
Chapter 13

As Finn recklessly tossed Jaxson's body on the bed, I carefully supported the back of his head with my hand.

We can be heard exchanging loud gasps in the room as we catch our breaths, exhausted because of Jaxson's weighting like a grown bear.

Finn fixed his necklace, which had twisted upside down as a result of how roughly we had carried Jaxson on our shoulders.

“I am seriously sick of doing this!” He hissed grumpily. “I’ve had enough of seeing Jax acting this way all the time. Going home every night wasted like a fucking loser. And I can’t do this any longer.” Finn began leaning on the side of the bed and crossing his arms over his chest.

At the same time, our gaze was pulled to Jaxson, who had gone to sleep but was still moving his lips and arose to be speaking with someone.

“How did he get so drunk?” I murmured in hushed tones.

Finn blew air out of his nose as he returned his eyes to me, arching his brow. “Is that even a question? He literally just saw Daniella and Lance before going out. Of course, that would be the reason. ” He groaned and shook his head as if he couldn't believe what I was explaining. “—But, honestly, I feel sorry for Jax. That’s why I kept doing this and never left his side no matter how many complaints I have that doing this for him exhausts me so much. Because at the end of the day, Jax is still a friend of mine. And this is the least I can do for a friend. ”

At the same time that his eyes returned to Jaxson, his tone of speech changed noticeably. Finn's eyes glisten with sympathy.

“I'm still amazed at how Jaxson was able to make friends, given how his mood and temper shift almost every minute,” I murmured, a weak giggle escaping my lips. “I mean, I know Jaxson is a nice guy, but he's not the easiest person to get along with.”

Finn's tiny laugh could be heard as I watched him lightly jerking his head once more. “I'm not sure how I managed to be by his side as well. The truth is, Jax never acknowledged me as his friend. In his eyes, he only has Lance and Daniella. So, aside from despising how my surname sounds tacky, I also hate hearing him pertain to me by my last name. Since it only implies that, despite our 5 years of being together, he still sees me as his family acquaintance and lawyer. But not a friend.”

I ended up looking at Finn with admiration in my eyes. He has such a pure heart. I wonder what he sees from Jaxson, for him to stick with him.

I know he truly cares about his friend, especially since even though Jaxson will not remember the nights Finn helped him after he woke up, he still does. I'm glad to hear he has a true friend. I, too, am relieved to have Loren by my side. Having a real friend who actually cares about you is better than having a thousand individuals in your life.

“It isn't really the truth that he doesn't consider you a friend,” I muttered. “If that's the case, then you shouldn't be standing at his side right now, should you? Maybe it's just that when it comes to affection, Jaxson isn't very flashy. And also, you've been friends for 5 years?”

“Indeed. We've known each other since our second year of college. And for the past five years, I've been together with Jaxson, Lance, and Daniella. After transferring to their university to study law, I literally knew no one. That is until I heard the name Madrigal.” a tiny grin grew on Finn’s lips, reminiscing their past, as I in turn meekly listened to him. “I knew I had to be with him the moment I heard it. Because my father is the Madrigal family lawyer, it means that I am closely associated with them and I believe it is safe to befriend him.”

“Your father is the Madrigals' lawyer?” I asked, cutting off his cheerful tales.

“Uh huh, and my father has been with the Madrigals for a long time. That's why I'd like to be their family attorney as well.”

As I recalled what had happened earlier, my brows furrowed a little. “But, why were you in charge of arranging Jaxson's contract? Shouldn't that be your father’s duty?

“Simply because I am his lawyer. My father, you see, is their family and company's attorney. And I recently begged Jaxson to appoint me as his lawyer, which he did after months of nagging him.” He replied. “However, I still have to pass the legal exam before I can completely serve him.”

I nodded in response. Perhaps Gunther had been confused about who had arrived earlier. Finn isn't fully a lawyer yet, which is why he isn't very well dressed like one.

But, shouldn't he still be dressed formally even though he still has to pass the bar exam?

