
46: call in sick

Aria stared straight ahead, even though it looked like she could not see anything and was far out of his world. "I wish it were a dream." She told Anna, and she kept quiet as she kept on thinking about how the baby would have added to her life. She didn't know how to grieve because it felt weird, firstly, that a baby wasn't growing inside of her, and she didn't until she was gone. She didn't know how to cry, even if she felt like that was what she was supposed to do. She felt unworthy to grieve crazily for someone she wasn't attached to, yet she felt somehow incomplete, like she had lost an old friend. She sighed, thinking about how things would have turned out differently. She would have likely not made her choice yet about whether she should tell Robert that she was carrying his baby, or maybe if he had found out through the doctor at the hospital, she'd have wanted to keep the baby, but eventually she'd have felt the need to run away from him with her baby, and he'd not have heard
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