
Chapter Three

Chapter Three


Allies and friends, I am so pleased to see us all gather together. It has been twenty years. Twenty years of peace and working together. Cross River welcomes you all to eat, drink and be merry.” Jace’s lip curled up as he said the last sentence.

“The council members will proceed into discussions as the rest of you all enjoy yourself.” Nora spoke after Jace with the same smile resting on her lips.

Her eyes looked out over the crowd. Asher leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of Hannah’s head. Nora smiled bigger. She was so happy when the girl had stumbled onto Red Woods lands. She was a rogue hungry, frightened, and lost. She was now an incredible Luna and someone Nora cared for. Logan stood from the hunter's side, crows feet now living in the corner of his eyes. Even more so when he smiled. Zeke, now completely silver, moved through the crowd. Grayson was now Alpha of Black Sand. Chadwick never recovered from the damage Kip had caused him. He passed away in his sleep a year after they took down the Alpha council. Polly still full of energy and a ball of light gilded towards Nora, Shea following close behind. Nora watched their friends move to the front of the room to meet Jace and her. 

“Douglas?” Nora whispered to Jace.

“Running late.” Jace shrugged his hand going to her lower back.

She nodded but her stomach turned in on itself. She frowned a little but let Jace guided her into the back office. Jace pulled a chair out for Nora. She felt reluctant to sit. Jace raised an eyebrow at her. 

“Somethings wrong.” Nora sent him through a mind link.

“You are just worried about Lynn. Adam has her, he was going to let her blow off some steam and bring her back for the discussions. They will be here any minute. Do not worry.” Jace sent back squeezing her hand. 

Nora nodded. She watched everyone take their seats. They had designed this back off just for these meetings. Red Woods’s chair was design as a fall tree, Moonlight’s chair was the full moon, City light’s was a building seeming like it sparkled, Black Sands’s a desert at night, Dark water’s chair was waves deep in blue color, Silver mountain’s chair was a mountain cap, the hunters had bow and arrows on their chair, and Cross river had a river carved into it. Nora’s eyes focused on Silver Mountain, her mind wanting to know why he was late. 

“You know I am not one for long winded things. So let’s cut to the chase. Any problems?” Jace said leaning on the chair Nora was sitting in.

“All is good on the hunter’s end.” Logan said who was about as short winded as Jace.

“Red Woods is all good.” Asher nodded. 

“City Lights had an issue with some rogues a few weeks back.” Polly said, her eyes looking at Shea.

“Rogues?” Zeke spoke up.

“We have not heard of any rogue movement in years.” Grayson said his tone mimicked Zeke’s.

“They started at Dark Water. A few guards were attacked. Some supplies were stolen.” Shea said, nodding to Polly.

“Same thing happened at City Lights, although they were a bit more destructive. They went after our hospital.” Polly said. 

“Why did you not reach out sooner?” Nora asked her attention on Polly.

“It was a small incident and we handled it. We knew the meeting was coming up.” Polly explained, Shea nodded in agreement.

“You should have said something.” Asher spoke up, his brow in a frown.

“We did not want to cause an alarm if there was not a need for it.” Polly continued talking for herself and Shea.

Nora was watching Zeke, she didn’t need to look behind her at Jace. She knew his face was mimicking Zeke’s. Rogues have not existed for a while. 

“Well it is a damn problem.” Douglas said, walking into the room.

He looked worn out and tired. Stress written all over his face. 

“Douglas?” Jace asked him, concerned.

“We had an attack as well. They waited for myself and a few members to be gone. Like they knew when the council meeting was. They raided our crops, medical supplies and even tried taking some of the women.” Douglas said angry, his eyes fixated on Polly and Shea.

“You should have alerted us the minute an attack happened.” Douglas spat.

“Douglas ours were minor.” Polly said, trying to defend her stance. 

“They are clearly growing!” Douglas growled.

“Woah, everyone breathe.” Zeke said, trying to calm the situation down.

“Did anyone leave any of your packs?” Logan asked, his eyes studying them.

Nora felt sick, she felt shaky. The world was going silent around her. She could feel energy coming from somewhere. Her body on high alert. It had not reacted like this in years. Twenty years to be exact. 

“Jace.” Nora whispered.

The talking around her was blending together into one constant noise. She reached up and grabbed Jace frantically.

“Jace.” Nora said louder.

Everyone in the room stopped and stared at Nora. Jace came around to look at her. She was pale, sweat beaded across her forward. Her eyes flickered from ice blue to amber and then faded out like a flame.

“Somethings wrong.” She announced. 

