

"Yes that's right Precious", Alvin said with a half smile and lean closer to her.

" Don't you dare come any closer to me, step back", Precious grabbed a book from the table and stretched it towards him to attack.

"Oooh sweetheart, a book can't hurt me", Alvin said and slapped the book out from her hand.

Precious pushed him away and tried to run, with full force he dragged her back and made her body snatch against his. She tried to disengage from him but he grip her by the waist.

" Let go", She yelled as she banged her hands on his chest. "Why are you doing this, you don't even know me"

"I was paid for this, so let me do my job", Alvin respond as he stared at her with lust filled in his eyes.

" Well I hope this hurts", Precious said and knee kicked him in between his legs.

Alvin groan in pain and fell on the ground with his hand holding he's dick.

"Don't think I am weak and will let a fool like you to harass me, you can tried that to other girls but not me", Precious said and picked he
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