
Well, can you blame me?

Leo’s POV

As I blinked my eyes open, I immediately noticed the empty space beside me. Arabella was gone. But on her pillow, lay a note. I picked it up and read her neat handwriting, "Gone to the office. Join me for lunch? Love, Arabella."

After a quick shower, I dressed and headed to the pack house library. I knew the importance of understanding a pack's history, especially if you were going to lead it. My father, the former Alpha to the pack that was now no more than ash, had drilled that into me at a young age.

Having scoured the shelves, I finally found the book I was looking for. A thick volume titled "The History of the Spring Lake Pack." It contained detailed accounts of the pack's formation, important events, past Alphas, and much more. I settled into a corner with the book, losing myself in the rich history of Arabella’s pack.

As I read, I was filled with a sense of awe and respect. The Spring Lake Pack had endured hardships, faced enemies, and celebrated victories. Each Alpha
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