
A Little Break

Hi guys,

I know you guys are probably tired of hearing me say this...but I am not in the perfect mental health to continue this story right now, at least not as daily updates.

This story is almost towards the end and I know if I pulled through this month, then it would've ended, however, my mental health has started to deteriorate once again. Probably because my pills aren't working anymore, so I do need a doctor check up real soon.

Thing with depressive disorders is that you never get a clue when it's about to hit. I was feeling absolutely fine last week, in fact, my writing was better too, I was writing almost 7K every day. But then, since Monday morning, I fiund myself unable to get out of bed and combined with the flu, I'm completely crushed. Barely had any sleep for the last three days and it keeps getting worse. I've been crying one minute and laughing the next. Feeling like I'm no longer relevant and no one loves me.

Yes, I know all that sounds kinda pathetic but it's completely out of my control. 

It doesn't mean I'm stopping writing, I don't think I can because even taking a day off feels like a crime to me. But I will try to focus on my Non-exclusive book for the time being, the boys love (gay) stories that I am writing. And I really hope that I can get back up on my feet as fast as I can.

So, I'm really sorry for being that person once again. And I really hope you understand my situation. I'll try my best to update the rest of the chapters by the end of the month. If not, definitely next month.

Thank you, for everyone who has been supporting this story all this time. You guys mean a lot to me.

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