
Chapter Six: The Carter's

Tamara's pov

The rest of the evening felt like a whirlwind, and I was just trying to keep up. When he led me to the car, the tension between us was palpable. We drove in silence, and I kept stealing glances at him, wondering about the day’s events. The realization of what I had agreed to gradually dawned on me—what exactly had I gotten myself into? We pulled up to a nearby beauty store.

Jesse guided me inside, his demeanor still firm but with a hint of softness. "Pick something you like. Something elegant," he said. I could tell he was trying to make me feel comfortable, perhaps making up for his earlier harshness. My eyes darted around the store, overwhelmed by the choices. After I selected a dress, he directed the stylist to work their magic. As they transformed my appearance, I saw a different person in the mirror. Jesse watched me closely, and I thought I saw a flicker of something in his eyes—something unexplainable? It was hard to tell.

Once we were back in the car, my heart pounded with nerves as we approached the mansion. I stared wide-eyed at the opulent surroundings as we drove through the grand entrance. My eyes caught sight of the elaborate crest emblazoned on the gates: Carter Mansion. My breath caught in my throat. The Carters? The richest business foundation in the entire country? My mind raced. What were we doing here? Jesse couldn’t possibly be connected to them. He was just an ordinary lecturer, right? I immediately shrugged off the thought, trying to focus on the moment.

This had to be some sort of mistake. "Stay calm," Jesse told me as we neared the entrance. "I’ll do most of the talking." I nodded, taking a deep breath to steady myself. My fingers trembled slightly as I slipped my hand into his arm, his gesture offering some comfort. The grandeur of the mansion was overwhelming. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings, casting a warm glow over the richly decorated rooms. Guests mingled, their conversations a hum of background noise. "Just stay close to me," Jesse whispered as we entered the main hall. We were greeted by a woman in her mid-40s.

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise, but she quickly masked it with a warm smile. "Jesse, who is this lovely young lady?" she asked, her tone polite but curious.

"This is Tamara," Jesse said, introducing me. "Tamara, this is my Aunt Serena."

"Nice to meet you," I said, trying to keep my voice steady as I felt my grip on his arm tighten. I was still reeling from the shock when we walked further into the house. My heart nearly stopped when I saw him.

Benjamin Carter, the patriarch of the Carter family and one of my personal role models. His business acumen and philanthropic efforts were the reasons I had chosen to study business administration. I couldn't believe I was about to have dinner with him. Jesse led me to the dining room, where an elegant table was set for what appeared to be a simple family dinner. My heart pounded as we approached, but Jesse kept his expression calm. "Just follow my lead," he whispered. As we reached the table, Jesse cleared his throat. "Dad, this is my girlfriend, Tamara."

Dad? My head was spinning. Jesse's father was Benjamin Carter? How deep did this go? Before his father could respond, a woman who looked 45 cut in with a sneer. "One of your numerous floozies, no doubt."

Anger flared within Jesse. "I'm not surprised, considering you are one yourself," he snapped back.

Jesse’s father immediately intervened, his voice stern. "Enough, both of you. This is neither the time nor the place." The tension was thick in the air, but his father turned to me, his expression softening. "Tamara, is it? Please, sit down. We'd love to know more about you."

I took a seat beside Jesse, my hand still trembling slightly. Jesse’s father started with some polite questions, his tone friendly but curious.

"So, Tamara, how did you and Jesse meet?" he asked.

"We met at a charity event a few months ago," I replied, my voice steady despite my nerves. "I was volunteering, and we started talking." I glanced at Jesse, surprised by my own composure.

"That's wonderful," his father said, nodding. "What kind of work do you do, Tamara?"

Jesse immediately cut in, "She's currently studying business administration," glancing at me. I gave a small nod in confirmation.

"You are now going around with your own student?" the woman blurted out again, her smirk annoying.

"Olivia!" Aunt Serena, who Jesse had introduced earlier, screamed, making her shut up. Olivia rolled her eyes but remained silent. I just stared in surprise at the little family drama unfolding.

Jesse's father sipped his wine and continued, "I'm glad the course you are studying will be of great support to the company," he said, genuinely impressed. The rest of the evening continued with Jesse answering all the questions Dad and Aunt Serena threw at us. They ranged from different series of questions about how fast we were pacing our relationship. I knew I was just part of Jesse's plan for the night, a pawn in his game, and it made me feel oddly detached. Yet, I couldn't help but absorb every word, realizing I had been dragged into something much bigger than I had anticipated.

As the evening wound down, Aunt Serena and his father bid us goodbye, while Olivia just sat there, indifferent. Jesse led me to the car, opening the door for me before getting in himself. The drive was quiet. The thought of how I ended up in the Carter Mansion in such a short while and the fact that my lecturer is the son of the almighty Benjamin Carter didn't make any sense to me. I wanted to ask badly, but I was only his pretend girlfriend, nothing more. So it's better I don't cross the line.

As we arrived, Jesse parked and led me inside the building. The apartment was spacious, well-furnished, and conveniently located near the university. He had insisted on finding the best option available, even on short notice.

The apartment was far more luxurious than anything I had ever imagined for myself. The spacious rooms, high ceilings, and modern furnishings felt overwhelming. As I walked around, taking in the sheer size and elegance of the place, a mix of realization and unease settled over me. This wasn't my world.

"This will be your apartment," Jesse said, holding the door open for me.

"I can't take this," I stammered, my voice filled with disbelief. "It's too big for me."

"This is what I could find on such short notice," he replied, dismissing my concerns. "I just did as I promised, so you have to take it."

He just made it clear, not like I had a choice. I needed a place badly. "Thank you, Prof. Jesse," I said, the formality slipping out. The title felt out of place now, knowing he was the heir to the Carter empire.

"There's no need to thank me," he responded. "This isn't charity. I'm just fulfilling my end of the deal."

I nodded, still trying to process everything. As we got back into the car, a heavy silence hung between us. My mind raced with thoughts and questions. The Carter Mansion. Benjamin Carter. The heir to one of the richest business foundations in the country. And Jesse, my professor. How did all of this connect?

As we drove through the city, I couldn't stop myself from stealing glances at him. Why would the son of Benjamin Carter be teaching at a low-profile school? Of all the places he could have been, of all the business opportunities available to him, why had he chosen this path? It didn’t add up.

I recalled seeing Benjamin Carter in business magazines and news articles, always a picture of sophistication and power. He was a role model for many, including myself. His business acumen and philanthropy had inspired me to study business administration. And now, I had just had dinner with him, introduced as Jesse's girlfriend. It felt surreal.

Jesse's stern voice broke my reverie. "No one must find out about tonight. You must not tell anyone about this arrangement, my status, or my family. Outside of this agreement, we maintain our professor-student relationship. Nothing more."

"I assure you, Prof. Jesse, no one will find out about tonight," I replied. I knew better than to spill things like this. What would people say if I told them I was a pretend girlfriend for my lecturer? I would never spill such a thing.

He handed me the cheque, six times the salary he promised. I took it, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. "Thank you," I whispered.

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