
Chapter Four

Chapter Four

Lock Down

“Some one saw?” Knox asked as Ronan caught up to him.

“No.” Ronan said with a shrug. 

He wasn’t sure why he was lying. He knew she had seen him. She locked eyes with him from across the field. There was something, something about her. He wouldn’t have even stopped what he was doing but he felt this pull. When he looked over he saw her ice blue eyes. She was miles away from him but he knew the color of her eyes. He chalked it up to his wolf zoning in on her. 

“You sure?” Knox asked again, looking at him confused.

“There was some commotion. Someone may have found the body but I didn't care to stop.” Ronan said nonchalantly.  

“Do you care about anything?” Knox smirked as he nodded to the small group of men they had brought with them. 

“No, not really.” Ronan grinned, the men began moving out. 

“Good. It’s one of things I enjoy about you.” Knox laughed.

“Glad to be of service.” Ronan said sarcastically as he began following behind the men.

Knox took his place up front, someone brought him a horse. They moved on foot or horseback for the most part. They needed to be quiet, move like the shadows. Cars and atv’s caused noise. They needed to be unheard and unseen. Ronan would let the pack get ahead of him and he would shift. He liked being in wolf form much more than human form anyways. 

“Where to, Alpha?” Someone from the front asked.

“We need to split up.” Knox announced after thinking for several minutes.

“Come again?” Ronan spoke, the crowd moving so he could come up to where Knox was.

“We need to split up.” Knox repeated, Ronan was the only one who could get away with questioning him.

“Where are we headed?” Ronan asked intrigued.

“Well all of the council is meeting as we speak. Ronan you said the dead body has been found. So they are now on high alert. They are probably discussing the raids at City lights and Dark water. Jace is smart, he's connecting the dots. He is now going to assume that we will go to Red Woods or Moonlight. If he has figured out the pattern.” Knox grinned, his wheels turning in his head.

Knox paused for effect. Not only did he like being in power, having control and being in charge. He liked the dramatics of it all.

“So we split up. We need them to think we are larger than we are. We need to draw Cross River out. Have the other packs return to protect their lands. Then we can crush Jace.” Knox announced.

“Mick you are to take a handful and go to Moonlight. Burn something. We need to up each attack.” Knox ordered him.

“Yes Alpha.” Mick said, moving out of the crowd. 

Mick was tall and built like an oak tree. His mossy color hair even matches the tree bark. He was Knox's Delta.

“Angela.” Knox said a small smile on his face, as a thin but fit woman moved forward.

“Yes Alpha.” She smiled back.

“Take the rest of the men except four and move to Red Wood. I want dead bodies.” Knox smirked to her.

“As you wish.” Angela said bowing and then her eyes set on the crowd.

Angela was Knox’s Gamma. She was small and fragile looking but deadly. Her golden blond hair and green eyes drew you in, making her look innocent before the kill. The pack slowly began separating into groups.

“Ronan. I am heading back to gather the rest of the pack. I will bring them back here. You are to stay here with three or four men. Watch, report issues. When the time comes we will bring Cross River to its knees." Knox said, clapping Ronan on his shoulder. 

“Stop, I am fine.” Mallory said, catching her mom’s hand as she went to touch her forehead.

“Don’t tell me to stop. What were you thinking?” Nora asked, frowning. 

“Just that-

“Good morning.” Wyatt said walking into the room, seeing Nora’s face and Mallory's, he was almost thankful he walked in when he did. There was clearly about to be an argument.

“Hey Wyatt.” Mallory smiled at him.

“Let me take a look at your rebel.” He smirked coming over to her, Nora moved to a side still frowning.

“Ah I’m ok.” Mallory grinned, she liked Wyatt he never treated her any different.

“I’ll be the judge of that.” Wyatt chuckled, walking over to her. 

“Judge away. How’s Abby and Abigail?” Mallory asked, tilting her head so Wyatt could look at the wound.

