
The Billionaire's Campus Crush
The Billionaire's Campus Crush
Author: Tiana Alie

Chapter One: First Day At Wellsbrough

Tamara's POV

"I will get you a furnished apartment tonight and triple your salary if you would be my fake girlfriend," he said to me.

"And why would you think I'd do that?" I asked, giving him a nonchalant look.

"You're left without a place to stay after using all your earnings to pay off your parents' debt and cover your tuition fees. Despite needing help, you would rather find a solution yourself."

"Are you stalking me? How do you know all this?" I questioned, with disbelief written all over my face.

"I have my ways, Tamara," he responded with a stern look. "You even know my name."


Tears streamed down my cheeks as I read and reread these words on my computer screen: "Congratulations, Tamara Hinds, you have been offered admission to study at the University of Wellsbrough."

For three long years, I had to put my dream of attending college on hold after finishing high school. My parents were struggling with debt because of my dad's medical bills, and my mum's job was not enough to support my college education.

To sort out my bills, I worked various odd jobs, such as waitressing, babysitting, tutoring, and house cleaning. The nights were the hardest. Exhausted from the day's work, I'd come home and collapse on the worn-out couch. I saved every single penny I earned. But all hope wasn't lost. I had done it. Against all odds, I earned my ticket to a brighter future.

I shared the news of my admission with my parents and they were overjoyed and thrilled. I couldn't contain my excitement as I dialed up my childhood friend, Kevon, who is currently a third-year student at the University of Wellsbrough. His face lit up on the screen as he answered my Facetime call.

"Tamara! I can't believe it! You got in!" Kevon exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine excitement.

I nodded enthusiastically, unable to stop smiling. "I did, Kev! Can you believe it? I'm going to be joining you at Wellsbrough!"

Kevon's eyes sparkled with pride. "I always knew you'd make it, Tam. You've worked so hard for this. Can't wait to see you."

As we chatted excitedly about campus life and potential classes, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the unwavering support of my family and friends. The years of waiting and working had been worth every moment to finally stand on.

I woke up the next day feeling a whirlwind of nerves and excitement. This was going to be my first day at the University of Wellsbrough. I had carefully chosen my outfit: a comfy sweatshirt paired with mom jeans and sneakers, hoping to strike a balance between casual comfort and a hint of style.

“Tamara, you are taking too long. Come have breakfast before you head out,” my mum called. I immediately picked up my bag and rushed out to take my breakfast. Just as I was finishing my breakfast, I heard Kevon's bike horn outside. "I need to go," I said, picking up my bag. I pecked Dad and held out. "Be careful out there!" Mum warned as I made my way out.

Kevon had graciously offered to ride me to school for my first day as my house was pretty far from school.

"At this rate, you're going to be late," he chided gently as I fumbled with my bag and hurried to his side. His tone carried a hint of exasperation. "You really need to find a place closer to campus. Living so far away is going to be a problem."

I sighed, feeling a mix of gratitude and frustration. "I know, Kevon, but it's not that easy. My part-time jobs barely cover my expenses. I don't have the money to move right now."

He didn't say anything more, just gave me a sympathetic look before focusing on the road. The ride felt both too short and too long, my mind racing with anticipation and worry. What if I missed something important?

We finally pulled up to the university, and I thanked Kevon quickly before rushing off to my class. I had checked my timetable: we had Business Administration first. By the time I found the right room, I could hear the lecture already in progress. My heart sank as I hesitated at the door, trying to slip in quietly. But the lecturer's eyes caught me immediately. Our looks locked for some seconds before he spoke up.

"You're late," he said sharply, his voice cutting through the quiet murmur of the room. "If you can't be on time, you can't be in my class. Get out!" he yelled.

My cheeks burned with embarrassment as I turned around and walked back out, the eyes of everyone boring into my back. As the door closed behind me, I leaned against the wall, tears rushing down my cheeks, the weight of my situation pressing down on me. This wasn't the start I had imagined. The beginning of a new chapter.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of lectures. I couldn't shake the humiliation from earlier, but I forced myself to focus on the other classes. When the day finally ended, I headed to the spot where Kevon had parked earlier. He was already waiting, leaning against his bike.

The moment he saw my face, his expression shifted from casual to concerned. "What happened?" he asked, not even waiting for me to settle behind him.

I sighed, the weight of the day settling in my chest. "I was late to my first class, and the lecturer sent me out. It was so embarrassing."

Kevon's eyes softened as he handed me a helmet. "I'm sorry. You'll get the hang of it. Don't let one bad day get to you."

His words were comforting, and as we rode back home, the wind seemed to carry away some of my stress. After dropping my bag at home, I quickly changed and headed to my part-time jobs. By the time I got back, exhaustion had settled deep into my bones. Dinner was a quick, quiet affair, and afterward, I checked my timetable. My heart sank a bit when I saw that I had Business Administration first thing in the morning again.

Determined not to repeat the previous day's mistake, I went to bed early, setting my alarm to ensure I’d wake up on time. Morning came quickly, and I was up before the alarm. As I rushed to get ready, my mom noticed my haste.

"Why are you in such a rush today?" she asked, her eyebrows raised in mild surprise.

"I just need to meet up with class," I replied, trying to sound casual.

Kevon arrived right on time, and I hopped onto his bike, thankful for his reliability. When we arrived at the university, I made a beeline for the classroom. To my relief, I was early and managed to grab a seat in the front row. Slowly, the hall filled with students, the buzz of conversation growing louder.

As I settled into my seat in the front row, a few other students began to trickle in. To my left, a girl with amazing features and a stern expression took a seat. Her super curly hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, her light skin shimmered while her sharp eyes seemed to take in everything around her with a quiet intensity. A moment later, a bubbly girl with brown skin and long brown hair that reached her waist and a bright smile plopped down on my right.

"Hi! I'm Isabella," the bubbly girl said, extending her hand.

I shook her hand, grateful for her friendliness. "I'm Tamara."

"And you?" Isabella asked the other girl who was seated to my left. The girl gave a small nod.

"Diana," she said simply, her voice low and measured.

Isabella leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "So, what are you both studying? I'm majoring in Marketing."

"I'm in Business Administration," I replied, glancing at Diana.

"Same here," Diana said shortly, but I noticed a hint of a smile tugging at her lips.

Isabella clapped her hands together. "Oh, that's great! We can totally help each other out. I heard the professor for this class is pretty tough, so sticking together might be a good idea."

Diana's expression softened slightly. "Yeah, I've heard that too. But I guess we'll manage."

"Absolutely," I agreed, feeling a sense of camaraderie forming. "We just need to stay on top of things and support each other."

Isabella beamed. "Exactly! By the way, I heard the lecturer dresses pretty expensive."

Just then, the lecturer walked in. He was tall, with a commanding presence that made the room fall silent. His sleek dark brown hair was perfectly styled, matching his well-groomed beard. He wore a tailored navy suit that looked like it cost a fortune, paired with a crisp white shirt and a silk tie that added a touch of sophistication. His polished leather shoes clicked sharply against the floor as he made his way to the front of the room.

His eyes, a piercing blue, scanned the room with a sharp intensity as he set his leather briefcase on the desk and pulled out his notes. It was hard to reconcile that this poised, handsome man was the stern lecturer who had sent me out of the class the day before. As he began the lecture, his authoritative voice filled the room.

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