
CHAPTER FOUR: The Clifford Constitution

Alexander’s POV

Harry Clifford, the chosen brother, the best of the Clifford genes, loved, celebrated, doted on, the child everyone wanted and me neglected, ignored, overlooked, not his worthy opponent, not his second, not even his spare but invisible. Harry Clifford, now hanging on the wall, nothing but a fucking portrait on the wall. Obliterated from the world.

I blow a huff, digesting the giant portrait of my brother in his favorite place at the Clifford Manor. The boring, dandy, depressing study, an empty room of books and echoes. I often wondered why he loved this place so much and now I wonder what it will be without him.

I had taken the next flight out of Spain back to Sussex; leaving Olivia to simmer in the Clifford Manor, until I was well away. We couldn’t have anyone finding out about our affair, especially not fresh after her husband’s death; people would crucify us, Olivia more than me. Not that I cared for people’s gossip but Olivia definitely needed a breather, so best we kept things as discreet as possible.

I arrived at Clifford Manor consumed with both pain and guilt. I didn't have the best relationship with my family but losing them, both, like this. It was torture, the universe had stuck it’s hand in my eyes.

“Alexander” A solemn voice invades, I turn

“Simon” I met his wounded gaze, his pain drawing lines on his face, his eyes looked heavy with unshed tears. His lips tremble, I seem to be stoking his sympathy.

He scoots over to where I was standing and pulls me to a full hug. “I’m sorry” A low mumble

I freeze, unattached, unprepared, not used to and not needing this emission of unbridled emotions. I take his shoulders, patting my way out of his arms. When I release him, his eyes nearly betray him but a sharp sniff and a head shake save his composure.

“I’d like to know what needs to be done and what I need to do” I state clearly.

“You…” He takes my eyes, his brows furrow. “Are you sure?….I mean you just lost your grandfather and your brother…I would think you need a moment before bombarding you with responsibilities”

“I don’t need pampering Simon; I need to know what needs to be done so I do it and get back to my trip” His jaw slacked, horizontal wrinkles appeared on his forehead, exposing his surprise.

“What is it Simon? Have I said something off?”

“No…It’s just you can’t go back to your trip”

I let out a hostile chuckle. “Ofcourse Simon not now, but after the burial I would definitely have to cut out”.

Alexander Clifford had to expend his energy and he certainly couldn’t do it from here, in this dreadful Manor, the den of all his nightmares. I scoff inwardly.

“I’m sorry Alexander but I don’t think you understand; your grandfather died along with your brother…” His eyes offered twice his words.

Fuck Simon! why mention the obvious. I could drive you into a fucking wall fool. His recourse tells me he read the impressions on my face.

“All I’m trying to say is, with your grandfather and brother dead, you’re the new forerunner of the Clifford Empire. You literally cannot go back to the life you’re used to”

I chuckle; the crude kind, my eyes wander, I chuckle again but totally not funny. Simon is making a not so funny joke.

“And why the fuck would you think that I would want to forerun anything out here?” I flare.

He lets out a sharp breath. “Alexander, your Grandfather named me Executor of the Clifford Estate before he passed…he trusted me, Harry trusted me….”

Of course he did, the old fool trusted everyone but me and Harry gullibly did anything he asked. I flip inwardly.

“And as Executor, I must look out for the best interest of Clifford”

“It’s just a lot of talk, I’m waiting for the part where I can get the fuck out of here”

“I—I don-t see that you….” He stammered and paused, gauging my emotions and forced a finish. “You don’t have a choice here Alexander”

One intimidating step after the other, I stride to where he is, my fierce gaze drilling him. “I always have a choice….I am nothing like any of you out here, I live by my own rules, on my own terms and no one, absolutely no one can tell me what to do” Absolutely nobody; they didn’t call me the rebel of Sussex for nothing.

“Not even the Clifford constitution? Passed down generations after generations…”

“I don’t give a fuck what some old, groggily constitution has to say. I will not be tied to this fucking place” My blood takes heat, riling up inside of me.

I have no desire to be a forerunner, I am an invaluable cunt, unworthy of running the Clifford Empire, Grandfather made that very clear, one too many times. I am weak and don’t have the head to handle the matters of the Estate. Grandpa made it all too clear. I made my peace with it so I don’t need some stupid constitution trying to change that now.

“Look Alexander… I know that you have your ways of doing things and you detest being here as much as you detest what this place stands for… I know you love being the rebel of Sussex…”

Yes I do, very much. I gaud inwardly.

“But if you do not step up, Clifford empire would cease to exist…”

“What the fuck does that mean?” I seize the words from his mouth.

“The Clifford constitution….”

Oh the fucking constitution. I grunt loudly.

“States that only a Clifford can run the empire and in an event that there isn’t a Clifford available or capable to run the empire; the lawyers have strict instructions to put up Clifford Empire for sale, Clifford would be pieced apart for the highest bidder and in a matter of months, it would cease to exist”

A hostile laughter erupts. “What kind of fucked up people come up with something so preposterous and laughable”

“Your ancestors” Simon chips.

Bloody Ancestors, old skeletons still trying to stick a knife in me from their bloody graves.

“That’s not all” Simon says

I drag a hand through my rough curls, frustration building walls inside of me. A few more blocks and I’d explode.

I throw him a face, waiting, dreading his next words.

“You must take a wife”

I laugh; Simon’s unto another cruel joke.

“I am never marrying” I rasp

“You would need to Alexander” He insists

“I don’t need a fucking wife!”

“Clifford does; the constitution says to be Master of Clifford, you must take a wife or else you won’t be reinstated and Clifford goes on the market” He explained raptly

What?! What?! Taking a wife? That’s never going to happen. This rebel is not getting chained by any woman alive.

“You see marriage shows responsibility and stability….your ancestors believed that to run Clifford Empire, you must show responsibility and stability”

“Say no more Simon…. Say no more”

His words were starting to provoke a war inside me, a war that could light up Simon where he stood.


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