
Chapter Five

Chapter Five


We’re waiting on orders.” Matt said tugging on Adam’s arm who was peering too deeply into the forest.

“Yeah I know.” Adam said, his voice full of anger.

“Chill out.” Matt said, shoving him lightly.

Adam whipped around his eyes glowing, his body shaking; he wanted to fight something. Needed to get this anger out somehow.

“Watch yourself.” Matt smirked, his eyes daring him as Ryker pushed forward.

“Sorry.” Adam said quickly, he didn’t mean to take it out on Matt but he was so angry.

Angry with himself for letting her get her. Angry that he snapped at her, angry at her for thinking so lowly of herself. He clenched his jaw, his teeth grinding against each other.

“It’s not your fault.” Matt said quietly as he watched the rest of the patrol coming out of the forest. 

Adam just gruntted his response, his eyes fixed on the large gray wolf that was moving quicker than the rest of them. Adam felt his stomach sank slightly. A chocolate brown wolf flanked it’s side and Adam let out a breath.

“It’s gonna be ok.” Matt winked seeing his reaction as he waited for them.

The chocolate brown wolf shifted before Adam could even respond. It was across the distance to them in no time, out running the gray wolf. Sarah cupped Adam's face with her hand. Her other hand went to his shoulder.

“Are you hurt?” She asked quickly, her eyes scanning him.

“Mom.” Adam said, rolling his eyes at her.

“That wasn’t an answer.” Sara said frowning deeply, she could see he was physically fine but something was wrong. 

“Adam.” Dante’s voice came from behind them.

Adam bowed his head to his father feeling a rush of shame and guilt. 

“Beta, I ..-”

“Broken ribs, head wound. What were you thinking.” Dante said, listing off Mallory’s injury.

Adam didn’t respond. The remainder of the wolves caught up. Dante heard them behind him. He shifted his gaze to them.

“Dante, it's not like he pushed her.” Matt said, coming to his defense.

“Silence.” Dante ordered Matt.

“Silence.” Matt mimicked back but due to status he had to follow Dante’s order.

“He’s going to wish he never silenced me.” Matt snickered through a mind link to Adam.

Adam didn’t pay attention to Matt’s mind link. His guilt eating him away. 

“Adam, you will lead the way to where you saw the intruder.” Dante ordered him sharply. 

Sarah frowned deeply and nudged Dante. He clenched his jaw but as Sarah rubbed his upper arm, the tension from Dante melted away. He let out a sigh not saying anything else. The look on Sarah’s face was telling him he was being too hard on Adam. He pulled his lower lip into his mouth making a tight frown. Adam didn’t notice and began walking across the clearing. Matt followed next to him.  Sarah sighed and shifted back into wolf form.

“Well Kiddo, I can't really splint broken ribs. You're really lucky none of the broken ones pierced your lungs.” Wyatt said coming back into the room.

“Do we have to tell them?” Mallory smirked a little.

“He already did.” Nora said, coming into the room.

“Hi..” Nora said in a small voice.

“Wyatt, what's the plan for her?” Nora said, sighing.

“Full body cast. Complete confinement for at least right weeks.” Wyatt said his face was firm and solid as he spoke. 

“What?” Mallory asked, going to sit up and flinching.

“Afraid so, If only you had listened to your mother.” Nora shrugged a smirk lingering on her lip.

“Mom, there is no reason for me to be there.” Mallory sighed.

“There is every reason for you to be there. You are my daughter.” Nora said, frowning seeing the small flicker of pain in Mallory’s eyes.

“Yeah I know. Everyday I am reminded I am your daughter.” Mallory said quietly.

“You. You are not lacking.” Nora said firmly.

Mallory felt her lip quiver at the words. She took a breath in. Trying to hold back the emotions that were eating her alive.

“Does the cast cover my ears?” Mallory jested trying to draw the attention off how vulnerable she felt. 

“I mean I don't see why not.” Wyatt winked at her.

“Perfect.” Mallory chuckled and then winced from the pain.

“I’m going to go get supplies.” Wyatt said, excusing himself.

“Are you in a lot of pain?” Nora asked her concern all over her face.

“No, not really. Just when I move or laugh.” Mallory grinned.

“Have you…Have you checked in with Adam?” Mallory asked before Nora could respond to her pain response.

“They are just finishing up searching the area where he saw the intruder. He should be heading back shortly…You two ok?” Nora asked her, tilting her head as she asked the question. 

“We just got into an argument. That’s all.” Mallory said, biting her lip.

“Couples argue.” Nora grinned.

“Ma. We are not a couple or a thing. He’s my friend. My best friend. Besides, I don't even have a wolf.” Mallory said her voice cracking as she said the word wolf.

“Mal, is this what this whole thing is about?” Nora asked quietly.

“I don’t fit in anywhere. I dont belong with the hunters, I am not strong or coordinated.” Mallory laughed, pointing at her ribs and then flinching.

“I don't belong with the humans.” Mallory said, starting to ramable.

“I don't have super awesome powers that you once had. That everyone hoped for-

“Mallory.” Nora said, trying to stop her rant.

“Even if I did love Adam like that. I have no wolf. No wolf means no mate. At any point another female with a wolf could walk in and bam. Mate bond. Mallory on the curb…trash.” Mallory said in one big breath, tears sting her eyes as she let it all out.

“Mallory Adam wouldn’t-

“And how am I supposed to live up to you and Dad. Dad is amazing and strong and fierce people respect him. He has a power to him. He is freaking superman. And saved all worlds. Now even without powers you're still helping run everything…and you have a bad ass wolf…I have nothing. I am just me.” Mallory said tears slipped down her cheek.

It felt like her chest had cracked open as the words came rushing out like water from a flood gate. Nora wrapped her arms carefully around her, leaning her head into Mallory.

“My girl. You are amazing. -” Nora started to say

“Mom.” Mallory attempted to stop her. 

“Hush let me finish. Your wolf may still be hiding or even if you don’t have one. You still are faster than warriors who have been in training since they could walk. Your aim is incredible. Even when up against people who have the benefit of sharper senses. You may be clumsy but it is because you are not cautious. You jumped into everything feet first, heart first. You are stronger than humans but just need fine tuning. You hold responsibility and loyalty above everything else. Leading with both your mind and heart. You are what the moon goddess envisioned for our worlds. Do not sell yourself short.” Nora whispered to her.

“You do not need powers or a wolf. All you need is this.” Nora said, pressing her lips to Mallory’s forehead.

“And this.” She said, putting her hand over Mallory’s heart.

“I love you mom.” Mallory whispered to her.

“I love you too. You are all my stars.” Nora smiled at her.

“Alpha said he will need Luna to go address the council. Everyone can start heading home, they will postpone the meeting until everyone can make sure they're borders are secured.” Wyatt said his eyes still partly glossy from the mind link as he walked in the room. 

“Let’s get Mallory fixed up and she can help me address them.” Nora said, shifting from Mallory.

“In a full body cast?” Mallory said alarm.

“Did I forget to say gullible?” Nora laughed.

“Uh?” Mallory said her eyes shooting over to Wyatt who was holding up bandage materials.

“No full body cast kiddo, just a wrap.” Wyatt laughed.

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