"I never imagined this would be the first thing he and I would work on together. I have a good vision of myself as Jaxson's lawyer after he marries Daniella and starts a family, exactly as my father and his father did before.” Finn's tone seemed to collapse again as he suddenly realized the situation, his shoulder slumping. “Jax was doing fine until that night. This man… This man in front of us who does nothing but drowns himself in alcohol day and night used to be so lively. ”

I followed the trail of his gaze down to Jaxson's face. The sinister aura that surrounds him can still be felt even if his eyes are slammed shut while he sleeps soundly. And his panda-like large eye bags and heavy breathing couldn't hide how he was feeling right now.

“All I want is for Jax to move on from this. I'd like for him to forget about them completely.” Finn went on. “However, how is he going to make it through this? He lived with them for his entire life. The ruthless people who manipulated him. I saw Jax felt deceived, and that betrayal will bear a betel fruit soon. Unfortunately, it will be his nephew.”

I’m not sure what I should think and feel right now for Jaxson. We’ve only known each other for a couple of days so I don’t really know what I can do to help him feel better.

He'll be back at their company, competing with Lance, starting tomorrow. I just couldn't help but be concerned about him because I knew Jaxson was still having trouble controlling his emotions and how he would act whenever they were around.

It somehow makes me sad how our agreement states that both of us should benefit. And Jaxson was a huge help in my situation, but, I can’t really tell if I'm providing enough help to him while I am here.

“If only I could do something to help him…” With a heavy sigh, I snarled.

I am willing to help Jaxson in any way I can, no matter how small or big it is. When I hear my mother's more positive voice because of Charles' improved condition, it feels that the weight inside me has recently seemed to have lessened inside me. Meanwhile, Jaxson is still here and in the same scenario as when we first met.

I feel like I abandoned him in the dark, and now I want to help him in finding his way out.

“As his temporary wife, you can actually help him.”

My attention was swiftly pulled to Finn because of the words he uttered.

“Really?” I exclaimed gleefully. “But, in what way?”

Finn unbend himself up and gave me a meaningful gape. “That— is if you are willing to sacrifice your own heart.” he let out, that maDe an unpaintable crease on my forehead.

“I don't get what you're trying to say, Finn. Could you please just tell me what it is about and spill the point? I'm tired of guessing today.”

Finn paused to take a deep breath, as I waited for what he would say next.

“Help him forget about Daniella.”

I stammered, “W-what did you say?” as I choked.

“It's obvious that Jax is acting this way because he still has feelings for her ex-fiance. We both know that, Cattleya. The only way we can make him back is when he forgets about Daniella. And by forgetting, I mean completely losing his love for her.”

I shuddered as soon as I heard his idea. “We both know how important Daniella is to Jaxson. So, what you are claiming is highly unlikely to happen.”

“Not, if you make him fall in love with you.”

What he said caught me off guard.

My lips parted as I stared at Finn, waiting for him to withdraw his words.

“You're going insane…” I grumbled, without diverting my sight.

"Cattleya, you'll be living as his wife for a year. It’s not so impossible for you” he whispered. “Do you believe I'll be able to help him forget about Daniella? Of course not. You are the only person who can help Jax at this very moment. Even if you ask me to beg you, I will.”

I curled the bottom of my lip and gently switched my eyes to Jaxson, who was still sound asleep in the middle of my argument with Finn.

“And what about me..?” I sighed without taking my eyes off Jaxson.

“That's why I told you, that you have to put your heart on the line to help him.”

Silence enveloped us after those words from Finn.

I knew deep down that I wanted to help Jaxson. But I'm not sure whether what Finn is saying is the right thing to do right now.

If I actually do that, I'm not sure how I'll feel a year later after we've agreed to part ways.

There's no way I can guarantee I'll be able to help him forget about Daniella the way he needs to fall in love with me.

But for me, I can't really tell that there is no chance of falling for him.

“I'm going outside to get a tub and a towel first.” I murmured softly before rising from my seat. “His face and body must be cleaned.”

Finn came up behind me and quietly opened the door. I'll surely ask Jaxson to show me how to open it without anyone's help tomorrow.

“I'm begging you, Cattleya,” I heard Finn's faint whisper at my side. “Think about what I said.”

I gave him a quick glance before exiting the room.

If I succeed in making him forget Daniella, how will I be able to forget Jaxson after everything?

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