
Chapter Five: Brat

Rose’s POV:

“I knew you couldn’t be trusted. Your little innocent face was enough proof,” he growled as he tossed me on the rugged floor, on my ass.

He didn’t hesitate to toss me over his shoulder and carry me back to the room he’d left me earlier that evening, even with all of my screaming and kicking. I was beginning to run out of energy but sitting on the warm floor of the room, I swallowed as I watched him walk to the door and click the lock in place before turning to me, his gaze locked on mine. 

“I wanted to go easy on you and slowly introduce you to my world but you’ve proven you need to be handled with an iron fist and I’m all here for it, pet,” he pulled from the door and walked towards the opposite wall of the room, where the closet was situated.

I remained quiet, watching him. My heart was beating erratically as I inwardly wondered what my punishment would be this time. My ass was still sore from where he’d spanked me in the morning and I wasn’t sure I could take more but seeing he didn’t seem to be in a hurry, it showed he had other plans. I could only hope he’d be a bit softer on me because once again, my lack of patience had landed me in his web and I didn’t doubt that I was about to meet another part of him that I’d hate even more than I already detested him.

To my utter shock, the doors of the closet swung open and my eyes landed on different instruments I could only describe as torture equipment. Whips of different sizes, floggers, handcuffs, chains, ropes, and other things I couldn’t name hung on the walls, and on the shelves were different sex toys, ball gags, and nipple clamps.

Where was I? For the second time since I got here, I asked myself this question but not from the confusion of being lost to my new environment, but from the horror of what I was seeing. Slowly, I managed to pull my eyes from the closet and the man whose eyes were raking over each instrument as if he couldn’t decide on the one to pick and my gaze traveled around the room for the first time since I arrived.

Of course, I was used to the dark red walls and the dim yellow lights that made it look homely and comforting. The floor was also covered in a dark red rug to match the walls, giving it a monochromic look but that wasn’t all. There was a table, covered in a furry blanket at one end of the room, the one I’d been tied to the first time I woke up here. In the middle of the room was the king-sized bed, dressed in black beddings, and I noticed there were cuffs on all four sides of the bed. The more things I noticed that seemed to be out of place for a normal room, the more my heart rate increased. My eyes darted to the ceiling which was also dark and I noticed something like a swing hanging from them. I swallowed.

I wasn’t new to this setting. All thanks to my best friend, Sam. The one and only time she’d taken me to a club, it was a sex club and I’d been opportune to wander around, where I’d seen most of these things and was introduced to them, and where my mystery had also begun. But seeing them now, and knowing I was about to be a victim of them but unwillingly, unlike most of the women I’d seen that night having a time of their life, a cold shiver ran down my spine and I instinctively pressed my thighs together as though that would save me from the madness my captor was about to unleash on me.

I was cut short from my wandering thoughts when he stepped into my view again, holding a handcuff and a leather whip. I expected him to order me to strip again but instead, he walked past me, placed them on a stool beside the table, and returned, only to forcefully grab my arm and jerk me up, leaving me dizzy from how fast he’d done it. He dragged me along to the table and before I could think of struggling for my freedom, he had the cuffs successfully locked around my wrists.

“What are you doing?” I yelled, but he effectively ignored me and pushed me against the table, lifting me from the floor until I was laying down then he flipped me onto my stomach, with him pressing me down to make sure I stayed in place. But I wasn’t about to let him subdue me without a fight.

I struggled, despite my cuffed hands, and attempted kicking him with my legs but I should have known he had it all planned out. He grabbed one of my legs and pulled it wide towards the edge of the table and the next thing I felt was the cold grasp of another metal cuff wrapping around my ankle, leaving me with one leg free. He worked fast, managing to dodge my flailing leg and poor attempt at aiming for him as he caught my other leg and cuffed it to the table too, leaving me widely spread open for him.

“Let me go, you sick bastard,” I screeched with the last of my strength. “Your mother should be so ashamed of you. You’re nothing but a perverted psychopath. A waste of her labor,” I spat out, still struggling against the cuffs holding onto my legs but they only made me more uncomfortable.

