


“I told you to get up and let me take you away from here but you claimed to be so stubborn. Keep quiet,” His voice firm as he struts towards the door. 

He walked with me over his shoulder to a black GLC 300 SUV and pulled the back door open. He dropped me recklessly, “Now don't be so vicious, you had only alcohol and you are behaving like this? what could have become of you if you took the drink that guy gave to you.” As he bent over me to buckle my seat belt, I pushed him away, “Leave me alone.” 

He glared at me, “Silly, Don't push me, and don't push your Savior.” He finally buckled my belt and closed the door. 

“Andy, Drive.” 

The driver nodded subserviently, “Yes Sir.” As he moved the car. 

He broke the calm atmosphere in the Car “Where is your house?”  

I'm not telling him I don't know him, what if he is a bad guy? And who knows if he has succeeded in kidnapping me? 

I made him look at me as I pulled him by the collar, I looked into his eyes, “I'm not telling you, Go to hell!” I shouted. 

He looked at me in disbelief and shook his head, his face nonchalant, “Alcohol is not for feeble people like you.” He observed my hand holding his collar as he glared at me, “Let go,” His voice was low yet deep. 

He adjusted his collar, “Since, you are this stubborn, not telling me where you live, you left me with no choice but to take you to my house.” His face stared into the space nonchalantly.

I smiled at him as I pinched his cheek, “ You must be a Joker.” I chuckled.

“Ouch! you wench” He grimaced in pain, as he scowled at me in disbelief, shook his head slowly then looked through the window. 

He opened the door and unbuckled my belt, “ Get down,” He stood waiting for me to come down from the car but instead, I lounged in the car as I narrowed my eyes on him. 

He abruptly carried me up in bridal style this time, I didn't make any drama as I felt warm in his strong arms, I slowly curled my hands around his neck looking at him with my eyes slightly closed. 

“Stop looking at me, Silly.” He said without looking at my face. 

How did he know I was looking at him when he did not even look at me for once since he scooped me? 

My back landed on a soft bed, “Sleep here, tomorrow you will leave for your place.” 

But to his surprise, I held my hands around his neck firmly.

I frowned, “Don't go,” I drawled making puppy eyes. 

The looks on his face became more austere, as he scanned my face

I stared at him confidently, with him still, bent over me, “Don't you wanna fuck?” I uttered.


I interjected him before he could finish saying what he intended saying, as I leaped from the bed holding onto his collar firmly and I placed my lips on his as my lips moved quickly over his in dominance

Startled by my sudden actions, “Miss, are you sure you want to do this?” 


I woke up just to see a man sleeping beside me,

“Oh My God!” I screamed as I jumped down from the bed pulling the duvet with me which covered my nakedness. My sight quickly fell on my hipster panties on the edge of the bed followed by my bra and con gown on the floor 

“Hey, don't shout, the morning is still young,” as he closed his eyes and lay back to sleep.

My chest started to heave, rising and falling slowly and I struggled for a breath. My mouth trembles and my head gets heavy. No… I can't believe this. I staggered backward leaning on the wall for support. 

“What did you do?” I yelled as my eyes blurred with tears. 

He quickly sat up, looking at me confusingly, “You made the move on me.” 

But I was drunk.

With a shivery voice, “How did I even end up here?” 

“ I met you at the Bar last night. You were with some bad guys and I saved you. I asked you where you lived but you didn't tell me so I decided to carry you to my house so you could spend the night and leave this morning.” He cleared his throat, “ That is how you ended up here, Miss” as he gave a smirky smile. 

Son of a Bit….

 He got down from the bed, heading straight into the bathroom. 

What have I done to myself? My heart sank as I replayed what happened, Heck! I made the move on him, I vividly remembered how I pulled him on the collar and kissed him. I'm doomed.

From Dad telling me to marry a man I don't know to Jimmy cheating on me now, I have made love to a stranger I don't know as a cause of trying to deal with my predicaments.

He dropped a red dress on the bed as I sat on the bed with my head resting on my knees, “Wear this after you have freshened up, come have breakfast.” He said calmly tucking his hands in his pockets, he exited the room with his face lit up with smiles. 

I don't have time for anything breakfast. I have to get away from here as soon as possible.


I got home and I slowly opened the door making sure my sight was clear before I went in. 

Oh yes! Dad is not in the sitting room, I slowly removed my shoes from my legs and held them in my hands as I snuck into the room. 

“Where are you coming from, Sophie?”

I froze immediately, hearing Dad's voice with my hand holding the barricade as I ascended the stairs. I slowly turned around just to see Dad standing in the center of the sitting room with his hands crossed over his chest, with the look on his face, he wasn't budging. 

Several lumps went down my gullet as I scanned through my head to have something reasonable to say.

G-Good Morni— uhhg..” I stood fidgeting nervously in my stance.

“I went to Look for a way out Dad,” I said quickly in one breath.  

He shook his head in reprimand, “Damian come here yesterday after you left. He wanted to see you before you are officially married but you decided to leave without telling me your whereabouts. I had to plead with him that you would be back any moment soon. He told me he sensed I was hiding something and you should better not run away.” 

Dad took a sit on the couch as I stood silently looking at his wor

ried self. 

“The wedding is tomorrow, Be prepared Sophie” Breaking the silence in the room

My eyes widened “What! But Dad that is too fast?” 

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