“Alpha, there’s been an attack, a guard is dead. There was movement on the far east side of the pack lands. I couldn’t go after them. I have Mallory and we are making it back towards the pack house. Mallory is hurt when she fell. Wyatt needs to be on standby, she may have broken ribs. Alpha I am so sorry.” Adam’s mind link Jace, hitting him like a ton of bricks.

“Mallory.” Nora whispered.

Jace’s fist hit the table as the door behind him came flying open. Dante and Matt were both standing in the conference room.

“Lock down.” Jace ordered looking at Dante whose face matched his own.

Dante’s eyes glossed over as he began to send out the commander to all pack members.

“Matt. Get to patrol now.” Jace ordered him, he was out the door before anyone could question.

Nora got to her feet. She locked eyes with Logan who stood at the same time she did. He felt it too. 

“Council members, we have had an attack. I ask you all to order your pack members to stay inside the great hall until we can confirm everything is safe.” Jace said to the table.

Nora began moving towards the door. She needed her daughter. She needed to know she was ok. She ignored the council members as she could tell a round of questions were about to begin.

“Nora.” Jace said his tone was soft because he could feel everything her body was going through.

“I need to get to her now.” Nora said firmly to him.

“I got her back.” Logan said, making his way to the front.

“Don’t go off far, Adam is bringing her through. He will be coming into the community shortly. Meet him in the front. Logan-” Jace said firmly”

“I know if anything happens to her I will die. I got it.” Logan said, winking at him as he joined Nora.

“Jace, is there anything you need?” Asher and Zeke both said at the same time.

“A guard was found dead just east of our border. Asher Red woods is not far and if they change directions they are coming for Moonlight. Alert your people.” Jace said quietly. 

Adam, you don’t need to carry me.” Mallory argued, they had made it out of the woods and crossed the long grass. She was now able to see houses.

“Hush. We need to move fast and you're injured, princess.” Adam said trying to joke but inside his guts were twisting together. 

“Put me down now!” Mallory yelled at him and moved in his arms so much that Adam almost dropped her.

“All right!” Adam said anger in his voice as he set her down.

“What the hell Mal.” Adam said as he watched her struggle to stand up right.

“I can walk.” Mallory said to him, ignoring the look and continuing on ahead.

“Barely.” Adam counter catching up to her.

“I am fine.” Mallory said through her teeth, she could see movement up ahead.

“You are not. You..are…hurt.” Adam said drawing out the words to make a point.

“I do not need any pity.” Mallory said, turning on her heels staring at him in his eyes, her hands in fist at her side.

“What the fuck Mallory. No one is pitying you but yourself.” Adam snapped back as she got closer to his face.

“You have no right to tell me-

“I have been watching you do it forever now. Mallory you are the only one doubting, pitying and holding yourself back.” Adam yelled, cutting her off.

“Fuck you.” Mallory said her body was shaking from anger.

“Mallory!” Nora’s voice echoed behind them.

“You mind linked my mother.” Mallory said, gritting her teeth.

“I had to let Alpha know what had happened.” Adam said defensively.

Nora rushed to her side. Mallory could tell by the way her clothing was barely hanging on to her, her mother had shifted and ran here in wolf form. 

“Where are you?” Nora said as she began looking at her head wound.

“Mom, I fell and rolled down a hill. Hit my head and hurt my sides. I am ok. There’s something bigger than me being hurt. One of the guards was killed.” Mallory said, catching her mother’s hand.

“I know your father’s working on it. We are going into lock down till we find out exactly what happened.” Nora said, holding her hand still.

A black jeep that had the doors and roof off pulled up behind them. Mallory recognized his blond tousled hair, as he stepped out of the car.

“Uncle Logan?” Mallory asked, confused.

“Hey kiddo. Nora I swear you really want to see Jace and I battle it out one day.” Logan said to her, shaking his head.

“Sorry I had to get to her.” Nora smiled weakly at him.

“You're pretty banged up. Come let’s get you over to Wyatt.” Logan said, winking at her.

Nora began helping Mallory over to the car. Logn getting to the driver seat. Mallory paused as her mother went to help her into the car. Her eyes locked with Adam. Nora followed her gaze.

“Adam?” Nora asked him.

“I am going to catch up with the patrol. I have first hand knowledge of where it happened.” He said quietly.

“Ok. Wait for them. Do not go off on your own.” Nora orders.

“Yes Luna.” Adam said, bowing his head.

He wasn’t coming with her? Mallory thought as Nora pushed her into the car. As the jeep pulled off Mallory locked eyes with Adam. He looked at her once more before starting to make his way towards the woods. 

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