


I guess it's over between us. I have to face my dilemma. Life can be so frustrating, I can't believe all this is happening at the same time. Whatever it may be, let it be. 

I sat on the chair with my hand resting on the adorned table with beautiful flowers in the center as I looked at the glittering smooth surface. My fingers tapping on the surface, honestly my gaze is here but my mind isn't here, I kept pondering on all that happened just today, the more I tried not to think about it the more it kept drawing the picture of Jimmy in my head. 

I heaved a sigh, “Barman, come” as I motioned my hand at him with my eyes sank in frustration. 

“I am here, Madam.” He said with a mellifluous voice, as he bowed to me. 

My face was stern, “give me a bottle of Vodka”

“Okay ma,” as he leaves. 

“Wait,” my voice struck him and he stopped in his tracks suddenly and walked back to me. 

“Make it 5 bottles,” I said slowly as I narrowed my eyes on him. 

“Don't be surprised, is this the first time someone will come to this club to order 5 bottles of vodka?”

“No, Ma,” his shaky voice struck through as he let a lump down his throat. 

“Don't keep me waiting.”

“Madam, here is your order.”

“Oh! I was startled as his voice took me unaware, Stupid me, I'm already dozing off. Since I was born it's my first time to be offset to this kind of limit. When Mama died I never felt like I felt now. I guess it's because no one is there to console me. At Mama’s funeral, with Jimmy by my side and Dad who kept making sure Mama's death didn't take a toll on me as he was always encouraging me. 

The person who is supposed to join forces with me to deal with this issue diligently was busy enjoying a great time with her sugar Mummy telling her ‘You are far better than her' I'm so sure he was comparing me with her, It didn't cross my mind to even teach that girl a lesson. 

I could have snapped them in bed by now they should be begging me on their knees. I guess that isn't important, Ew! Disgusting.

Right now I'm here with my baby, I mean My Vodka. After I'm done with her I will find my way home and sleep till morning, I'm sure Jimmy might have gotten out of my head but this getting married to a Billionaire kind of shit, I think there is no way out.

“Hello,” a calm voice came through. 

I slowly raised my sight as I twirled the drink in my glass, staring at him confusingly. 

“Can I join you? Such a pretty lady shouldn't be here alone.”

I offered no response but he drew the seat beside me and sat down. 

He stared at me as I swigged the substance from the glass in my mouth and my facial expression tightened.

I picked up the bottle on the table, forgetting about the glass by my side. I chugged it and dropped the empty bottle as it fell on the table and rolled, as it fell on the ground, it broke. 

“Calm down, whatever you may be going through, please take it easy on yourself.”

“I don't want to talk to anyone right now, please leave,” I growled pointing my hand away so he could take his leave,

“I'm just here to help.”

Anyway, he has a nice voice. 

He leaped to my ear, “I have something to help you forget your sorrow very easily. Once you take it, all you have to do is sleep and by the time you are awake your life will not be the same, all your sorrows will be wiped away,” He took his seat and he chuckled. 

I smiled at him, “That sounds like a great deal.” 

I pulled him by the neck-tie as I stared at him in the eyes, “So where is it?” 

A smile hit at the edges of his mouth as he pointed behind him, “Over there” 

My gaze traveled in the direction abruptly and it fell at four men smiling at me. 

“Deal, let's go get it.”

He broke away from my grip, adjusted his neck-tie and we were off. 

Oh Damn it, I can't take my stance, 

“I think I should help you, hold my hand,” He smiled quickly as our eyes met and his face was firm immediately. 

“So this is the drink I told you about, just drink it then, I will take you to that room to rest,” his hand signaled at a door. 

I felt a firm grip on my hand as I was about to chug the bottle in my mouth. I slowly turned only to see a tall man in a neatly black suit glaring at me icy sight.

“What are you doing,” he questioned, his voice low-pitched. 

“Let go of me,” I yelled trying to lose his tightened grip, the more I tried and I began to experience pain in my hand. The grip tightened so strongly that I couldn't hold the drink in my hand anymore, it fell to the ground and broke. 

“Leave me alone, I screamed as he listened to me passively, with the look in his eyes he wasn't friendly. He loose his hand a bit and I furiously pulled away my hand fuming with anger.

I thought the guy who gave me the drink would fight the cold man who just made me feel pain in my arms. To my surprise, he stood shivering as a result of unease within him. 

What kind of Man is this? His presence commanded such respect, that the whole arena which was noisy a moment ago suddenly went silent like a graveyard. 

“We are sorry Mr. Damian.”

He raised his hand in the air, “Enough, Save it,” cutting them off curtly as one of the dudes coughed as a result of the breath that hitched in his throat. 

He put his hands in his pockets as he glared at them, "Get lost, Now!” He yelled and the boys quickly vanished. I flinched at the austerity of his voice even though he didn't talk to me. 

He furrowed his eyes at me, “This place is dangerous, crazy dangerous. what are you doing here?”

Who are you to be asking me that question dude? 

I nibbled at my lips, "It's none of your business, leave me alone,” with a smirk on my face. 

“I hate you, Mr. Cold, you just ruined my drink get lost,” I moved and shoved him in the chest with all my strength. To my surprise, he stood rooted like a statue and I ended up falling to the ground. 

“Ouch, I hate you.”

He stood with his hands crossed on his chest as he smiled at me snidely. 

“Now get up, I will take you home.” 

With a pouty face, “I won't just let me be” 

He abruptly held me on my waist and the next thing I was standing right on my two feet, 

“Surprised?” He chuckled as I couldn't fathom how suddenly he took me from the ground and I was standing on my feet right in front of him. 

His lit face was now tightened out of nowhere, “I don't know you and you don't know me, I'm just trying to help you, it's late already if I leave you here, only God knows what these people who see here will do to you at night, better follow me let me take you home.” 

I shook my head, I won't.” Staring at him nonchalantly. 

“So don't blame me,” He growled. 

He abruptly scooped me up as I curled on his strong shoulder which hurt my belly as it lay on it. 

“Help! Somebody help me,” I struggled as I beat his back so he could drop me down but I felt pain in my hands so I stopped hitting him.

“Drop me, now Mr. Cold,” I screamed.

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