
Chapter 3

Bella’s pov

I got to the cell and my eyes watered instantly, my father was buttered and he was sitting like a common slave.

“Dad,” the words choked on a sob.

His head weakly came up and his eyes widened when he saw me standing there, he rushed to the doors as fast as his weak body could carry him.

“Bella, what are you doing here?”

“I came to see you. I don’t want you to be alone here.”

His eyes softened, “I am fine, get out of here.”

My hands clenched and unclenched by my side, “who did this?”

My father sighed knowing that I wasn’t going till I got some answers.

“Alpha Leo,” my father said, his tone resigned.

I didn’t ask what he did, I didn’t want to know.

“I am going to get you out of there.” I promised.

My father nodded weakly but his eyes said he trusted me.

I gave his hand a squeeze before leaving.

“Take me to Alpha Leo,”

Jason nodded, he didn’t argue or try to stop me. My hands trembled but I urged my body to remain calm till we got to the Alpha’s office.

Jason went in first and when he took a long time, when he came out looking worn out, I knew it didn’t work.

“He is in a meeting,” he said.

There was more to it but I didn’t argue. Jason looked at me, “aren’t you coming?”

I shook my head, “I need to see him.”

“Bella, you can see him tomorrow. The rain is about to pour.”

I shook my head stubbornly, but Jason lost the battle when the other warriors called him for training.

His eyes bounced between me and the training ground, I decided to make the decision easier for him.

“Go, I will be fine.” I said.

He sighed and left.

I waited in front of the office, I could smell him in there and I knew he could smell me too but he refused to see me.

I was going to throw my pride aside and kneel in front of him, I needed my father safe.

The skies got darker and I gulped, I said a little prayer to the moon goddess not to allow the rain to fall.

The wind became harsher as it blew my hair back and forth till it was whipping my face, I made no move to stop it.

I stood there with no attempt to move, the weather was angry and droplets rain started, I could feel each drop from my skin.

It continued that way till the sky let out an angry wail and the rain poured heavily. I finally let go of my tears as it mixed with the rain.

My vision blurred as the moisture gathered on my eyelashes making it difficult to see or breathe. My breath became shallow.

My skin prickled with awareness but the rain numbed it till I couldn’t feel my legs, my body shivered against the cold but I held my own.

I started yelling,

“Alpha Leo, I know you are in there and that you can help me. I am begging you, please release my father!”

I wasn’t sure he could hear the rain but I hoped it was heard.

My head became light and I swayed on my feet, dark spots danced around my vision again but I stubbornly stayed put.

I kept yelling and pleading hoping that someone would hear me but nothing.

I took a step and my legs gave out. I swayed and landed on the floor, through my blurry vision, I saw a figure move towards me.

It didn’t move, it just stood there. I reached a hand towards it hoping it would help me but it didn’t.

“Please,” I whispered just as I slipped into darkness.

When I woke up, I was tempted to roll my eyes at the absurdity of my fainting. It was like a chore now.

A throat cleared beside me and I scrambled up. I saw Alpha Leo, his hand was around Kate or more she was hanging off him.

How did I end up here?

“You fainted on my doorstep,” he answered like he knew what I was thinking.

I nodded, “thank you,”

He dismissed me with a look, Kate feeling the need to insert herself in the conversation stepped forward.

“Leo told me what happened, father is in jail.”

“You mean you were here and yet you didn’t know our father had been thrown in the dungeon?” I snapped at her,

I didn’t mean to but for some reason, her words seemed to rub me the wrong way. Like she felt it, she frowned.

“I didn’t know, I am sorry.”

Leo glared at me like he didn’t want me to snap at my sister but I held myself from rolling my eyes,

“Watch how you speak to her,” he warned slowly.

My eyes flickered close with surprise and I thinned my lips, “I can talk to my sister however I choose, Alpha.”

Our eyes clashed together and I could feel Kate's suspicious eyes look between us but I ignored her.

“I would like to speak with you, Alpha.”

Kate whipped her head towards me, and narrowed her eyes in suspicion, I gave her a look.

“Give us a minute, please.” He said.

Kate gasped but she nodded, she came close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing his lips to hers.

I looked away from the sight as my heart pinched in response.

I turned to look as Kate smirked at me before sauntering off.

It dawned on me that she knew. She knew Leo was my mate and she said nothing to me. And that public display of affection was to let me know of her claim on him.

I scoffed, black clouded my vision but out of anger and not dizziness.

Leo cleared his throat to get my attention and I looked at him.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” He asked.

“You broke up with me, why go after my father?”

“Someone has to pay for the company’s deficit,” he shrugged.

I got off the bed and stood up, schooling my expression to match how I felt, angry.

“I want my father released,”

He raised a brow at me, “you are not in any positions to be making demands here,”

“I am your…”

He cut me off with a growl, “you are nothing. Don’t delude yourself into thinking your cries and little act of fainting would make me release your father.”

I gulped and nodded.

“Fair enough, I didn’t expect you to do it from the kindness of your heart. What do you want?”

His brows furrowed like he couldn’t believe I would say such a thing but I was past the point of caring.

“Excuse me?”

“I want my father released and you need something from me,”

I clenched my fist as the information digested but I kept my eyes on him.

“Very well,”

He pinched the bridge of his nose before looking at me. What I saw in his eyes made me pause for a minute.

The foreboding feeling in the pit of my stomach became intense as I waited.

“I want you out of the pack,” he said suddenly.

My eyes widened. I will become a rogue.

He didn’t care, it showed in his careless shrug as he looked at me like I was wasting his time. I was hurt, did he hate me to the point of turning me to a rogue?

Just so I don’t interfere in their bond?

“So if I leave and never return, you would release my father and keep him safe?”

He nodded,

When there was no answer forthcoming from me, he stepped closer with challenge in his eyes,

“Let’s see how much you care about your father, shall we Bella?”

“What will you do? Fight me? You and I know that you lack the power or money to do that.”

“Then I will beg that lawyer to help me.”

“Alpha Arthur? I don’t think he will take a charity case like you.”

Either I leave and my father gains his freedom or I stay back and watch him rot away in the dungeon while my sister steals my mate.

Option one was looking a whole lot better.

“I accept.”

He paused and his eyes went wide before he schooled his expression again.

 He cocked his head.

“I accept. Give me your word that you will release my father and keep him safe.”

I turned to leave but a hand on my arm stopped me, I gave him a questioning look and he took it off like I had burned him.

“Now there is another option.” He said.“I will release your father but you will stay here as my mistress.”

I stared at him before I threw my head back as a laugh bubbled through my throat, I looked at him expecting him to join me but he remained stoic.

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