


My sight first caught on the big and wide bed neatly dressed with white bedsheets and four pillows at the head of it, My lips opened in Wow, Honestly, this place is amazing, the whole bedroom is white, everything from the curtains on the windows to the floor, the couch, the wardrobe and the chandelier also shimmering with pure brightness.

The atmosphere can make one feel so relaxed and if they should be worried and perplexed this room will chill them off. I slowly turned and looked at Damian whose intense eyes were already fixed on me with his arms akimbo as I silently inspected his whole bedroom just with my eyes. 

I stared at him with unease lingering in my heart which came as a result of the effect his sight had on me, “Your Bedroom is lovely,” I said quickly as I slightly nodded my head and let a gulp down my throat but he just winked at me, 

“You are welcome,” as he sat on the bed removing his jacket suit from his body. 

I cleared my throat as he looked at me in response, I don't seem to be myself around this man because every damn thing about him is scary, his eyes, his build, just everything. Only God knows the kind of beast he will be like when he gets angry. 

‘Are you planning on getting him to lose his mind?’ A voice in my head asked

No, I'm not.

‘Sooo, why worry.’

I'm just scared if in case that happens only my creator can deliver me from him. I don't know why I've always had this feeling since on my way to his palace.

‘You better stop having silly thoughts., Sophie. Rather be thinking of how to live with him for the rest of your life. And not just live but how you can make him fall for you, let him fall so hard and I'm telling you, girlie, you will be happy for the rest of your life.

I nodded, you are right, you are right. 

But in the short time I have been with him, he seems to be a cool and calm man. I can't say he is good either but time shall tell. 

I crossed my hands on my chest, feeling a bit nervous, “Am I going to be sleeping on the same bed with you?” My face is aloof. 

He cringed his head as he removed the necktie from his neck, “Yes, of course, Sophia.” His voice was stern. 


I shook my head quickly, “I can't.” Flicking my eyes as I averted my face. 

He chuckled, looking at me one more time as he shook his head, “You are my wife.” I hastily glanced at those eyes of his and he seemed to be pretty serious. I averted my sight instantly looking away at the couch by the side of the bed some miles away in the ample bedroom. I think I will be sleeping on that couch. It's pretty cool. By the way, the upholstery is adorned on it. There will be no difference between it and this bed of his.

“What were you doing at the Bar?” His voice is calm and his face nonchalant.

That's so fast, Mr. Cold.

I don't want to talk, Mr cold stop pestering me. 

I said curtly, “None of your business.” 

He looked at me nonchalantly, “Huh, I see, But you ran away because you didn't want to marry me?” 

I stared at him with my face budging, “I didn't,” shaking my head nervously.

“So what were you doing at the Bar, from what I noticed you were drinking because of anxiety.” 

I stared at him, uttering no response. 

“Your Dad, told you you are marrying me and you didn't want it to happen and you ran away and luckily for me, you bumped into me as you ran away, Hmm?” He smirks 

Whether I run or not, it shouldn't bother you. 

His heart heaved as He gave me a passionate look, “I understand it's kind of tough to cope with stuff like that when it comes your way.” 

I almost spaced out looking into those pairs of eyes, if not that I was self-conscious he would have noticed that. He seems to be a cool guy. I was thinking by now he should be harsh with me or something, but this is not the case here. I thought that if I arrived here his fiancee or whatever would welcome him with a hug and a kiss but this is not the case. Wait a second it's too quick for me to decide that. Billionaires like him are womanizers, just a few of them are reasonable.

They have the affluence to flirt with as many girls as they can even when they marry the woman they claim to love. My God, I have seen it countless times and have also read some books about them. In my case here, we never knew each other, I just got lucky I met with him at the Bar as I had been devastated since the beginning of this part of my life. If I am too quick to conclude he has no mistress then I might be so naive. Time shall tell. When I stay here for like a month or so, I will know.

His words melted my heart as I stared into those pairs of green orbs. I nodded unconsciously as I flicked my eyes at him, letting a lump down my throat and my heart beat faster a little bit. Honestly, I never expected him to say that. 

He smiled at me winking his left eye and I felt butterflies in my stomach which resulted in me cringing my head. 

I abruptly looked up when I heard the studs of shoes marching towards me just to see Damian bare-chested staring at me with his hands in his pockets. Wow! My mouth widened seeing him like this, his broad chest well developed, and my sight followed down to his well-developed and visible abs. 

With his hands akimbo, “Huh,” He smirks as he utters and I snapped, lowering my sight to my hands held together in my face as I fidgeted with my fingers. He just caught me checking him out.

“You are free to look at this stunning creature before you, Sophia.”

Heck! Such an arrogant jerk. Is that how you look at yourself? Never take my word for it, He is stunning indeed as he said.

He made his way so close to me. I tried as much as I could to know what he was up to but I couldn't. I couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief as I closed my eyes with my fist clenched by the sides and my knees shivering a little bit. I was startled when I felt his hands slowly traced down my cheek and he caressed it. 

I opened my eyes as I looked at him in disbelief at his sudden action as my heart raced in my chest. His face lit up with smiles as he twirled with the strand of my hair in his finger. His gaze shifted from the strand of my hair to my face, piercing straight into my eyes, 

“That night, don't you want to talk about it?”

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