


I was in a  field of daisies, the same place I’ve ever been since I can remember, ever since my life became this endless dream. 

Being alone with my Dragon, Ember, waiting for many eternities whilst trying to find words in the silence of my mind, seemed to be my destiny. . 

Or at least that was what it felt like on the days I didn’t see him. His presence brought me some comfort, making me feel less lost inside myself, making me feel more real. I’ve dreamt for so long that I started feeling myself like a dream as well. 

A smile formed on my lips as my gaze found the wolf’s silhouette appearing on the far horizon. Although he was only a shadow outlined by the sunlight, every time he seemed to be a little bit closer; maybe, one day, he could reach me. Perhaps if I could touch him, touch reality, I would wake up. 

Of course I wasn’t only waiting, planted here like a tree. I tried to run towards him, but it didn’t help at all; it was the same as trying to reach the sun or the stars. My steps took me farther away rather than closer to him. I guess that the secret was to let him come close. 

For some unknown reason, I knew that everything around me was an extension of myself, an illusion of my mind, except for him. He was somehow connected to me, but he was something else, someone else.

Sometimes I wondered if he was also dreaming about me, and that was why we could meet.  

I muttered into the silence, “Come close, take me away from my dreams or let me dream with you.” 

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