

The team dinner that April had literally forced me to attend was nothing but a nightmare. Being 8 weeks gone, my belly bump hadn’t started showing yet, but the symptoms I was feeling were a little to hard to ignore and although I did my best to hide it, there were times when it was all just a little too much.

Like now, the burger place had an aroma that settled right with me, but the barbecue place we went for the dinner was a whole different story. The smell of the place nauseated me to no end and since I didn’t want to leave at the risk of seeming rude and ungrateful, I decided to stick out for a little while longer.

“You look like you would rather be anywhere else than here.” Jason said from beside me, earning him a kind smile.

“You have no idea.” I told him truthfully.

“You know you really didn’t have to do this if you didn’t want to right? They just really needed an excuse for a good time and free food. Trust me, they do it all the time.”

“Tell me about it.” I muttered, just as my brain started to process another thing he had said. “Wait did you say free food? How come?”

“You mean they didn’t tell you?” Jason asked, searching my face for answers.

“Tell me what?” I replied, starting to get a little worried.

“Oh my God.” he groaned, burying his face in his palms when he realized I had no idea what he was talking about.

“Jason, talk to me.” I pressed.”What did they not tell me?”

“Please tell me you have at least a few couple bucks to spare.” He asked.

“The newbie has to pay for everyone don’t they.” I stated as realization slowly began to dawn on me.

“Yup.”He replied, feeling sorry for me.

“And they are not going to be kind in their orders are they?” I asked, watching as my beloved colleagues ordered round after round of grilled beef and beer.They kept stuffing their faces full of the food, and drowning themselves in the beer. It was a Wednesday night, I wasn’t even sure how they were drinking so much. Surely, they would have a nasty hangover come morning, But who was I to judge?

April on the other hand swore that she was on some kind of diet and would only have a salad, but every now and then, I caught her stealing a piece of meat and shoving it in her mouth before anyone could notice. I almost laughed at the hypocrisy of it all.

“Nope.” He replied, Joining me to watch our colleagues as they made a dent after dent in my purse with every bite they took. “They are not.”m He replied, and now, it was my turn to feel sorry for myself.

“So, Elisa right?” Another guy, Carter started suddenly causing all eyes to whip in his direction. Why aren’t you eating or drinking?” He asked, and all eyes turned to me, waiting for an answer.

“Well…” I trailed of, not sure where to go from there because I was most definitely not about to say, “Oh, well, I’m two months pregnant, for a man who doesn’t love my by the way, and since I’m pregnant, the smell of your food is making me really want to throw up, and I don’t think I’m allowed to have any alcohol in my condition, but I really would like nothing more than to have at least one bottle, even though I know I’ll need much more than that in order to be able to deal with you lot.”

But instead, I said, “I’m just really not a fan of meat or beer.”

"So you're Vegan?" Carter asked again, and i really just wanted to punch him in his stupid face.

"No, i'm not vegan Carter, i just don't feel like eating. "

"Okay." He replied with a shrug. "Just know that you refusing to eat isn't going to give you a free pass from paying." He started, then paused thoughtfully before adding. "You do know that you're meant to pay or all these right?"

"No carter. I didn't know." I shot back, trying but failing to hide the venom in my voice. "But maybe, if someone, anyone at all had bothered to tell me, then maybe i might have not been so clueless." I said that last bit with my eyes trained directly on April who effectively avoided my gaze. Of course she avoided it becsuse she knew what she had done and how messed up it was. I knew they all wanted to rope me into paying for food i didn't eat, but the least they could do was tell me beforehand so that i could come prepared.

Thankfully, i had some money on my purse, but that was money i was saving to pay rent wbich was due in about a week. It was anything but complete yet i had to take out of it in order to fund a stupid team dinner. To say i was angry was putting it very lightly. Still, there was nothing i could do about it so i simply swallowed my tongue and continued stewing.

"Sorry, forgot." Carter offered in a pathetic attempt at an apology which i simply ignored.

Just then, a pretty brunnette, Amy, whose desk was opposite mine at the office began.

