
Chapter Four: Family Dinner

I got home, worry gnawing at me. The image of the girl from earlier kept flashing in my mind, and the thought of getting a girlfriend in 24 hours was all over my mind. I grabbed my phone and called Trevor, my personal assistant and best friend.

“Trevor, I need you to meet me at my house. It’s urgent,” I said, trying to mask the anxiety in my voice.

When Trevor arrived, I wasted no time. “I need you to do a search on a girl,” I blurted out, pacing the room.

Trevor looked surprised. “A girl?” he asked, giving me a fishy look.

“Yeah, there’s this student… she’s been stirring up some unwanted emotions in me. I need to find out about her,” I explained, trying to sound casual but feeling anything but.

Trevor’s eyebrows shot up. “Unwanted emotions? Are you okay, Jesse?”

“I’m fine,” I snapped, then softened my tone. “I just need to know more about her. And… I need a girlfriend. Find a girl to act as my girlfriend for tomorrow.”

Trevor was taken aback. “A girlfriend in 24 hours? Jesse, what are you getting yourself into?”

“My dad planned a blind date again and this time I had no choice but to say I had a girlfriend. Just do it, Trevor. Please, just find a girl,” I said, the urgency clear in my voice.

The next afternoon, I was driving when my phone rang. It was Trevor.

“Jesse, we couldn’t find any girl,” Trevor said, frustration evident in his voice.

“What do you mean you couldn’t find any girl?” I asked, my frustration boiling over as I focused on the call, losing my focus on the road.

Suddenly, I had to slam on the brakes. I nearly hit someone. My heart pounded as I looked up, only to see the girl I had sent out of my class.

I heard someone knocking at my window. While spilling insulting words, I rolled down slowly, and there she was, the girl I had been obsessing over. Adrenaline surged through me, and before I could think, I sped off without saying a word.

When I got back to meet Trevor, he saw the panic on my face. “Trevor, this is urgent. Why can't you find a girl?” I started.

Trevor interrupted, “I have the girl’s details you asked for.”

Trevor placed a file on the table and I just picked it up. "So her name is Tamara," I murmured under my breath.

Trevor sighed. “Jesse, maybe you should use her.”

I shook my head. “No, I don't even know this girl and I told you she's been stirring up some emotions. Getting close to her will be disastrous. I’m not ready for another relationship saga,” I replied.

“If you say so,” Trevor replied with a shrug.

As night fell, Trevor was still making calls, trying to find anybody. But by then, I had no choice.

"Trevor, where did you say she works?"

"G.A. Bar," he replied.

Reluctantly, I decided to go to her. I picked my keys and drove to the bar where she works.

I walked into the bar, scanning the room for her. The dim lighting and bustling crowd made it hard to spot anyone specific, but I kept looking. Suddenly, I felt something cold and wet splash onto my shirt. I looked down to see her, the girl who had been consuming my thoughts, trying to wipe the spilled drink off me, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry!" she stammered, her hands frantically dabbing at my shirt.

I was mad at myself for getting so weak whenever I saw her. Why did she have this effect on me? Trying to keep my composure, I said, "Bring me a drink."

She nodded quickly and hurried off. When she came back with the drink, I looked her straight in the eyes and asked, "Do you have some spare time?"

She hesitated, then said, "Not yet."

"I'll wait," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant, but inside I was a storm of nerves. Time was running out for the family dinner, but I had to keep calm.

After what felt like an eternity, she finally came over. Before she could say anything, I took a deep breath and dove in.

“I’ll get you a new apartment and pay you triple your salary if you agree to be my pretend girlfriend for the night.”

She looked stunned, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What?"

"I immediately spilled out all that I have read from the file Trevor brought to me."

"Are you stalking me? How do you know all this?" she asked, her look filled with disbelief.

"I have my ways, Tamara."

"You even know my name," she said, stunned.

She studied my face, probably searching for any sign of a joke, but I was dead serious. And time was going—we really needed to be at the dinner on time.

"Are you seriously going to get me the apartment and pay me six times my salary just for pretending to be your girlfriend tonight?" she asked, trying to confirm what she heard.

"Yes, I will do all that. Just accept to go with me," I replied.

"But I'm not dressed up," she replied. That was a yes. I was really excited. At least I could pull up for this night and stop all unnecessary blind dates.

We drove to a nearby beauty store. As we entered, I guided her towards the dresses. "Pick something you like. Something elegant," I said, trying to make her feel comfortable. I knew I had been harsh towards her and that it would take a while to adjust. Her eyes darted around the store.

After she chose a dress, I asked the stylist to work their magic. As she transformed before my eyes, I couldn't help but be struck by her beauty. This girl, who had been a source of confusion and frustration, was now about to help me through one of the most important nights of my life.

We got back in the car, and as we drove to the mansion, I noticed the shock on her face. She stared wide-eyed at the opulent surroundings, the vast grounds of the estate coming into view.

"Stay calm," I told her as we approached the entrance. "I’ll do most of the talking."

She nodded, taking a deep breath. I could see the nervousness in her eyes. I crossed my arm, signaling for her to slip her hand inside. She did so hesitantly, her fingers trembling slightly against my arm.

As we walked in, the grandeur of the mansion seemed to engulf us. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the richly decorated rooms. Guests mingled, their conversation a hum of background noise.

"Just stay close to me," I whispered to her as we entered the main hall.

We were greeted by Aunt Serena. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise, but she quickly masked it with a warm smile. "Jesse, who is this lovely young lady?" she asked, her tone polite but curious.

"This is Tamara," I said. “Tamara, this is my Aunt Serena."

"Nice to meet you," Tamara said, her voice steady but her grip on my arm tightening.

I led her to the dining room, the elegant table set for a simple family dinner. My heart pounded as we approached, but I tried to keep my expression calm. "Just follow my lead," I whispered to her.

As we reached the table, I cleared my throat. "Dad, this is my girlfriend, Tamara."

Before my father could respond, my stepmother, Olivia, cut in with a sneer. "One of your numerous floozies, no doubt."

Anger flared within me. Without thinking, I snapped back, "I'm not surprised, considering you are one yourself."

My father immediately intervened, his voice stern. "Enough, both of you. This is neither the time nor the place."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. My father turned his attention to Tamara, his expression softening. "Tamara, is it? Please, sit down. We'd love to know more about you."

Tamara took a seat beside me, her hand still trembling slightly. My father started with some polite questions, his tone friendly but curious.

"So, Tamara, how did you and Jesse meet?" he asked.

"We met at a charity event a few months ago," she replied, her voice steady. "I was volunteering, and we started talking." I was surprised by her easy composition

That's’s wonderful," my father said, nodding. "What kind of work do you do, Tamara?"

I immediately cut in "she's currently studying business administration” glancing at her a little. While she gave a small nod.

"You are now going around with you own student," Olivia blurted out giving an annoying smirk.

Olivia!!! Aunt Serena screamed out making her to shut up

Olivia rolled her eyes but remained silent, much to my relief.

My father sipped his wine and continue I'm glad the course you are studying will be of great support to the company," my father said, genuinely impressed.

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