

“You are serious?”

He nodded.

Anger like no other wrapped around my body like a strong vine. I made sure my voice was controlled enough to get my point across.

“You have got to be kidding me. You have some nerve rejecting me and asking me to stay here and watch you frolic with my sister.”


“Don’t say my name. I don’t care what you have to do, release my father today.”

“You'd rather become a rogue…”

He let the sentence hang there but I finished it,

“I'd rather become a rogue than be your mistress.”

His eyes widened like he couldn’t believe me, his lips thinned and words dried up in his lips but I was done.

I was done letting them hurt me.

I lifted my chin and in my most steady voice, I said,

His hand shot up to grab me, I looked up and I was marveled by the amusement in his eyes.

“You and I both know that you will regret not taking my offer," he smirked.

“I won't”

“Bella, be smart about this. You need me so stop being so stubborn and be where you are supposed to be, by my side."

My body filled up with disgust at the pathetic way he was making the position of mistress look but it shut down when I realized I pleaded the same way if not more.

“By your sides like a common whore? I will pass."

It tugged at my heartstrings but I held strong. He wanted to eat his cake and have it too. I ripped my hand away from his.

“Don't touch me."

He laughed cruelly at the tears that slipped from my eyes.

“You left me so carelessly on the hospital floor with no sympathy and yet, you stand to banish me or pick to be your mistress while you mate my sister?”

A laugh bubbled out of me again and he winced.

“It's a pretty good offer."

I stared at him in disbelief, the same disbelief I used to utter the same words I should have a long time ago.

“I accept your rejection, Alpha Leo.”

He flinched and his hand automatically came to his chest to soothe the hurt but what’s done was done.

I walked out with my head held high and my legs trembling as I embraced the feeling of pain that came with my actions.

I didn’t stop till I got to my house, tears leaked and I let out a wail as I sobbed.

I cried for my sister’s betrayal.

I cried for my mate and I cried for the Stepmotherwho didn’t care enough to love me.

I cried for my father whom I was going to miss so dearly.

My tears dried up till I was heaving from the pain. I managed to gather my things in a bag, my eyes snagged on the ring my father left for me. I took it and slipped it on my finger before leaving.

I locked the door and looked at the house I grew up in, the house he was forcing me to abandon.

My lips curled in a snarl when I realized I was all alone.

Kate knew and yet she didn’t offer me any form of comfort. Our love was one sided so it seems.

I walked to the border, the guards looking at me with wariness but I assured them that the Alpha knew I was leaving.

I inhaled the clean scent of the forest once I left the territory, my wolf urged me to go back but I ignored her.

I started running, afraid that she would take control and take me back there.

I got to a clearing that led to the main road and whipped across it in a flash but something knocked me across it.

I skidded across the ground and landed on something hard. I felt my bond with the pack snap officially declaring me a rogue.

My body felt numb and the throbbing in my head increased. I felt someone nudging me in my head and I tuned to it.

I am Iris, your wolf.

I felt hands carry me, I could hear everything but I refused to open my eyes. My body pain was gone but I refused to show it.

I opened my eyes slowly and I was marveled by the beauty that adorned the room. My room was beautiful back at my old pack but this was simply exquisite.

I sat up on the bed and waited but nobody was forthcoming, I stood up and I was shocked at how strong I felt.

With everything that had happened in the past few days, I expected to be swaying and out of control.

Someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see a woman staring down at me.

“Who are you?” She asked.

“I am Bella, I woke up here.”

Her eyes lit up with recognition and she hurried my way, she grabbed me by the arm and gestured for me to sit down.

I did and the next thing I knew, she was bringing a food tray,

“Oh no, I am not hungry.”

She leveled me with a sharp glare, “you must eat so you can get energy.”

I nodded and picked up a spoon, and she went back to her position.

“How did I get here?”

“Alpha Arthur brought you here, you were attacked.” She said softly.

Her voice was calm like she didn’t want to hurt me. I swallowed the food and nodded.

“Who is Alpha Arthur?”

She swiveled to look at me with disbelief in her eyes. I almost laughed at how comical she looked.

“You don’t know who he is?”

I shook my head.

She looked around like she was scared and turned to whisper to me, “he is the most powerful Alpha in our history. He saved you and brought you here.”

I opened my mouth to talk when his presence made me flinch, a low voice that shot up chills down my spine made me turn.

“Don’t stop on my account, Martha.”

Martha froze and scurried back to the pot.

I raised my head and met molten gray eyes, his eyes bore into mine and I looked down.

“If you were that curious about me, you should have just asked, hmm?”

My lips curled up in a smile, “you are right, I should have asked you.”

He looked at me like he didn’t expect me to answer him.

“Thank you for saving me,”

He looked down at the tray of food then at me and bit his lip like he wanted to say something. My eyes zeroed in on it. I let my eyes trail the length of his body appreciating what I saw.

.“A rogue attacked you on my territory but before we get to that, I would like to know what you were doing on my territory as a rogue?”

I winced at the change in his voice, it went from friendly to hard in a matter of seconds.

“I didn’t know it was your territory, I was just passing through.”

“You were just passing through? How long have you been a rogue?”


I had no problem telling this man everything.

His eyes flared with surprise, “I see,” he rubbed his chin before he looked at me.

“Did you see the rogue who attacked you?”

“No, it happened so fast.”

“I will find him,” he said coldly.

“What will you do to him?”

His smile turned malicious as he cocked his head, “I will rip his heart off.”

I flinched but I nodded.

His eyes softened and he gave me that small smile, “I haven’t Introduced myself yet, I am Alpha Arthur of the midnight pack.”

“I am Bella, formerly from the Black claw pack.”

He nodded before he wrote something on a paper.


Alpha Arthur? He was the  famous lawyer?


“Thank you for saving me, Alpha Arthur,” I stopped short when awareness flared in his eyes before he tamed it.

“I would like to rest before I leave, please.”

He shook his head and my stomach dropped, I guess this is where his kindness ends.

“You can stay here for as long as you can.” He said.

My head shot up and a smile took over my face, he faltered before tensing. His eyes narrowed as it roamed over my face before shifting it elsewhere.

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