
Opening Presents


"One last thing on this beautiful Christmas day. I want to thank our Christmas elf for making an appearance and bringing goodies for the children," Rich said and I blushed as the crowd cheered and clapped. I hadn't brought them I had just helped hand them out.

"But even more, our Christmas elf brought the meat that will be served at your tables tonight. I know she was hoping to keep it a surprise, but alas, I couldn't let anyone else take credit. A big thank you to Corey, his family and the othe butchers who worked through the night and day to get the meat prepped, packed and delivered to you. Merry Christmas!" The crowd cheered and clapped even louder, several clapping me on the shoulder.

I glanced at Alex and he frowned, shaking his head slightly, telling me it wasn't him. I feel like I met every family again as they came up to thank me again, many hugging me, which was a little awkward. I felt more than saw Rich come up behind me as I watched the last family walk
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