
Back Fires

Nathalie, consumed by a seething rage, stared at her phone screen, her face contorted with fury and anguish. With each comment that appeared, her anger intensified, fueling a destructive storm within her. Unable to contain her emotions any longer, she unleashed her wrath upon her surroundings.

The air in Nathalie's house crackled with tension as she flung objects across the room, the sound of shattering glass resonating through the air. The once pristine space now resembled a scene of chaos and turmoil. Furniture toppled, ornaments shattered, and shards of broken glass littered the floor, reflecting the shattered fragments of Nathalie's composure.

Witnessing the heartbreaking scene, Sophia, Nathalie's manager, arrived at Nathalie's house in a panic. Her eyes widened at the sight that greeted her, a distraught Nathalie amidst the wreckage of her own fury.

"Nathalie!" Sophia called out, her voice filled with concern and urgency. She carefully made her way through the debris, stepping ov
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