Just when I thought it was over, he showed me he was just getting started. He walked around the table to my head, grabbed my cuffed arms, linked a rope to the cuffs, and tied it to one of the legs of the table. Thus, I was left to his mercy with no defense. He reached for a pocket knife I hadn’t noticed him placing on the stool and with it, he cut my dress open, tossing the ruined fabric to the floor. I was exposed to his hungry eyes, spread widely before him and his dark gaze roved my body, his pupils darkening and his face mirroring the calm exterior of a predator ready to feast on its prey.

“You’ll never get me to submit to you, you bastard!” I spat out through gritted teeth, but instead of the anger I expected, he chuckled darkly, grabbed a fistful of my hair, and yanked it hard, making me gnash my teeth in pain as he tilted my head until our eyes met.

“Such a naive little pet, aren’t you?” his lips spread in a lop-sided grin. But then he leaned in closer until his nose was almost touching me and his eyes were staring intently into mine. “You can continue to show off how bratty you can be but I promise you, I’ll take my time to break you in every way possible and it’ll be my pleasure,” 

I could see the wicked glint in his eyes and my heart skipped. He wasn’t bluffing. I blinked, gulping. He released my hair and walked around until he was behind me. In this position, I couldn’t see him and I had no idea what he was up to. The anticipation was making me agitated, and it was building my fear. But suddenly, I felt the light touch of the tassels of the whip, rub against my sore ass cheeks and I stilled, my eyes closing tightly and heart pounding hard as I waited for him to make the first hit but it didn’t come. Instead, he continued tracing it against my ass, slowly moving it to my back, up to my shoulder blades then gliding it down my back again, following the same path he’d taken, down to the crack of my ass and between my inner thighs. His soft touch had me shivering at the same time as it made me feel violated with the way he kept tracing it between my outspread thighs, going farther with each trace until I could feel them brushing against my pussy lips. Again, the touch made me shiver, sending my stomach into tight knots that had my core pulsing.

The room was eerily silent. Not even his breath could be heard and it only increased the tension, his soft touch unknowingly spread comfort through me, making me relaxed. I’d almost forgotten I was meant to be punished until I suddenly stopped feeling the touch of the tassels and the next thing I felt was the searing hot pain of the whip hitting my ass cheeks on the same exact spot he’d spanked me that morning. A loud cry of agony slipped from my lips, hot tears sliding down my cheeks and I struggled to pull my legs together just to ease the pain but I couldn’t as they were cuffed to the table. I was left to his mercy and I screamed profanities at him.

“Scream all you want, brat. The room is soundproof and you’re under my mercy. I will do whatever I want to you and you’ll take it like a good little girl.” He traced the whip over my sore ass again, trying to ease off the pain I was feeling but the light touch sent an electric shock down my spine, causing me to instantly still as wetness pooled between my legs, confusing me.

I was in pain. There was no way I could be enjoying what the psychopath was doing. Yet, I was unable to explain the wetness that was soon dripping into the table. I was still questioning this, when the whip landed on my ass again, this time, harder than the first.

“Count,” he commanded, further infuriating me. Despite the punishment and the tears blurring my vision, I was determined to not bow to his will. I wouldn’t let him break me and treat me like a toy.

“Never!” I screamed at the top of my voice, not caring that no one could hear me.

“Hmm, we’ll see,” he chuckled again, and this time, he whipped me so hard that I let out a sob, my legs shaking from the pain but he didn’t give me time to recover before proceeding. Yet, I refused to count. I bit hard on my lips to prevent more sobs while I took it all in, determined to prove to him that he couldn’t control me. But little did I know that the man was fully ready to impose his authority on me, and he didn’t care at what cost. He was desperate to break me. I didn’t know how long he whipped me before he finally stopped but my ass was aching so badly that I knew I wouldn’t be able to sit for the next couple of days and there may be ugly bruises on it.

“Mmm… you’re a strong one, baby. But trust me, I’ll take care of you,” he cooed just before he tossed the whip to the floor and rounded the table until he was standing before me. He leaned down to see my face and he smiled at the sight of the fat ugly tears rolling down my cheeks. “Your ass looks so pretty with my marks on it, love. But I’m just getting started,”

“W-what?” I blurted out before I could catch myself, my eyes wide in horror but he grinned. Grabbing my hair, he leaned even closer, pressing his lips to my ears.

“I know how wet you are, baby girl. I saw how much that tight little pussy was dripping and clenching, waiting to be filled. Maybe it’s time to finally bury my cock in and watch you take it like a good girl,”

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