
You bastard!


I felt my heart sink as realization hit me. Cole's appearance, Courtney's flushed cheeks, the disheveled state of his hair – it all painted a picture I wasn't sure I wanted to see. The truth unfolded before me, and my chest tightened with a mixture of anger and betrayal.

Courtney managed to find her voice, her tone faltering. "Aaron, what are you doing here?"

My voice was laced with anger as I asked the same question. "What are you doing here?"

There was a tense pause, the air thick with unspoken tension. Bella's gaze flickered between us, her expression caught between confusion and concern.


As the truth settled in, my anger surged to the surface. I lunged forward, my hands reaching for Cole, my voice sharp with rage. "You... You bastard!"

Bella's voice rang out, a mix of desperation and concern. "Aaron, stop!"

“Listen Aaron,I can explain,” Cole pleaded.

“You bastard! You were fucking my little sister! How dare you? I thought it was clear she was off limits so how c
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