
Chapter Forty-three: Luna Queen Candidate

In the end, I was forced to stay inside the palace. A new chamber has been prepared for me to stay in. Four royal guards were guarding my doorway, and more than five servants were put on standby in case I needed something.

Claude couldn't do anything because his father colluded with the court officials. He kept on apologizing to me until I never wanted to see him.

"Your Majesty."

I gritted my teeth from the way the servant addressed me. Ever since I transferred her, everyone had been addressing me as Her Majesty. They already forgot that I am a General.

"What?" I said coldly. I didn't turn around and stayed to see the scenery here on the balcony of my chamber.

"Jack Springer is here to see you."

Gasping, I turned around. "Jack? My secretary?" The servant nodded. "Let him in! Immediately!" I ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty." She bowed before me and emerged out.

The guards opened the door for him. Relief washed over me seeing my secretary.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," he greeted me politely, and that made me frown. Why was he addressing me like that?

Then I realized the servants and guards were staring at him. They would see if he would address me wrongly.

"Get some tea for him." I turned to one of the servants and glared at her coldly. The servant immediately nodded. I looked at the remaining servants. "Once the tea is served, I want you all out of my chamber."

"But, Your Majesty—"

"You're defying your future Luna Queen's orders?" I asked dangerously and gave her a murderous look.

She lowered her head, trembling. "W-We dare not, Your Majesty." Her voice was already shaky that made me smile coldly.

"Good." I turned to Jack, who had a look of bewilderment. I smiled warmly at him. "Let's go to the balcony, Jack."

We waited for our tea to be served. As expected, they followed my orders and left the room immediately. I don't care if they will report this to the Grand Alpha and His Majesty.

"Why are you still not taking a seat?" I asked, perplexed.

Jack smiled. He saluted me. "Greetings, General Rachelle," he said in a formal tone.

That made me teary-eyed and smiled. I suddenly missed the military. I saluted him back before he took a seat across from me. "What are you doing here then? Good thing, the palace guards let you enter." I sighed. "Ever since I was transferred here, only the Alpha King, the Princesses, and my Alpha from my pack are allowed to come here."

"I was summoned by Alpha King Claudian, General. He said that I would be your secretary once you are crowned as our Luna Queen."

"Huh." I huffed and smirked. "The irony..." Shaking my head, I turned silent. "I believe you already know what happened as to why I ended up here."

"General Cairo informed me, General. He said that you are not working in the military anymore. At first, I didn't believe it, but then I knew that Grand Alpha forbade you to lead the brigade by announcing it at the assembly hall even though our Alpha King couldn't revoke his decree."

"How are General Cairo and General Benedict? Are all the troops I chose to be the ones to come forth to the war?"

Jack nodded. "The military higher-ups decided to follow your suggestion, General, since the troops you chose can guarantee a victory."

"Who is the one leading the brigade? I was hoping it was either General Cairo or General Benedict."

"It is General Cairo. But, at first, he declines since he wants that you are the one who will lead it since the Eagle Mist only listens to your orders, General Rachelle. And he only sees you as the one leading the brigade, not him."

I chuckled. "Indeed, he is correct." Typical General Cairo... "I will grant him a seal so he can order the Eagle Mist. If he shows it to them, they will immediately follow him. Please deliver this message." Even the Grand Alpha couldn't contain them and give personal orders to them. Unless I granted them a seal that would ensure they could order the Eagle Mist.

"I will, General."

"Keep me updated," I said when he decided to take his leave. He nodded and saluted.

The moment he left, all of my emotions had died down. I looked at my reflection in the tea and saw the emotionless expression. I had been like this after the Grand Alpha announced his decree and made it effective immediately.

I smiled bitterly.

I felt like the moment I kept on staying here, the longer I realized I would lose my sanity here. I left the balcony and sat on my bed screaming in luxury. My room has been painted silver. Once I get married and crowned as Luna Queen, I would transfer to the Luna Queen's chamber.  They made me trained on what affairs I should deal with once I am the Luna Queen.

I buried my face in the pillow as I heard a knock. I didn't face who the person was. But I could already surmise who the person was because of his scent.

"Your Majesty."

It was His Majesty's voice.

I didn't answer him and just kept my face buried in the pillow. Couldn't he just leave already?

I heard his sigh. "Father invited us over dinner with my sisters and my brother-in-law, Storm. He wants to dine with us and sees you as the future Luna Queen of our kingdom."

I clenched my hands. The Grand Alpha knew how to provoke me. I raised my head and breathed. Then I sat down, feeling empty inside.

I looked at him. He was silently watching me. The emotion in his eyes was telling me that he wanted to approach me, but he stopped himself.

I stood up, putting my hands on top of my stomach. Then I bowed my head sincerely.

"Understood, Your Majesty," I said coldly.

There was no reason for me to defy it. But I would like to court my death if possible. I would like to disregard it...


