

Catherine’s Pov

I stir slowly, the soft bed caressing my skin, my mind swimming up through layers of thick fog. The dim light filtering through the white curtains painted the room in muted tones, and I squint, trying to make sense of my surroundings.

My head felt as heavy as two giant timber logs tied together, and my mouth felt dry, like cotton. I shift, and my limbs feel heavy and uncooperative.

I was not prepared for the shock that slammed my bones when my head made a sluggish left-turn. Shit! I exclaim inwardly, it’s Alexander! He’s here, at my bedside. His intimidating, devil-stare piercing into me. I could see invisible bullets shoot from his eyes, reducing me to a scared puppy.

“You’re awake,” His crude husk drive cold shivers down my spine.

I blink, trying to piece together the fragmented memories of last night, gently they flooded in; the bar, the loud music, the dancing, the drinks-too many drinks and Simon, yes Simon.

My eyes follow his ascending form, his devil’s gaze, h
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