

"What is going on here?" Lucio asked as he stepped into Valerie's office. Jason's eyes widened but he was quick to comfort himself and rushed over to Valerie.

"Honey, are you alright?"

Valerie glared at him and he squared his chin stubbornly whispering. "Lucio is here so you better not make him suspect anything"

"I'm fine" Valerie smiles while trying to stand up. When an excruciating pain surges through her ankle she winces and reclines back to her seat.

"What is going on here? Valerie, are you alright?" Lucio asked as he drew further closer

"Yes I am, I wasn't looking and I fell"

Lucio throws a suspicious look at both of them, that wasn't what he saw but then he didn't really see all of it. What he saw was just Valerie crashing against the table, the force she landed could have only happened with gravity, which means she was pushed. Lucio glanced over to the spot Jason was standing before rushing over to Valerie, that was the perfect place to push someone.

"Are you sure you fell?"
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