

The next day, a bombshell post exploded onto the trending list: "Aurora Pendleton and Sophia Pendleton: Biological Sisters or Frenemies?"

Attached were incriminating photos of Aurora physically assaulting Sophia. In these snapshots, Sophia looked like a wounded puppy, her face covered in her hands, while Aurora's eyes were icy, her demeanor menacing.

The forum was set ablaze once again. The majority of comments were a relentless barrage against Aurora, while Sophia was lifted onto a pedestal.

"Seriously, how did Sophia end up with such a witch for a sister?"

"Born from the same mother, but could they be more different? Aurora's just vile."

"Remember that time Sophia waved at Aurora in front of the school? Aurora just snubbed her. What's she trying to prove?"

"Aurora's this brutal to her own sister? Just slapping her around?"

The tide of public opinion was overwhelmingly in Sophia's favor, and her fan club swelled in numbers.

Sophia was bewildered. She hadn't started this firestorm. Wh
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