“Great. Abby is due any day now and Abigail is trying to follow in Dad’s footsteps. She will be the next pack doctor I am sure of.” Wyatt said proudly.

“That’s so exciting Wyatt. You be sure to let us know if you need anything for Abby or little William when he arrives.” Nora smiled at him.

“Of course Luna.” Wyatt said, stepping back.

“All right Rebel, let me see the bad stuff.” Wyatt said, raising a brow at Mallory.

“Ugh fine.” Mallory sighed and winced trying to roll up her shirt.

Nora frowned seeing the purple and came to help her. Nora gently lifted the shirt and fought back a gasp. She tried to choke down the anger. If she had just listened she wouldn’t have gotten her. She wished she still had her powers if she did she would be able to fix this. She hated that Mallory didn’t heal like everyone else. If she had her wolf-

“Mom.” Mallory’s voice drew her from her rapid thoughts.

“Hmm?” Nora asked, hoping her thoughts didn’t show up on her face.

“Can you see if Adam is ok?” Mallory asked quietly.

“Adam?” Nora asked confused, her brows coming together.

“Is Adam hurt too?” Nora asked quickly.

“No, he’s just…he’s mad at me that's all.” Mallory sighed.

“Ok, I will link him in just a minute. How’s it look doc?” Nora asked, turning her attention to Wyatt.

“Well.” Wyatt said, reaching out and palpating the side of Mallory’s rib.

Mallory choked back a yell and tried to remain stone faced but the way her body was fighting it Wyatt knew she was in pain.

“We need an x-ray to say for sure but I am almost positive we have some broken ribs.” Wyatt said, rolling Mallory’s shirt back down.

“What?” Nora asked, looking at Wyatt as if she didn’t hear him.

“BROKEN RIBS MA.” Mallory yelled and said slowly.

“Mallory!” Nora grumbled at her for shouting.

“What I know, you're getting old. Just trying to make sure you understood.” Mallory laughed and then instantly regretted it, her hand going to her right side trying to hold it in place.

“Broken?” Jace’s voice came from behind them in the doorway.

“Hey Dad.” Mallory grinned sheepishly

“Broken.” Jace said again his tone firm.

“Maybe.” Mallory answered looking nervous.

“Damn it Mallory.” Jace grumbled crossing the room to look at her.

“We need x-rays to be sure but I think she has some broken ribs.” Wyatt said, bowing his head to Jace as he walked in.

“The wound?” Jace asked quickly, his hand going to Mallory’s forehead.

“Will hea, needs to be cleaned.” Wyatt answered just as quickly.

“See only slightly broken if at all.” Mallory said, winking at her Dad.

“You and your mother.” Jace said, shaking his head.

“Her mother.” Nora is repeatedly offended.

“Listen I know you're upset that I am hurt but if I didn’t fall we would have never found the body. We wouldn’t have known there was a threat. Speaking of, did you find out anything? There was someone across the way to the east. I only saw just one.” Mallory said, taking her father’s hand down from her forehead.

“We are running patrol. Adam is leading Matt to the east to show him where. We have the borders protected and we are increasing numbers.” Jace said, still frowning.

“The other packs here?” Mallory asked quietly.

“X-rays and then we'll talk about packing business.” Jace said softly to her. 

“Fine but did you tell Zeke and Asher? East is towards their packs.” Mallory said as Wyatt wheeled in a wheelchair for her.

“Yes. If you were at the meeting you would know.” Jace said firmly, being a little hard on her.

“If I was there we wouldnt know about the intruder. Wyatt take me away.” Mallory said slowly getting into the chair.

Jace shook his head watching her be wheeled out. Nora came up behind him and wrapped her hands around his waist leaning into his back.

“She’s so much like you.” Nora said quietly.

“As graceful as you.” Jace smirked back, Nora pinched his side.

Jace was still focused on the doorway that Mallory just left out of. He was secretly proud that even hurt his daughter’s mind went to the safety of the pack.

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