
Chapter 74: Coming Home

Chapter 74: Coming Home

Faith’s POV

The night stretched on as I lay in bed after twisting and turning for what felt like hours with nothing but darkness all around me. The seconds ticked by as I struggled to find sleep, the weight of what I had learned and the weight of the truth that I knew clashed in my head, and apparently, it wasn’t planning on letting me sleep.

The pain of their betrayal, especially my father, was like a knife through my heart. Everything I knew about my parents, about their values and teachings, now seemed like an illusion that had been mercilessly torn apart. The ideals that they bestowed upon me, and lessons they carefully imparted, were nothing but a set of carefully crafted lies that they couldn’t even withhold themselves. My home had been built on nothing but lies and deceit.

Sometime in the middle of the night, my mind returned to Brandon. I thought about him and his struggles, his battle with his own demons, and the darkness he had fought to overcome. Fea
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