"So Elisa, we were wondering where you went to college."

"Yeah, tell us." The others murmured and i couldn't help but wonder how that i formation was any of their business.

"NNT only recruits the best of the best, usually those who went to the best colleges."She continued. "Jason over there went to havard, while Carter, April and i our alma matter. So where did you go?"

"I went to a community college on..." i replied simply, earning a shocked look from three pairs of eyes. Even Jason seemed a little shocked at my revelation but he didn't dwell on it for too long. The others however could barely contain their shock.

"You're kidding right?" April asked.

"I wish i was" i replied earning myself some more surprised gasps.

"Then how...?" April pondered, still finding it hard to believe the words she had just heard.

"Maybe my talent came out to play during the interview and i got the job because i wowed the pannel with my knowledge and skill."

"Yeah right." Carter snickered. "Or maybe you bribed your way into the hearts of the panel."

"Carter, be nice." Amy scolded even though i could tell that she was trying her hardest not to giggle.

"Or maybe slept her way through..." April supplied under her breath but i had heard her loud and clear.

"Come on guys, you know Elisa is good at what she does just like the rest of us. What does it matter if she went to a prestigous school or to community college, provided she can get the job fone in records time?" Jason chimmed in, causing everyone to fall silent. Apparently, Jason's word held a lot og weight around here and the others seemed to respect him a lot.

I appreciated him trying to stick his head out for me but i really didnt need him fyou doing that. The last thing i needed was to seem weak towards these people. These people were vultures and they would swoop down and devour you if they sensed the littles hint of weakness, and that's exactly how i was going to seem to them if i let Jason defend me everytime someone said mean things to me.

When Amy asked about my college, i wanted to lie and tell them that i had gone to a prestigious school as well, but i figured that if they found out later, it would be more embarrasing and ridiculing then so i just decided to tell them the truth and deal with the consequences. Now look how that had backfired.

"I need to go." I said suddenly to everyone and no one in particular. O ce i had had enough.

"Don't forget the bill." Carter slurred drunkenly.

I scoffed at him in disbelief as i pulled out a few hundred dollars and placed them roughly on the table.

"Thanks." He slurred some more just before his head fell heavily on the table with a loud thud.

"Wait don't go yet." April said as though she had just remembered her manners.

"Yeah Lisa." Amy concurred. "Stay."

"I'm done." I replied, not even sparing the pretentious bitches a second glance as i got up and started to leave.

"Let me walk you." Jason offered from beside me and although i insisted that he didn't have to, he was adamant and so i just let him tag along.

As soon as the cold air hit my skin, i was suddenly reminded that i had forgotten my coat back inside in my haste to get away from those people.

Jason seemed to have noticed it as well because he immidiately offered to go back in and get it for me like the gentle man tnat he was.

"Wait right here. I'll be right back.'' He ordered before dashing back in to grab my coat.

As i waited outside for Jason to return, a blue bentley suddenly pulled up beside me and stopped.

I was just about question what was going on when the windows rolled down to reveal an angry looking Russell.

"Hi?" I offered lamely because not only was i surprised to see him here, i was also quite glad to see him, not that i would ever tell him that of course but ever since the whole drama with Charlie, Russell was the only reliable presence in my life apart from my family, but instead of answering my greeting, he simply uttered two simple words that held more weight than any other two wprds i had ever heard in my life.

"Get in."

Whenever Russell spoke, his voice always carried a sense of authority that left no room for argument. He had a way of making you want to obey, to do as he wished, but this time, i found the courage to ask,

"Excuse me?"

"I don't like to repeat myself Elisa." He replied. "Do it, now!"

At his command, i pulled open the door to the passebger seat and slid in carefully, casting one last glance at the door through which Jason had dissapeared through, while offering him a silent apology for ditching him.

As we drove out of the parking space and unto thd highway, i couldn't help but wonder what trouble i had managed to get myself into because Russell didn't seem pleased at all, and that in itself was a very scary thought.

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