


Just one week in and I wanted to tear out my hair and scream. I wanted to plead with every known and unknown higher being to get me out of this mess.

Was it my resting bitch face? Or was it because I ran the HR department with an iron fist? I had always been a tough boss. I set high standards for my employees, for myself, and I demanded nothing less than perfection. But lately, it seemed like Alex was my personal punishment for being so hard on everyone. Everywhere I went, there he was, lurking around the corner like a bad omen. I couldn't shake him off no matter how hard I tried.

I knew it wasn’t nice to think of your boss like that, but I was at my wits end.

It all started with a chance encounter in the elevator on his very first day. I had been the only one in the metal car, seeing as the morning rush of employees wasn’t scheduled for the next thirty minutes. I had always liked to be in my office an hour before time, either so I could catch up on a backlog of files from the previous day, or just to enjoy the peace and quiet of the building without anyone to disturb my peace. I had stopped by Starbucks on my way, and I had two large cups of frothy cappuccinos. They warmed my hands, and I was ready to enjoy a cup with the view from my office.

Until he walked in just as the elevator doors were about to close, and hit the button for the highest floor.

I was on the 9th floor, and he had the whole 10th floor to himself.

Lucky, as usual.

I kept to myself, nursing one of my two cups of coffee because I needed to do something, anything, to disguise the shake in my hands.

The man looked flawless, I thought with a sigh in my mind. Seven in the morning and he looked like he had a team of personal stylists. His charcoal grey suit was spotless, and his hair shone in intricate little curls. It was a sharp contrast to me, who wore a simple white button down shirt and a midi blue A-line skirt that had pockets. I found myself wishing my hands weren’t so full so I could fit my hands in my pockets just to look less harried, but I had to juggle my handbag, laptop bag and my coffees, while all he had on him was his briefcase.

At first he said nothing, just adjusted his tie in the glare of the elevator walls, and I thought I had escaped him for the time being, but the silence was too good to be true.

He just had to turn to me, trapping me against the wall of the elevator with a hand above my head. He just had to get in my personal space, and as usual look perfectly unapologetic about it. The man knew how to get on my nerves. I had been having such a nice Monday morning for crying out loud!

I kept my head low and ignored him as best as I could, except for a muttered ‘good morning’ in response to his question on why I didn’t even greet my boss, and when the elevator stopped at my floor I hightailed it out of there without a backward glance.

He had ruined my morning, and I had spent the day in a bad mood. I couldn’t even drink the rest of my coffee because of how angry I was.

His small chuckle as the doors closed behind me haunted me throughout that day, and the little smiles he sent my way every time we crossed paths made me so angry that I fantasized about walking up to him just to smash my hand in his face and break his jaw numerous times that very day.

I thought that was the end of it, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Ever since that day, Alex had been popping up everywhere. He would show up in the break room when I was grabbing coffee, or he would be walking down the hallway just as I was leaving a meeting. He didn’t even stay on his own floor!

It was like he was trying to get my attention, and I didn't like it one bit. Over the next few days, I found myself constantly looking over my shoulder, half-expecting to see Alex lurking in the shadows. But he never seemed to be far away, always popping up when I least expected it.

But it wasn't until he trapped me in the underground parking lot on Thursday evening that week that I really started to feel like he was out to get me. I had just finished a late meeting with a few members of my department in regards to the sudden loss of a scientist who worked in our Research and Development department, and I was aching, sore and cranky, eager to get home and into a luxurious bubble bath. I had my car keys in my hand, and I was walking towards my car when I heard his voice behind me.

"Hey, Brie," he said, and I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck rise. I spun around, and there he was, leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face. The flickering light bulb over our heads held my attention for a few seconds, and I reminded myself to call for a repairman the next day. Alex cleared his throat, drawing my attention back to him.

"What do you want, Alex?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady, even though the lump in my throat wanted to make it come out shrill and scratchy.

"Just wanted to say hi," he replied, taking a step towards me.

I felt my heart rate quicken, and I could feel my palms starting to sweat. I didn't like the way he was looking at me, like he knew something that I didn't. It was how he used to look at me back in high school when he wanted to start trouble. I took a step back, and that's when he lunged forward, pinning me against the wall with his body.

Our eyes met and held, and it felt so intense, like a war between earth and ice. The ice won, and I lowered my eyes. I could feel his breath on my face. It was fragrant, and reminded me of coffee and milk. He probably had a cup before he came down.

I could smell the faint hint of his cologne; a strong scent that reminded me of salty waves and sand between my toes.

Of course he would want to smell like a beach, I thought in disgust. I turned my face to the side and I tried to push him away, but he was too strong.

I had no idea why he liked getting a rise out of me. It seemed to me like it was the only thing he knew how to do well, even though I had to admit to myself that he was doing a pretty great job of running the place.

He leaned in, and I was shocked when I felt his lips brushing softly against mine.

I gasped at his audacity. I knew he wanted me to rant and rave, to throw him a swing or something, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. I pulled away and pushed him off me with inhuman speed, my heart racing.

"What the hell, Alex?" I said, trying to catch my breath.

He just shrugged and grinned, like it was all a big joke. To him maybe, but not to me.

I drew slow steady breaths and thought about kicking him in the nuts just to hear him scream bloody murder. It would hurt him a lot, and make me a very happy woman, but I didn’t want it to get out. I couldn’t leave it to chance.

That's when I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. I made my body soft and pliant, and I could see the surprise in his eyes as I leaned in close. I wrapped my arms around a meaty bicep and stood on my toes to reach his ear. I whispered in a low, seductive voice.

"Is that all you've got, Alex?"

I his eyes widened and he gulped as I melded my body to him, and I felt a small thrill of satisfaction. I felt small stirrings of something else I couldn’t name, but I ignored it, shelving it for further thoughts later. I trailed my fingers down his chest, feeling the muscles tense beneath my touch. He was distracted, and I knew it was the perfect time to slip away.

“You can’t outdo the doer,” I whispered, and just when his eyes had started to cloud over, I slipped out of his arms.

With as much speed as I could muster, I ran into my car, laughing at the dumbfounded look on his face as I drove off. It felt good to have the upper hand for once, to be in control.

But even as I drove away, I couldn't shake the feeling that Alex wasn't going to give up that easily. He was persistent, and he seemed determined to get under my skin. I didn't know what he wanted, but I knew I wasn't going to let him win.

He might have gotten off easily when we were kids, but we’re not little children anymore. And I wouldn’t let anyone, no matter who it was, make me feel small ever again.

He wanted to play right? Then game on.

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