
Funding Him

"You knew all of these and you didn't deem it fit to let me know! Do you have any idea the risk you've put thousands of people in by keeping silent!"

It was clear, Rebecca was enraged and was ready to kill Eden any minute. But thankfully, the other woman didn't try to provoke her any further but replied in a calm voice.

"I get the fact you're angry and feel like ripping my head off but I really want you to know that I thought I could keep him safe. Turns out I couldn't and for that, I am greatly sor–"

Eden hadn't completed the sentence when she was sent flying out of her chair by a punch from Rebecca.

Her anger had finally gotten the best of her and she was intent on killing Eden when M held her back.

"Just let me kill this punk!" Rebecca yelled, struggling against his grip.

"This is no time to kill." M shushed, his hand tightening on hers. "It was a big negligence on her path. Now, we should be talking about how to find him."

His words finally calmed her down and she walked to
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