
Chapter Six

Chapter Six


Ronan watched them move through the tree line. He smirked, his hand twitching at his side. He recognized the young man leading them. He was the one in the clearing with the girl with long flowing jet black hair. His mind kept wandering back to her. The moment their eyes locked he felt something.

“We should tell Alpha, they are getting awfully close. “ Clay sent through a mind link, his eyes studying the group of men.

“No, it’s fine.” Ronan answered shortly, he suppressed his wolf's instinct to come forward.

“If we are caught it wouldn't be fine.” Clay said sharply back.

Ronan turned quickly grabbing Clay by the throat. Within seconds Clay was pinned to the ground. It happened so quickly and was almost soundless. Clay’s eyes widened as he realized he was on the ground. 

“Beta I am sorry…please.” Clay whispered his hand covering Ronan’s hand asking him to stop.

“If I say it’s fine, it’s fine.” Ronan growled.

“Yes Beta.” Clay whispered, nodding.

“If you're worried, take the cowards with you and fall back.” Ronan said, letting go of his throat and spitting on the ground next to Clay.

Clay scampered to his feet, looking around. The three other’s shrinked away worried. They were not sure what was worse, being caught or facing Ronan. Ronan was deadly and unpredictable. He didn’t call on his wolf most times when fighting. He used his pure ability. Pax was his backup and secret weapon. 

Ronan’s eyes shifted back to the search party. Part of him wanted to be found. He wanted the fight. Pax wanted the kill. Ronan took a deep breath and sighed. 

“Fall back.” He sent the message out through a mind link to the four with him.

The men quietly moved back into the forest more. Ronan was annoyed as he moved soundless but not trying to conceal himself. He moved like shadows without effort as the others with him were filled with anxiety, walking on eggshells to be quiet. Ronan clenched his jaw. The next time men were left with him he would pay more attention. He was fighting the urge to kill the ones with him. 

They had searched the borders for hours. Matt had to order Adam to stop. He was determined to find whoever killed the patrolman and he partially was blaming the intruder for Mallory being hurt. Mallory, thinking he named his stomach twisted. The words he spat at her eating at him. He had not meant to snap but he was so frustrated with how she saw herself. 

“Were you off too?” Matt sent him through the mind link.

“Going to work on my apology.” Adam sent back flashing him a small smile.

“Alpha knows this has nothing to do with you. Everyone knows Mallory is…spirited.” Matt sent back with a smirk.

“It’s not the Alpha.” Adam sent back letting out a small breath.

“Oh well good luck with that.” Matt smirked, throwing him a wink before walking towards his home.

“Patrol in the morning.” Matt sent to him as Adam began walking off. 

“Bright and early.” Adam sent back his eyes looking up at the stars trying to find his words.

The words Mallory I am sorry kept repeating over and over as he walked to her house. He knew Mallory I am sorry wasn’t good enough but he was only partially sorry. He just wished she could see herself as he saw her. He stopped in the light that poured down from her window. He took a deep breath and picked up a small pebble from the ground. He rolled it around in his hand before tossing it at her window. The ping echoed through the night.

“Come on Mallory.” Adam whispered, picking up another pebble and chucking it a little harder at the window.

As the pebbles soar through the air, just as it was about to hit the window. The window opened. A hand catching the pebble. Adam flinched expecting the pebble to hit them.

“You know tossing rocks at someone’s window is a little fairy tale storyish for you.” Mallory smiled and dropped the pebble.

“Can I come up?” Adam asked quietly.

“What’s the password?” Mallory smiled, she was so happy he was there.

“Really.” Adam laughed, shaking his head.

“Password.” Mallory said fiercely.

“What if I just force entry.” Adam smirked, mischief flashing in his eyes.

“Well that would be unfortunate. I would hate to kick your ass wounded. That would be sad for you.” Mallory grinned.

“I’m coming up.” Adam said, grabbing the side of the bricks and pulling himself up.

“No password, no entry.” Mallory laughed and then winced in pain grabbing her side.

“We will see about that.” Adam said, scaling the wall and reaching her window within seconds.

“Woe! Extra quick today.” Mallory teased and blocked the window.

“Let me in.” Adam ordered his voice low as if it was a secret command.

Mallory felt her stomach flip in excitement. She narrowed her eyes at him. She shook her head no at him, refusing to move from blocking the window. Adam pulled himself up into the window sill leaning in. His nose inches from hers. 

“Password.” Mallory said firmly, placing her arms on the window sill saying she was blocking him.

“Mallory I am so sorry.” Adam said, his voice cracking a little.

“I am sorry you have given the wrong response to the password. You will now be ejected from the window.” Mallory smirked, putting her hands on his shoulders as if she was going to shove him.

Adam shook his head at her. His hand went to her cheek. She was standing in the window. Her hair was down flowing about her. The moonlight coming in from behind him, gave her a glow. Her white nightgown shimmer in it. Mallory leaned into his hand. 

“Mallory is the best.” Adam said with a smile dancing on his lips.

