
love or lust?

"felt like I've been sleeping for a month now" Daisy breathed out as she made her way to the dining.

Mary chuckles, "It's been fee hour yet you are complaining"

Daisy let out a heavy sigh, "hours nowadays feel like ages" Her gaze fell on the meal on the table, the look on her face was surprising

"Didn't know we've got eggplant for lunch" She walks and takes her seat.

Mary smiles, "it was young Master's idea" she blurts without thinking, "you know, he only makes this for those he cherishes"

Daisy stares at her questioningly, "Dave prepared this?" She demands.

Mary turns to her, stunned at the realization she said what she wasn't supposed to.

"Did I say that out loud?" She asked and Daisy nodded.

"This is bad... You weren't supposed to know" She picked up the empty tray.

"Now I know, why don't you tell me everything in detail?" Daisy demands.

Mary forces a smile, "Pretend as though you heard nothing" She turns to leave but Daisy stops her

"I can be commanding if that's what you want."

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