapped out a trail of kisses, never missing a spot, turning my skin into a canvas of his affection.

Each whisper of love, each soft sigh, every shared laugh was imprinted in my memory. The way his eyes had burned with desire, the way his voice had softened when he whispered my name, the way his body had moved against mine... it all felt like a beautiful dream.

I turned my head to the side, my eyes meeting Leo's. He was already awake, his dark eyes watching me with a softness that made my heart flutter.

"Good morning, beautiful," he murmured, his voice husky from sleep. His fingers traced lazy patterns on my arm, sending shivers down my spin
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