
Kennedy - 3

3 - Kennedy

“So, the cat’s away.  What are the mice going to do?”  Tommy taunts.

“This mouse has some homework to do and the Beta gave me something to test this weekend so we are playing hide and seek.”  They all look up at that? Shocked faces tell me I am going to have to work for my freedom.

“Not a good idea, Ken.  You heard Jeremiah.  He’s going to lose his mind if he finds out we let you off in the woods by yourself.”  Ben tries to shut the idea down before we even start.

“It was your dad’s idea! Come on Ben!  Please?”

“Uh, no.” 

“Jason, help me out.  It was an assignment from the Beta, you can ask him yourself.”

“I can guarantee that he would not assign you something the same weekend the Alpha, Luna, Gamma, Delta and Jeremiah are all gone.  Even he knows what Jeremiah will do if any of us allow that. And he will be too busy running the pack for two days to supervise.  Not a chance.  I  love you Ken, but I like my balls more.”  He laughs.

“Ugh, Tommy?  What do you say?”

“If they are out, I’m out.  You’re a handful when you are in your testing sh*t mode. And it kind of makes my brain hurt.”

“Really?  Ugh, traitors.” I figured as much, but it was worth a try. ‘I’m going to go change.  Can we still do movie night?  Or am I not allowed to do that either since Jeremiah won’t be present?” I turn to leave before any of them can answer. It’s not their fault, but I hate feeling like a prisoner.  I clearly haven’t done enough to prove myself.  I’m just going to have to double the training.

“We are for sure watching a movie.  Are you going to wear that sexy thing I got you for Christmas?”  Tommy hollers down the hall after me. I turn to give him an evil glare, but I break when he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

“Not a chance in hell, traitor.”  I smile at him.  “For your inability to grow a set and help me out, I’m going to wear a bunch of frumpy layers.” I turn around to walk off to my room when I hear him mutter.

“Layers are more fun.  It’s like unwrapping a present.”  Such a hornball.

We didn’t do much of anything all weekend and I barely left my room, let alone the packhouse. It was just easier than getting the third degree for trying to leave. I kept my space from the guys.  The longer Jeremiah was gone the more irritated I got at being a prisoner, and they didn’t deserve that wrath.

I got a call from Aunt Beth on Sunday, the rest of the guys got a mindlink from Uncle James. I can’t mindlink, because I’m not an official member of the pack.  Our elders found some information that insinuated humans can’t handle a pack connection and trying could kill me.  So, naturally, Aunt Beth said absolutely not and won’t even entertain the conversation. 

Something came up and they had to stay an extra day. It wasn’t like her to be so vague, but maybe there were people around and the ‘something’ wasn’t common knowledge. I missed Jeremiah and the nightmares were getting worse. All the guys know, it’s just another thing we don’t talk about.  

Ben stayed with me last night after we got the call. He didn’t even ask or wait until I had the nightmare.  He followed me into my room, wordlessly, and climbed into bed behind me, and just held me while I clung to Jer’s shirt inhaling the scent that has faded over the last two days. The nightmares seem to be worse when I don’t expect Jer to be gone.  None of us understand the connection that he and I have, but it really is like we are twins sometimes, we can feel each other's emotions and communicate without speaking or the mindlink, it’s just an innate ability.  

The worst part is I hadn’t heard from Jeremiah at all in two days either.  I don’t know if we have ever gone more than 24 hours without talking or texting.  Nothing feels wrong, but something has definitely changed, it’s palpable in the air and it’s kind of freaking me out.

School was rough Monday. Even with Ben soothing me, the nightmare was on a loop and I couldn’t seem to get it to stop or get myself out of it.  We were both tired, he just did a better job of hiding it.  I adopted his persona and made it silently through our morning workout and my first class.

I was lost in my thoughts after exchanging my books at my locker for my second period class.

“Were you too busy entertaining last night? You look a little rough, but maybe that’s the way you like it.  Is that how you keep all those guys entertained? I hope they pay you well for the services, human.”

“So witty, Janelle.  I’m so glad to see that our education system hasn’t been wasted on you.”  I didn’t even look at her as I walked away.  It was going to take her a few minutes to figure out I called her stupid.  Plenty of time to get to my next class.

“Are they still on that kick?”  Jason asked from the seat behind me, and I jumped, damn ninja.

“Yep, it’s an oldie but a goody and she really only brings that sh*t out when Jer is gone and she has nothing better to talk about.  Apparently you guys aren’t scary enough to keep her away with your mere presence.  You're going to have to work on that.”  I give him a half hearted smile.

“Well at least your humor is still intact.  Oh… we gotta go. Now.”

“Wait, what? We just got here and class is about to start.”  He completely ignores me and stands up grabbing his backpack and mine. The f*ck?

“Mr. Jones, sorry to interrupt.  Alpha needs us.  It’s urgent.”  He gestures his head to me, not breaking eye contact with our teacher.

“I will need confirmation of that Jason, by the end of the day.”

“Yes, sir.”  Is his only reply as he pulls me up by the arm and basically drags me out of the school.

“What the hell Jason?  Where’s the fire?”

“Alpha said come to the packhouse now and to bring you, the rest of the guys are already there.”

We jump in his car  and head over to the packhouse, really fast and Jason’s not usually the panic guy.

