
His chosen' Bride.

Charles Alejandro was at his hotel when he got the report that his chosen bride had finally arrived home.

He was so eager to see Nancy as his parents had been disturbing him to settle down as he's their only son and, more likely, the future president. He has many enemies and inherited enemies too.

Charles was at his company earlier in the morning before he decided to visit his hotel in the afternoon and to get down with any cute lady there in the evening. It was no news of him loving the women as he's a powerful man in AJ City, and most young ladies knew and also wanted to get down in bed with him.

Charles is a 30-year-old black man, and he's very attractive, tall, masculine, and has short black hair on his head. His mother wouldn't allow him to rest as she kept on disturbing him about marriage and even shown him the different photos of some ladies that she had selected out for him to choose from. But Charles wasn't interested in any of the ladies as he preferred his promiscuous lifestyle, but his parents were totally against it.

"Charles! You need to stop hosting different ladies and bringing shame to our family. You're the president's son, and you need to act respectable for once. Or how do you feel like when almost half of the city ladies here have all seen your nakedness?" His father asked him inside the sitting room on the second floor as he sat on a black couch.

Charles smiled and replied, "Not half, father. How can I possibly sleep with almost half of all the pretty ladies here? They're too many for me alone, and you know this."

Seeing that his father wasn't smiling with him, Charles knew it best to turn his face strict, too.

His father replied, "Then you need to marry, Charles. Or else, I will seize every right that you have and look for someone competent to take over my wealth."

"Hmm..." Charles frowned as his father warned him with blazing eyes and exited the second-floor sitting room to meet with his guests.

His mother stepped out of the elevator and walked into the sitting room to be with him.

She asked him, "Charles... I don't understand why you're afraid of marriage?"

"Hmm, I'm not afraid of marriage, mom," Charles replied, as he took out a cigarette from his trouser side pocket to light the end and smoke. The truth was that he hasn't yet seen any woman that he's in love with.

As most young ladies are cheats and gold-diggers to him. So he believes, as he has seen plenty of young ladies wanting to get down in bed with him, and forgetting that they have a boyfriend or fiancée too, and he didn't want a cheap woman to become his wife either. And finding the right woman who matched his choice of a bride has been difficult too.

"Then what's the problem, Charles, as you haven't accepted any invitation that your father or I offer to you? Or do you want us to go ahead and choose a bride on your behalf and marry her, and bring her here for you?" His mother asked him.

"No, mother. I'm not interested in any arranged bride. As most young ladies are cheats and pretentious human beings... Once they see that I am the one who wants to marry them... They will pretend to be nice to me and jump at the offer at once. So no..." 

Charles shook his head and pulled out a drag from his cigar and puffed it into the air.

His mother frowned and replied to him, "No, Charles... That's when you leave a responsible young lady to marry a prostitute like yourself..."

"Mum..." Charles stared up at his mother in shock and shook his head as he met his mother's smiling gaze at him.

She is a 65-year-old black woman, and she stood in front of him in her long blue native gown as she's a traditional woman too.

First Lady Kira Alejandro approached Charles seated on the black couch and said to him, "Here, Charles... I have these three cute women's photos for you to see who among them that you like as their families are well-respected and under your father's political party too."

"Mum..." Charles couldn't believe that his mother was already holding three women's photos to her chest and waiting to show it to him at any given opportunity.

His mother approached him again and showed him the three women's photos in her hands. She said, "Here, Charles, take a look."

"Hmm..." Charles finally accepted the three women's photos from his mother's hands.

He held his cigar smoking to his lips as he wore a black top, black leather trousers, and his black boots, as he loves dressing in all black clothing.

Charles stared at the first lady's photo at the top of the three women's photos. And she was cute, a black-skinned lady with a round face, flat nose, but with the way that her big brown eyes shone seductively in the cute outdoor photo that she had snapped, in a simple pink crop-top and blue jean trousers.

Charles frowned and held his cigar smoking on his lips as he finally slid the photo to the next lady photo to see her face, and his eyes fell on a pair of blue-eyed woman.

She was cute with a round face, sharp pointed nose, blue sparkling eyes, and her dimples were so rosy on her chubby cheeks. As her lips were plump and full and enticing him to kiss her photo. Her long sparkling golden hair was glittering and made his jaw drop in admiration. As she was wearing a white singlet top in the cute outdoor selfie photo that she had snapped.

Staring at her bare slender neck and the top of her slightly exposed bosom, Charles gulped and felt his muscles hardened for him to kiss and lick every inch of her beautiful yellow skin. As he didn't know how long that he had been staring at her photo until he heard his mother ask him, "Charles... Do you like her?"

"Mom..." Charles finally snapped out from his trance.

He stared at his mother's face and met her smiling gaze at him.

Charles held his response back as he finally slid the photo to the last lady photo to see her face too.

She was beautiful, a yellow-skinned young woman, but more chubby than the second lady's photo. And she didn't seem to catch his eyes nor to make his heart beat race like how the second lady photo had made him hard and want her.

Charles finally swiped the photo back to the second lady photo again and handed the two other women's photos back to his mother and asked, "Who's she, mom?"

First Lady Kira Alejandro smiled and replied, "She's Nancy Marlon. Senator Logan, Marlon, only daughter and child."

"Hmm..." Charles hummed and finally finished smoking his cigarette.

His mother said, "I see that you like her, Charles. Not to worry, I will arrange with my assistant to send the marriage proposal to her family at once. And to let them know that you have finally chosen to marry their daughter."

"Okay, mom, but is she around as I would like to see her face? Does she really look like in this photo? As you know that most young ladies nowadays know how to edit their photos to look cute and very attractive," Charles asked, as he continued staring at Nancy's photo in his hands.

His mother smiled at him and replied, "I don't know, Charles, but I will call her family to find out whether she's around or not. And once she's around, we will proceed with the wedding ceremony of you both."

"Okay, Mom," Charles smiled as he didn't reject the topic of marriage.

He wanted Nancy; every fiber of his body wanted her.

Her lips, he wanted to kiss her photo, but he had to suppress his urge and allow his mother to leave him first.

Charles finally stood up from the sitting room black couch and went upstairs to his bedroom on the third floor as he took Nancy's photo along with him and into his bedroom too.

One month later, he went to his luxury hotel over the weekend to see if he would get any cute lady there to make him stop thinking too much about Nancy as he awaited her return to the city. But none of the pretty hot ladies that he was seeing seemed to move his heart or make him hard and want her like how he wanted only one woman, and that was 'Nancy Marlon.'

"Boss, Our security men implanted in her father's security team have just called us now to inform us that your chosen bride has finally returned to the city and is in her family home as we speak," His personal assistant named Dennis Richard informed him over the phone call as he was in the presidential suite of his luxurious hotel.

Charles replied, "Prepare the car. We are leaving now to her father's mansion."

"Okay, boss," Dennis answered, and Charles immediately got the pretty lady who was sucking him off as he felt irritated and no pleasure. And he only wanted to meet with his chosen bride, his heart's want and need. So he exited the top floor of his luxurious hotel and went out to his parking lot as he was wearing a black suit and an inner red suit shirt.

Charles approached his car door, and his security men pulled and shut the car door closed for him as soon as he got into his car, and the car finally drove out to Senator Logan, Marlon's residence.

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