
Chapter Two: Encounters with Business Administration Professor

As the lecturer began his lesson, he introduced himself. "By now, I believe you all know my name is Jesse Carter." His voice stern,

“Could he be related to the Carter's family?” a girl behind me questioned.

“Obviously not, none of the Carter's would ever stop so low to teach at a lowlife university” another answered.

I focused intently, jotting down notes and paying all my attention to him. Suddenly, he turned in my direction, and our eyes locked for a moment. His piercing blue gaze felt almost accusatory.

"You," he said, pointing directly at me. "Explain what I covered yesterday."

I turned around to see if he was referring to someone near me, but my heart sank when I realized he was addressing me. Summoning up the courage, I replied, "Sir, you sent me out of class yesterday."

He raised an eyebrow, his expression hardening. "And you think that's an excuse? If you weren't present, you should have read extensively to catch up. I don't condone unserious students. Get out of my class."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I gathered my things, feeling a wave of humiliation and frustration as I picked up my bag. What had I done to offend him? I quietly exited the room, tears streaming down my face as I walked down the hallway.

After the class ended, Isabella and Diana came to find me. Diana, the girl with the stern look and few words, softened when she saw me. "Did you offend the lecturer before?" she asked, her tone gentle despite her usual demeanor.

I shook my head, unable to hold back my tears. "No, I don't even know him. I have no idea why he hates me. I was just late on the first day."

Isabella, always cheerful and supportive, put an arm around my shoulders. "Don't cry, Tamara. He's just a bitter asshole," she said with a funny expression, and we all burst out laughing. We attended the rest of our classes together. After school, I met Kevon by his bike, my eyes still red from crying. He took one look at my face and his concern deepened. "What happened now?" he asked softly, pulling me into a hug.

Tears welled up again as I recounted the day's events. "The lecturer asked me to explain what he covered yesterday, but I told him I wasn't there because he sent me out. He said I wasn't serious and told me to get out again."

Kevon's arms tightened around me. "I'm so sorry, Tamara. He's being unfair. Don't let him get to you." His words tended to help, and the wind as we drove home blew away the worries.

After getting home, I got changed and headed to my part-time job. The hours at work passed slowly, my mind still hovering around the events of the past two days. After a quick dinner, I sat down with my Business Administration textbook, determined to understand everything I had missed. The pages blurred together; I just couldn't grasp anything. His words still hurt really badly, and I left the book in frustration.

Before going to bed, I checked my timetable one last time and felt a wave of relief knowing that I didn't have Business Administration the next day. With a lighter heart, I set my alarm and went to bed, hoping that tomorrow would be a better day.

I woke up the next day and headed to school with Kevon picking me up as usual. The day unfolded with no unexpected scenes, thanks to the fortunate absence of the Business Administration class and its lecturer. As I sauntered out of the classroom, excited because this was my best day at school so far, I was able to talk with Isabella and Diana a little before heading out.

However, the tranquility of the day soon shattered when Kevon said he had an impromptu extra class. "I'm sorry, Tamara. I'll make it up to you," he apologized.

Despite his apologetic tone, a pang of loneliness crept into my heart as I watched him disappear into the sea of students. I walked out, hoping to catch the bus at the bus stop, which was two streets away. As I navigated the bustling streets on my own, trying to cross the road at my best time, a car screeched to a halt just inches away from me. I lost my balance and fell. My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at the offending vehicle.

Anger and shock surged through me as I walked up to the driver's side window and knocked against it. "Hey, whoever you are, if you are that reckless, at least try it with your own life, not mine," I spoke up. The window slowly rolled down, revealing none other than my Business Administration lecturer. His cold, piercing eyes met mine, and I froze. Must he show up every day to ruin it? I thought with a frown.

He stared at me for a moment longer, his expression unreadable, before rolling up the window and driving off, leaving me standing there, shaken and confused.

Later that evening, I arrived at the bar for my part-time job. My mind was still reeling from the day's events. As I carried a tray of drinks through the crowded bar, I didn't notice anyone until I collided with a tall figure, spilling the drinks all over him. I looked up, ready to apologize, and my heart sank when I saw my Business Administration lecturer again standing right in front of me, his shirt soaked.

"Jesus Christ," I muttered under my breath, unable to believe my eyes. His eyes narrowed slightly, but he said nothing as I grabbed a cloth and began to clean up the mess. "I'm so sorry," I said, my voice trembling.

He replied curtly, "Bring me a glass of wine." I nodded and quickly got the drink, my hands shaking.

When I returned with the wine, I placed it before him while apologizing. "Sir, I'm sorry about how I spoke in the afternoon and also for now," I said, bowing my head slightly.

He ignored my apologies and asked, "Do you have some spare time?"

I hesitated, my mind racing. "Not yet, but I can make some time after my shift," I replied, my curiosity piqued despite my nervousness.

"I'll wait," he said simply, taking a sip of the wine.

"You will wait?" I asked, still surprised by his sudden calmness.

"Yes," he replied shortly.

As I rushed to finish my tasks, my mind was filled with questions. Why was he everywhere I went? What did he want to talk about? The minutes felt like hours as I finally wrapped up my shift and approached him, my heart pounding as I sat opposite him.

Just then, he started. "I will get you a furnished apartment tonight and triple your salary if you would be my fake girlfriend, just for this night," he said to me.

"What!" I blurted out in shock. "And why would you think I'd do that?" I asked, giving him a nonchalant look. The thought of the embarrassment I had faced the two times he sent me out of his class replayed in my head.

"You can't afford a place close to school to stay after using all your earnings to pay off your parents' debt and cover your tuition fees. Aren't you tired of trying to make it to school every day from a long distance or doing petty part-time jobs?"

"Are you stalking me? How do you know all this?" I questioned, disbelief written all over my face.

"I have my ways, Tamara," he responded with a stern look. "You even know my name?" I questioned, staring at him in shock. I looked at him intensely to see if perhaps he might be joking, but he wasn't. His look was dead serious.

My thoughts wandered to the offer he was rendering. If I could pull through with it, I could get an apartment close to school and also have extra money to take care of my expenses. But why was he picking me after treating me so badly in his two classes? I really had no idea what he was up to.

"I'm sorry, I can't. I need to go home," I replied, about to stand up to leave.

"Okay, I will pay you six times your salary," he added. I turned back to him in shock. "All this just to be your pretend girlfriend for a night?" I asked as soon as I caught my breath.

"Yes, I just need you to go with me. I am short of options, and it's about time for my family dinner."

I concluded in my mind immediately that I was going to go if not for anything else, for the apartment he promised. "But I'm not dressed. Could you wait for me to go home and get dressed?" I asked him.

His face lit up a bit “Don't worry about that, if that's a yes then let's go”

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