


I stormed out of the house without looking back or caring to listen to my Dad as he called behind me. I just can't sit and watch my humble self get married to a man I haven't seen in my entire life. My greatest fear is he is a billionaire. Who knows if he is Christian Grey kind of Billionaire? God forbid. I have to put in my best. 

I love Jimmy. What will become of him if he knows that I am getting married to someone else? He won't take it likely on himself because Jimmy loves me too. I have to go talk to him. He has been supportive since I have been with him, He is caring and to crown it all he respects me a lot. I can't break a good man's heart. My heart won't let me be since my guilty conscience will deal the hell out of me.

“Take me to Nw 7th Avenue Rd.” I got into the car so I will go talk to Jimmy. He is not that rich but he has a reasonable number of well-to-do friends. He can come up with something reasonable and also get some help from his friends since they are his friends. They won't pressure him to pay them and I won't be choked to pay back also. I just hope everything works out as I intended. 

How much are we talking about here? 

Goddamn it! Oh no! All this while it never crossed my mind to ask Dad how much he is supposed to pay to the investors. Normally I would have but Dad never seems to be worried or moved with their constant pestering and whenever I ask him how it's playing out with the investors, he will just tell me nonchalantly, ‘I have got everything under control’ maybe that was what he intended doing, I mean meeting with someone with a great fortune to help him clear the debt. But one thing I'm sure of is that he never thought it would turn into such a daunting request to give me out for marriage. 

No, it's never too late, all that matters right now is seeing Jimmy, and if It went smoothly, whatever agreement Dad and the Billionaire, which I'm sure to be Christian Grey kind of, had, will be nullified. God, Just don't fail me. 

“Madam we are here,” The driver said calmly as he grabbed the steering wheel firmly and his head slightly cocked looking at me. 

“Oh! So soon?” I abruptly snapped, because to be sincere I was far away in my dreamland. 

I paid him his tip and headed to Jimmy's apartment. I wonder why he isn't picking up his calls. Where might he keep his phone? Well luckily for me, I turned the knob and the door opened. I shrugged off the thought of wondering where he might have kept his phone and I walked straight to the couch and lounge on it. His phone is right here on the table which means he is home and might be in the kitchen probably, because Jimmy is always in the kitchen whenever I visit him and he knows how to cook but certainly not more than me, I got the edge here. He is a wonderful cook but I'm superb. 

I leaped from the couch,” Jimmy are you there?” My voice echoed into the building but not a single reply came. I will just sit here and rest since I have had a hectic day at home with all the doldrums that come when I heard the news of Sophia marrying a Billionaire. Just lounge here and chill off for now when I get home Dad can bring it on again but he will melt down when I have gotten help from Jimmy and his peeps. 

“You are more than her.” I snapped up from the couch as I heard the calm voice that came from the direction of Jimmy's bedroom and the voice I can always identify who it belongs to even if I'm drunk. 

In my curiosity to be sure if it was Jimmy really, I furrowed my gaze in that direction as I listened attentively. 

“Stop keeping me waiting baby, give it to me” Then it was followed with moans and chuckles slightly above a whisper. 

I was startled like I got poured with ice as a shiver ran down my body. It's unbelievable. I'm sure I'm hearing things right now. My breath came heavily as I tried to grasp what was happening. I trailed to Jimmy's bedroom. My skin stiffened as my hands unintentionally clutched my mouth which widened as a shock of what I saw through the half-opened door that explicitly revealed the two images in bed with the quilt covering their lower bodies as Jimmy slammed into the slut as they all moaned in pleasure. 

I felt the world slipping away from my feet as I looked at them, my sight blurry with tears. How would I have believed if someone told me Jimmy could cheat on me? I can't stay here. If I delay, any moment from now, I'm sure I will be in a coma with the pains in my heart as it pounded terribly and my breath hitched. 

I vamoose the room slamming the door behind me. 

“Baby… Baby stop,” Jimmy called but I moved as quickly as my feet could take me, I clutched my handbag from the table, reaching the door, I bumped into Jimmy.

“Step out of my way and let me get away from here,” I yelled as tears shimmer down my cheeks. 

Jimmy reached out his hand to hold mine, “Look Baby just allow me to explain.” he said hastily.

“Explain what exactly? Do you want to tell me the woman I saw you fucking in your bedroom all happened by mistake?”

He lowered his gaze to the floor in shame as he ruffled his hair. 

“Answer me,” I yelled, my eyes blazing with anger as I snarled revealing my front teeth. 

He flinched and couldn't utter a word as he frowned in shame which I could tell he was remorseful. 

With the expression on his face I could feel his heart running in his chest as he tried to talk, his voice shivered and he kept quiet, gulping hard.

“I —- was — - please Sophia, We – didn't mean-” 

I finally concluded that it was not worth my time. For all I know I will go home and face whatever I had to face. Dad is the only thing I have left right now, He is my priority. I thought coming to Jimmy's house would make things better but it seems running to him intending that he will help just felt like I'm in the middle of a goddamn desert. 

I can't let Dad down, some things are meant to test our love with the people who will call our loved ones. I have to get a hold of myself. 

Alright, Sophie, breathe in, breathe out.

Wipe your tears and get a hold of yourself. 

It's fine. 

“Jimmy, since when did you become a stammerer?” I growled. He just gave me a confused look in response. 

No, answer me,” I yelled. 

As for the girl he is fucking I don't care to know what she looks like.

“Jimmy I thought you loved me,” My heart got overwhelmed and I broke down, “but you didn't. I came here to have peace of mind but you just added salt to the wound” I shook my head slowly with my gaze locked on him but he dared not look at me as he averted his face flicking his eyes uncontrollably.

“Goodbye, Jimmy.”

His eyes widened hearing my utterance as a lump escaped down his gullet, “No you can't go, I'm sorry,” His voice quivered as I could feel his heart beating fast. 

He rushed and knelt in front of me, “Please, forgive me just give me another chance,”

as he tried to hold up to my hand, 

I raised my hand abruptly in the air, “Don't touch me,” I said curtly.

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