
Working out the kinks


Rich came and got us for dinner and this time I begged for them to let me walk. The dinning room wasn't far and my body was getting really stiff from lack of movement. They agreed but walked along side me like I was a baby.

Dinner was it's usual affair and for that I was greatful. I loved listening to the stories of all the things going on around town and in the other communities that were part of the pack. Kate even let me hold little Ethan again for a bit and I smiled. He was such a good baby. Cassie let me know that Ashley would be by tomorrow with some ideas for me to look over.

After dinner I was finally truly exhausted and begged off watching the other Blade movies. I did accept a piggie back ride up the stairs and to my room but promptly shooed everyone out.

"I promise I am much better and you guys deserve to enjoy your own beds tonight. To get some sleep without watching over me. I'm good I swear. I just need some sleep," I said smiling softly.

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