“Jason, what is going on?  Is everyone okay?”  Now my brain is going a hundred miles a  minute thinking something bad happened to Aunt Beth or Jeremiah or Even Uncle James. “Jason, talk to me,what’s going on?  I’m freaking out over here.”  He finally looks at me.  “What happened?”  I’m on the verge of tears and I don’t even know what happened.

Copyright © 2024 by Miss L Writes and Ember Mantel Productions

“Oh Sh*t.  Sorry Ken, I didn’t even think.  No, everyone is okay, I guess.  I wasn’t told that anyone was hurt, and he usually leads with that. Alpha James said that they have news and we need to get there quickly. That’s it, I swear.”

I look out the window, willing my tears not to fall until I know what is going on.  The ten minute drive felt like forever and I couldn’t get my heart to beat at a normal rate.  I just have to see them then it will all be okay.  That’s what I keep telling myself as we drive up and I see all the familiar cars in the driveway.  There is also an unfamiliar car, a sleek white SUV.

I jump out of Jason’s car before it is even in park and run through the front door not bothering to close it.  I have worked myself up and I need to see my brother before I lose my mind.  I trample through the house and straight toward the voices I hear in the common room.  Then I see him and I have eyes for no one else. 

“Jer,”  I whisper out and he turns to me with the biggest smile on his face, he looks so happy to see me.  I run straight at him and jump into his arms without even thinking, wrapping my legs around his waist.  I bury my face in his neck and inhale, feeling calm immediately.

Then a loud menacing growl sends a shudder around the whole room and Jeremiah lets me go, just drops me to the floor and turns away.  I land in a heap on my butt. I am stunned, he’s never dropped me before, not outside training anyway.

“Who the f*ck is that!?!”  A female voice I don’t recognize snarls.  I can’t see her behind Jeremiah’s big frame and everyone else has moved to stand next to him.

“What’s going on?”  I ask all the backs facing me, finally pulling myself together enough to get off the floor and stand upright.  I’m ignored by everyone.  My heartrate spikes again, something is very, very wrong.

“I will not ask again, Jeremiah.”  Her voice is on the higher side and demanding.  I can feel her power from here, but it doesn’t seem to bother me, my body just knows it’s there and she’s using her aura, meaning she‘s high ranking.

“It’s nothing, really. This is my best friend, Kennedy.  Kennedy, this is my mate, Rayna.”  He finally turns around to look at me, but I don’t know if he even sees me. His warm chocolate eyes look between her and I, and I can tell he is already in love. Completely infatuated with her and my heart sinks.

His smile isn’t for me, it’s for her.  She is staring daggers at me with her emerald green orbs.  She is perfect, like, literally perfect.  Her symmetrical face is angular almost like a fairy and she is tall and lean with generous curves in all the right places.  Her raven black hair falls in loose waves around her, hitting her mid back.  Her olive skin is radiant and the soft pink tracksuit she has on makes her look athletic instead of like a lazy traveler.  She is gorgeous and looks amazing standing next to my best friend.

I choose to ignore the insult of him ignoring and dropping me and focus on my friends' excitement. 

“Your mate?  No way!  Jer, this is amazing!” I go to give him another hug and she growls at me again.  It takes everything in me to pull my hands back and not hug him.  I just clench my fists at my sides, looking around awkwardly. The whole room had gone silent watching the exchange.  I want to be excited for my friend, but this is not what I expected at all.  I don’t know what I thought would happen, but it wasn’t this.

Tommy breaks the tension and introduces himself.  “Hello Rayna. It’s nice to meet you.  I’ll be your Delta.  This is Jason your future Gamma, and Ben your future Beta.  Kennedy is one of our warriors too.”  He points me out and I wish he wouldn’t, she was calming down, but that tension is back the instant he says my name.

“I’m just gonna go. Rayna, It was nice to meet you.”  I turned to leave as quickly as I could. Ignoring protests. I had no idea where I was going to go.  I lived here and she was going to stay here and eventually live here and she clearly doesn’t like that I have a friendship with Jeremiah.  I head out the front door.  Did she even know about me, that we were friends?  Or did he try to hide me?  Is he ashamed of me, his human friend, now that he has his mate? I have never felt so unwelcome in the packhouse before. The foreign feeling is not setting well with me, I feel sick.

I don’t know what that will mean for us.  I never once considered what would happen if his mate didn’t like me or want me around. I just assumed she would fit into our group, not replace me in it. It feels like my heart is breaking, just like when I lost my parents and I really need to  catch my breath then hit something… hard.

I was walking aimlessly, but now I had a course.  I needed to get to the training grounds and work out my frustrations and confusion on some weights and a punching bag.  I could feel Ben and Jason following, which means Tommy isn’t too far behind.  They are here to babysit me, to make sure I don’t do anything that would make Jeremiah upset.  The thought makes me more angry. I know he is the future Alpha, but why is it always about what he wants and needs from me?  Why can’t we think about what I need?

I change into some spare clothes from my locker and wrap my hands to hit the bags, letting every insecure thought run through my head, fueling my fire.  The three guys are outside the changing room, waiting for me.  Tommy goes to say something, but I just hold my hand up and shake my head.  I don’t want to hear it right now.  I don’t want excuses or placating neutral thoughts. I don’t think I could listen to anything rational, I just need to beat the sh*t out of something.

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