
Chapter Twelve:”Do You Really Not Feel Anything For Me?”

Tamara’s POV:

Jesse’s lips still lingered on mine, a confusing mix of anger, surprise, and something else I couldn’t quite decipher. My mind was racing, and I struggled to make sense of what had just happened. Before I could find the words to respond, the tension was shattered by the sudden appearance of one of the businessmen.

"Mr. Carter, we are waiting for your initial approval for the inauguration to start."

I turned to see the man, his expression a mixture of impatience and curiosity. Jesse nodded, trying to regain his composure. "Yes, of course. I'll be there in a moment," he replied.

The businessman gave a brief nod and left, the sound of his footsteps fading away. Jesse turned back to me, his eyes searching mine. I could see the regret and confusion in his gaze, mirroring my own feelings.

"We need to go back to the party now," he said, his voice strained as he tried to ignore what had just happened.

"Okay," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

We walked back into the p
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