"You may leave, Your Majesty." I put a smug smile and cold glare. His jaw dropped a little. I even saw him clenching his hands. I raised my glance to see his eyes. "I hope you respect my privacy." Make your voice colder, Rachelle. In this way, he would know that you despise everyone.

"Very well. I shall take my leave. I shall fetch and escort you later when we arrive at the dining hall."

I watched him leaving with an upset expression. I let myself fall to my bed, staring at the ceiling. I let myself drift off sleep, feeling empty inside.

The light nudge from the servant awakened me. I don't even know their names, and I have no interest in learning them.

"Your Majesty, we need you to bathe. After that, you will meet the Grand Alpha in the dining hall together with His Majesty."

I went to the bathroom as they helped me undress. I soaked in the tub with the smell of lavender. I stayed quiet as they bathed me.

This has been my life ever since. The servants were pampering me, unlike those times that I would take a bath myself.

They had me wear a rose petal off-shoulder maroon gown with a gold-crescent lace pattern on the skirt. They dressed me up like a pampered queen or princess that I never actually wanted.

"Your Majesty, you are so beautiful."

"Even the hair ornaments and hair jewelry suit you."

They praised me as I was facing the mirror. That made me awe seeing myself. Even though the gown was heavy, I could manage to handle it. It's much easier to wear peasant clothing than this. When I looked into my eyes, I was devoid of emotions.

"His Majesty arrived!"

The door opened. The servants curtsied before him while I remained looking at his reflection in the mirror on his dashing red tailcoat tuxedo with gold swirling patterns on his collar, shoulders, and wrists.

My heart jumped a little when our eyes met in the reflection of the mirror. I turned around and scrutinized his face. His hair was brushed up, which gave a more look to his handsome face.

His Majesty stared at me as well with awe. His hazel eyes penetrated my soul and made my heart leap rapidly. I could hear the beating of his heart which had the same rhythm as mine.

"Her Majesty is growing more beautiful." He bowed like a prince.

I curtsied before him. "His Majesty looks so dashing on his tuxedo as well." I couldn't help praising him. More likely, I need to oblige since he complimented my look.

"With matching color, indeed." He smiled. "Shall we then?" He offered his arm.

I looked at it, sighing. I clung to his arm, and I felt how strong his arm was. I felt like I could lean on it.

When I looked up, my heart immediately jumped out of my ribcage when he looked down to see me. He smiled afterward.

"If you wish to be embraced by my arms, you could have told me so," he said in his sheepish grin.

I just shot him a glare, but I didn't answer him. His Majesty didn't say anything as we continued taking strides towards the dining hall. But I knew right now. I was already flustered.

I calmed myself until we were in front of the door of the dining hall. I couldn't help gripping my grasp at his arm and grit my teeth. I don't know if I could ever look at the Grand Alpha the same thing I respected him before. What he did make me feel bitter.

"Rachelle." I snapped back when I felt a sudden jolt of electricity. I looked at my hand only to be held by His Majesty. His gentle expression had caressed my wolf and me. Claude smiled after he managed to get my attention. "If you wouldn't like to stay here any longer, just tell me."

I gave him a perplexed look. Was he helping me? Did he realize I am uncomfortable seeing his father?

He closed the distance and came closer. That made me uncomfortable all of a sudden as my heart was beating so wild. His scent was disorienting to me and made my wolf want to push me to kiss him so badly.

"Just tap your finger lightly on the table thrice. If you do that, we will leave the dining hall immediately."

That confused me. "Why are you helping me?" I muttered, which only he could hear.

"I don't want you to be uncomfortable. Just do what I say, Your Majesty," he muttered back and gently tapped my nose. Then, he distanced himself and took my hand to place it on his arm. I hadn't recovered yet from his words when he ordered the royal guard. "Announce our presence."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The guard opened the door and announced, "Alpha King Claudian and future Luna Queen Rachelle have arrived."

I felt like my stomach churned upside down as we entered. Then I came to see the Grand Alpha, who had a big smile on his face, visiting us. Princess Cassandra, Princess Cherish, and Alpha Storm were also here.

I felt bitterness seeing them. I felt so bitter right now.

In the end, I put my hands on the top of my stomach before I made a deep bow and said the words in a bitterly cold manner.

"Greetings, Your Majesties," I greeted His Majesty and the Grand Alpha. "Your Highnesses," I paused, welcoming the Crown Princess and the second princess. Then I looked at my Alpha. "Alpha Storm." I looked up and gave them a blank expression that made unease for my Luna and Alpha of my pack.

I put on a smug smile. Let the hellish dinner begin.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Marlenny Fernandez
I really can’t believe myself. I like the story but i feel sorry for the king. He has to endure so much resent from his own mate when it supposed to be blissful and all full of love
goodnovel comment avatar
Rose Hale
Her story is so amazing but I'm kinda sad I was reading it on Galatea but she didn't told her fans there that she moved the story here ......

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