

"Who is knocking?"

"I don't know, you can go check it out" Lisa was walking towards her bed. Lucio tries to hold her but on a second thought lets her go and walks out of the room. When he was gone Lisa laid back on the bed but she wasn't sleeping, the only thing on her mind was David. She wanted to know how her friend was faring. Picking up her mobile phone she tried to call his line but it was going straight to voicemail.

Not giving up so easily, Lisa tried calling him up again but then the same thing kept happening and so she lowered her phone to the bed stand. David needed some time alone at least. That was the only explanation she could give to herself to try and calm herself down.

Tears crowd her eyes and once she was about to cry when she heard Lucio's voice coming from the living room. He was shouting at someone, the anger in his voice was so dangerous that Lisa couldn't ignore it any longer and so she got up from bed and hurried out of the room. She has not heard Lucio this
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