
Bonus #2: Valedictorian


So, unfortunately, there wasn’t enough hype for the bonus, perhaps a poor theme choice (?), so I’ll wrap them up in one or two more chapters.

Quick disclaimer: This chapter contains Dubious Consent and Threat to S. Assault.

The regular chapters resume tomorrow.

As always, thank you for reading!


The VIP room was clean, to his standard, and as per his instruction, his new business partner left.

The partner who left was an old classmate, and the only reason they were now partners was that he introduced him to where she was. If not for the club-no, if not for Ruby, he would not have accepted the business proposal.

And by clean, he meant that it didn't reek of tobacco like the rest of the club, a club he shouldn't even be in, but again, Ruby.

She was a nobody who came from nowhere and took his seat at the university, took every leading grade in the courses they shared from under his nose, and vanished before he ever had the chance to bring her to his knees.

The door to his private room opened slightly before she stood before him; were those black contacts she had on? Her real eyes were an eerie crimson that made her associated with rumours; either way, they burned with un-vocalised fury.

Her chest was covered in a newer bra, not made of stones, but this time lace that permitted him to peek at the shade of her nipples.

It was almost hilarious; on stage, she showed the entire room her breasts—she showed the entire room something he had never seen before, yet here she looked bashful, like a prisoner escorted to their sentence.

A laugh almost escaped him, but he held it in.

"This is Cinnamon, our number two dancer in the club; we are certain you will be in good hands. We typically auction the dancers for an hour, but due to the amount you have paid, you can have her for as long as you are in this room tonight. As soon as you leave, the dancer will no longer be yours. Our rules are that you do not engage or force our dancer in life-endangering play and drugs. The rooms are soundproof, and they offer privacy."

The bouncer escorting her continued as her wince grew, almost as if she preferred he didn’t state the rooms were ‘soundproof’.

“But we are outside in case of an emergency.”

Again, a contradiction: soundproof rooms, with security outside the door.

It’s almost as though they were to ensure his session was uninterrupted; what a beautiful code for ‘anything goes’.

"Should you need anything, the buzzer to get a waitress is…”

The bouncer gazed around the room before pointing at an end table near where he had sat.


He announced with a proud smile before coughing in his hands to hide his reaction.

“H-have a good evening, Mr Knox.”

With that, he left, closing the door behind him and leaving him with a black-eyed Ruby.

For a few moments, she said nothing, merely turned her gaze from side to side and watched his movement as he reached for the remote and pressed the button that changed the glass windows in the VIP room to a one-way mirror for privacy.

"You left school to be a whore?"

Her sneer lifted at his question.

"How may I serve you today, Mr…."

She drawled as if she did not know his name, as if she missed her bouncer’s mention of it; everyone knew his name.

"I should have had all the alumni present so they could see where their miss number one ended up."

Her jaw twitched before her smile widened.

"The most I am permitted and expected to do is a lap dance for as long as you are in the room; ushering in more people than the present amount puts me at risk, meaning I may limit my time with you."

Even her response was robotic.

"Oh? And the money?"

He stepped towards her, and she flinched; it was clear that she wanted to match his step backwards but didn't.

"You shall be issued an appropriate refund."

She responded.

A refund? Doubtful...he'd met her manager, there was no way he would accept a refund. She was bluffing.

"How come you are covered up? You seemed comfortable waving your tits for everyone to see."

"Accidents ha-"

"Take it off, Ruby."

She froze.

"Cinnamon is preferred-"

"Take it off. Take everything off.”

"That would be a violation of-"

"Of what? I know the fine print, soundproof rooms with security outside. Isn't that code for I can fuck you however I please? Isn't that code for they are meant to keep people who might interrupt me out, to manage my security and privacy as opposed to yours? If it were yours, they would be inside, ensuring I cannot do anything to you-"

The fury in her eyes was no longer clouded by politeness; it showed beautifully and beyond anything he could have imagined; only the damn contacts were in the way.

“I will not repeat myself. Do not make me test your ‘Refund’ policy.”

At his threat, her gaze moved to the door.

"Careful, Ruby, if I have to pin you to the door, I will."

"You mean you would force yourself on me?"

She asked through gritted teeth as he reached for his whisky.

The sip tasted delicious and burned like sin all the way down his chest.

Had she looked at him in this way, as if he were filth before she left the University, then he wouldn’t wish to void himself on her—instead, she ignored him. She took his spot, blemished his perfect record, his need to be on top, and ignored every chance he gave her to reach out so he could soothe his ego, only for her to vanish a year before graduation and leave him the valedictorian spot he craved from the beginning.

He wanted to take it from her, to steal it if you will, yet she...vanished, and it was simply handed over to him as if to say he never stood a chance had she not pulled out of the race.

“I would.”

He answered.

“I would hold you by your neck, push you against my body to keep you from opening the door, while my hands pull the tits you are so very generous with out from their cups. My leg will be between your thighs; I wouldn’t want to neglect that delicious pus-”

“You are trash!”

She uttered, her breathing beautiful, rugged and heavy.

“I am.”

He responded.

“But if you take off what I ask and do your dance until I cum, then I won't touch you.”

“My dances aren’t supposed to make you…c-cum-”

“But you can, can't you, Ruby? You are, after all, a quick study. Hell, if you need practice, I can loan you my cock for however long you need.”

He loved how she hesitated before sounding the word ‘cum’ on her lips. Wasn’t she the one in the sex industry?

Her breathing was the loudest sound in the room; he could almost imagine the sound to be her moaning.

With a sharp and irritated inhale, her hand reached her back.

“What are you doing?”

“Taking my bra off?”

“Start here.”

His hand tapped his eyes, and she frowned.

“My contacts? And where exactly would I place them? This room is…”

“I don’t care.”

Again, the whisky grazed his lips, awakening the desire to shove his cock between her lips.

She muttered some profane words, something about him growing up to be a sleazy old man who would need to pay for sex to make up for his ‘shitty’ personality, before reaching for her eyes and removing her contacts.

"How many men have you whored yourself to?"

He asked as her breasts bounced to life before him, increasing his urge to stroke his already stiffened shaft; how she looked down on him did not help either. Christ, he loved her attention.

"Ex-excuse me?"

"How many Miss Valedictorian?"

"I'm strictly a dancer. I wasn't even supposed to be ‘auctioned’ off."

"I don't believe you."

"Whether you believe me or not is none of my business."

"Oh...but it is."

He drawled as his smile rose. Adrian plopped himself on one of the black leather seats and patted his erection, gesturing to where her body should be.


"You'll ruin your pants. Are you sure you do not want to take them off?"

He chuckled at her confidence; it was astounding that she would think a whore like herself would make him lose control.

The second she bent to peel her shimmering panties from her flesh, exposing the redness of her private hair that led to her centre, the need to plug his flesh inside her surged within him.


He hissed as her scent and warmth wrapped around his body.

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