


I stood with the veil covering my face as sweat trickled down my face,

“I don't think I can do this.”

My Dad who stood beside me held my hand as we moved to the sofa in the room I got dressed to proceed to the church

“You can, my daughter.”

I looked at my Dad intently with emotions all over my face as I heaved a sigh of relief placing my hands on my chest, “ I have made up my mind to do this but I'm so scared, Dad.”

“Just do this for our sake, For the sake of your aging father, please Sophia don't mess this up it's our only hope,” Dad said sorrowfully, his brows creased as his eyes brimmed with tears he couldn't help but let it shimmer down his cheek. 

He is truly doing this because he has no other option and I have to make things right by marrying Damian whom I will get to know on the Altar as the priest declares us Husband and Wife 

I looked at Dad as I held his hand tightly in my arms and I didn't know when my sight was blurry with tears. Seeing my Dad cry, He is so emotional leading me to this path in my life. I nodded in reply as I opened my mouth to speak I couldn't find the words instead I broke down wailing with the heaviness in my heart, hiding my face in Dad's chest 

Dad embraced me, “It's okay, Sophia,” as he broke away from the hug, “ Look at, me Sophie.”

I reluctantly raised my head a little bit looking at Dad who locked his gaze on me.

“You don't have to worry about anything, I'm your father and I will not let you be just like that. I will always be there for you. Don't worry, I'm here for you” 

Hearing such calm and inspiring words from Dad gave me much hope.

I nodded subserviently with my gaze lowered to my hands in response as I hugged Dad tightly, “ You are the Best Dad, I love you.” 

“I love you too Sophie,” as he kissed my forehead.

I pulled away from the hug 

“Now, clean up, let's go, they are waiting for us,” Dad says calmly but he still seems to be worried.

As Dad and I made our way to the altar the whole crowd was silent since all the congregations engrossed their sight on us moving in the aisle like the president of the State had just arrived. Dad led me to the Altar and left taking a seat on the first sofa at one of the rolls in the church.

I stood right in front of her husband-to-be who was dressed in a black sleek suit revealing his muscular build. I didn't bother knowing who he was as I cringed my head in sorrow. My whole heart is shadowed by the pains of marrying who is not next to my heart, the man I do not love. And the thought of living with him forever lingered in my heart.

The priest cleared his throat making me listen attentively,

“Damian Kingsley, do you take Sophia here to be your beloved wedded wife in pain and laughter, in happiness and sorrow, in health and sickness?”

“Yes, I do.”

The voice struck into my thoughts as I quivered, staring at the man right in front of me. My husband-to-be with my eyes widened, and my heart racing in my chest. 

But My Husband-to-be looked at me with a little smile at the edges of his lips, 

Isn't this the man I met at the bar? I never thought I would meet him again. Oh no and he will soon be my husband, I wondered to myself as my eyes flicked everywhere but at Damian's face who gave me a nonchalant look. 

I nervously fidgeted on my stance as I managed to control my breath which was coming with heavy and loud gasps. 

The priest cleared his throat, “Do you Sophia Davies, take Damian to be your lawful wedded husband in pain and laughter, in happiness and sorrow, in health and sickness?”

As everyone was expecting me to say ‘yes I do’ almost immediately, it was never the deal here, I heaved a sigh as I looked down at my shoes instead, now the whole congregation was waiting for me to just say ‘yes,’ I slowly lifted my head with doubts full in my heart and it revealed on my face, I stared at her husband-to-be blankly. My sight traveled to Dad who stared back at me with sympathy filled in his eyes, with the look on his face, I knew he was silently urging me to say yes. I remembered what he told me, 

‘If you truly love your family then you have to make this sacrifice so I don't end up in jail.’

“Yes, I do,” My voice just above a whisper. 

“You may now kiss the Bride.”

Damian leaped in and his hand encircled my waist, pulling me to himself possessively as he placed his lips on mine. After a while, he moved away. I felt like not moving away but he did break away.

I stood still, my face nonchalant yet a little worried but Damian's face lit up with smiles. 

We sat in the car as the driver drove to Damian's humble aboard, Damian and I were both stealing glances at one another, Damian cleared his throat breaking the awkward silence in the car, 

“We met again,” as he tilted his head slightly looking at me with a smile on his face. 

I flicked my eyes at him as a result of the unease within me, but I didn't reply to Damian. This whole new life is something else and the thought of it makes me uncomfortable.

Damian reached out his hand to hold mine but I moved my hand hastily from my lap and crossed them over my chest as I stared outside through the window budging. 

Damian withdrew his hand as he adjusted his neck-tie and cleared his throat smiling foolishly

“You seem to be a hard-hearted thought,” his face locked on his phone screen. 

I abruptly turned and looked at his side profile, nonchalantly, not that I didn't like him but I wasn't happy at the moment.

Damian turned to me, his face stern, “My woman, welcome to your house once again.” 

I just stared at him. This man must be a womanizer, I thought.

We got down, and as we marched to the house, Damian stopped with his eyes looking into the space, “Let me honor my Adorable wife,” his voice calm and his face nonchalant. 

He hastily moved close and took me up in Bridal style. I wanted to hesitate but I didn't show it. I slowly hung my hands around his neck as our gaze locked together, everyone staring like we were trying to read the other’s thoughts. 

As Damian strutted with me in his hands into the house, I lay still looking at the wonderful face I hung my hands around, his chiseled jawline, and his nose were so perfect. I wondered how a living thing could be this handsome. 

“Stop looking at me like that, do you want to kill me,” Damian's voice is loud yet calm. His voice snapped me from her reverie and I flinched, 

I quickly just swallowed a lump as my eyes quickly flipped across Damian’s face who stopped and was now looking at me nonchalantly. I held on to his neck tightly as I averted my face and I wondered how he still knew I was looking at him without looking at my face.

“Here you come my love,” Damian lowered my feet on the floor as I stared in the ample room surprisingly. This house is wonderful, I guess the other day, I was in a hurry so I didn't look at the view like I just did.

“Let's go,” I startled as the husky voice took me unaware. I turned just to see Damian ascending the stairs and I followed behind him. 

My head hit a strong surface as I winced, “Oh!”

To my surprise, Mr. Cold giggled, 

“So you love teasing me,” my voice firm and my face stern. 

“Not really, I just don't want you to be overthinking.” 

I glared at him as my brows formed creased but instead, Damian kept on smiling widely at me which made me nibble at my lower lips terribly. 

As we were ascending the stairs with Damian in the front, He suddenly stopped in his tracks, and I, who was followin

g from behind, hit my head on his strong back. 

“Here we come, Mrs. Damian,” His face was lively with smiles as he stood with his arms opened by his sides.

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