Mallory pulled her lower lip in and nodded, the way he said it made her chest feel heavy. Like it meant more than just a silly game they used to play when they were kids. She moved aside, allowing him in. His feet hit the hardwood floor and Mallory felt like this time was different then all the other times he had crawled through her window. She felt nerves racing around inside. Adam was her safe space why was she nervous. 

“Mallory I am so so sorry.” Adam said, taking a step towards her, his eyes going to the wound on her head.

“Adam, you didn’t hurt me. I fell. It’s not like you smashed me over the head with a rock and broke my ribs.” Mallory said, shaking her head. 

“Ribs?” Adam asked moving close others, his eyes fixated on her ribs, he then noticed the way the night gown hugged around them, he could see the shape of the bandages.

“Shit Mal.” Adam whispered in his voice full of regret.

“Adam, you didn’t push me either, stop.” Mallory said, shoving his arm lightly and then winced.

“How many?” Adam asked his hand subconsciously going to her side, he gently touched them.

“I’m not sure. Several. It’s going to take some weeks to heal.” Mallory said with a shrug.

“Fuck.” Adam whispered.

“It’s no worse than when I broke my foot. I may heal slower than wolves but I heal quickly for a human.” Mallory said, bopping him on the nose. 

“I am sorry you're hurt but that’s not why I am sorry.” Adam said, his hand moving to her hip.

“Oh?” Mallory asked, now physically aware of how close he was to her, this was never a problem before.

“I am sorry I yelled at you but only half sorry.” Adam started trying to figure his apology out. 

“ Well that’s an apology. Anyways I am sorry I yelled at you too.” Mallory said, giving him a weird look.

“I am only sorry because I yelled at you. I am not sorry for trying to tell you to stop seeing yourself as worthless. You are amazing and strong. Kind, smart. You're a born leader. And a little bit funny.” Adam said the space between him and Mallory was getting smaller.

“Adam I -” She tried to deter the overwhelming emotions, she looked down at the ground.

“I just wish you could see yourself the way I see you.” Adam said , grabbing a hold of her chin and lifting it up.

Her eyes met his and her stomach flipped inside like summer salts. She could feel every part of herself inching closer to him. The world around them stopped. His head lowered and his lips pressed into hers. The warmness of his lips spread through her and her hand found its way to his hip pulling him closer. His mouth moved against hers pulling on her lower lip making her mouth open slightly. His tongue slipped into her mouth causing a rush of tingles to spread through her. His hand moved to her lower back pulling her against him as he deepened the kiss. His tongue brushing against his more fiercely and demanding. Mallory moved into him more and then there was pain. She winced, a shooting pain from her ribs shot through her interrupting everything in that moment.

Adam moved back carefully. His eyes searching hers and then going to her ribs to see if she was hurt.

“Shit Mallory I’m sorry.” He whispered out of breath.

“No, no um it's ok. Maybe um maybe you should head out, it’s late.” Mallory rambled on the moment catching up to her and suddenly she felt fear.

“Um ok.” Adam said, dropping his hands from her and stepping back.

“You got patrol in the morning and I still need to help my mother with the bits and pieces left over from the council.” Mallory said finding excuses.

“Mallory I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to well actually I am not sorry for the kiss but if i made you comfortable-

“It’s not the kiss Adam.” Mallory said a small amount of pain leaking out into her voice.

“Then what is it?” Adam asked going to her.

“I..I don’t want to talk about it.” Mallaory said quietly. 

“Tell me.” Adam said demandingly, worried slipping into his voice.

“What if you have a mate? I mean what if we do this and she comes along. Your other half you're meant to be. “ Mallory whispered.

“Mallory, you don’t know that.” Adam said, realizing her fear.

“Adam, I don't have a wolf. I can’t be your mate. And you, you are so perfect you have a mate somewhere out there.” Mallory said, stepping away from him, her voice cracking as she tried to hold back tears.

“You don’t know that. You don’t know that it’s not you.” Adam argued.

“We would know by now…wouldn’t we.” Mallory said, frowning.

“Your parents, my parents, Matt and Lilly Wyatt, everyone has mates and it's different.” Mallory argued.

“Matt and Lilly!” Adam said like he had just won a prize.

“Ok..” Mallory said back, confused.

“Lilly doesn’t have a wolf. She is a hunter and they are mated.” Adam said, following her across the room.

“Adam.” Mallory said quietly.

“Listen princess, you do not know if you don’t have a wolf. She will show herself and she will be strong and fierce. And we will be mated. I don’t care what you say, you are my other half. I feel it.” Adam said firmly.

“Adam.” Mallory frowned her own heart breaking because somewhere in the pit of her stomach the fear had taken over.

“I decide what my fate is.” Adam said, closing in on her and grabbing her chin.

“I want you. You and all your problems and mishaps and adventures. I know it.” Adam said, kissing her forehead.

“You're signing up for a big ... .mishap.” Mallory chuckled, chasing a tear out of the corner of her eye.

“I know what I am getting myself into. You will see. You are meant to be my mate.” Adam said, pressing his forehead to hers.

“Good night princess. Get some rest. You need to heal.” Adam said, going to the window.

Mallory choked back her argument and watched Adam leave. She loved him, she had always loved him but something kept telling her that it would be nothing but heart break.

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