
Chapter 21

As I fiddled with my feet, I nibbled my lips. All I could do was stare at Jaxson and his workspace from every angle.

I just sat silently in front of him, while he focused his attention on his laptop and papers that I had observed were being signed by him after he read them.

I let out a long sigh before leaning slightly on the plush sofa and laying myself down. I'm not sure how many more hours I'll have to wait before the wedding planner arrives, so I'm becoming bored. I'm stuck at Jaxson's office with nothing to do.

I took up a newspaper from the small table in front of me and opened it, hoping to find a way to pass the time.

This is better for me though, I reckon, than to be with Jaxson's mother again. If the only people I could spend time with inside their mansion were Aunt Elsie and Lovely, it would be even easier for me because they appear to be interesting and good people.

I'd also like to get to know Gunther better because he's always around me, but it doesn't seem like it will be any easier, because his attitude is nothing short of mischievous. And I'm still pissed that he lied to me, so now isn't the best moment to talk to him.

Gunther hasn't shown up to the office yet after Jaxson kicked him out earlier. I suppose it's also a good thing he's not here because the tension between us is still fermenting.

I can't help but wonder how Jaxson feels about Daniella and Lance being present earlier. When I caught up with him at the meeting, he appeared to be in good health and not as ill as I had feared.

I only hope this situation doesn't lead to Jaxson being drunk again tonight. He was not only difficult to take care of, but it was also risky to me.

Because I was already experiencing back pain, I decided to stand up and stretch my bones. I simply approached the picture frames I had been looking at earlier. It was only a few feet away from Jaxson's seat, so I moved slowly and quietly to avoid disturbing him.

I trail my fingertips over the motifs on the side tables, which have three vases and two photo frames. The duchess satin, which has a leopard print layered on it, is also interesting. This seems to be the only place in Jaxson's office with this type of print.

When I noticed a boy in the photo who resembled Jaxson, I cautiously lifted it up to have a closer look. I looked back at Jaxson to see if I had bothered him, but he seemed to be preoccupied with his work. So I returned my attention to the photograph in my palm.

I noticed a boy carrying a small toy doll. It caused a little furrow on my brow, as though I remembered seeing this toy before. I just can't recall where. It's a white rat doll dressed in a red and white striped shirt. It also appears to be not so clean, with a smear on the face of the toy he is cradling. I followed the hand that rested on the boy's shoulder and saw a gorgeous lady who resembled Jaxson.

My attention wandered back and forth from the satin leopard print and the outfit worn by the woman in the photograph, which seemed to be identical.

So this wasn't just some fabric, but a full-fledged gown?

It was most likely his mother, and the boy he was holding on his shoulder was the young Jaxson. His features hadn't changed much, and this child still looked like him. His mother, on the other hand, has the same eyes as Jaxson. However, it is brighter than Jaxson's present pair of eyes.

Finn was exactly right when he said that the Madrigal family lived a simple and happy life back then. Even a single photo of this will illustrate how content Jaxson was as a child and with his mother. The joy in young Jaxson's eyes in the image clearly shows how happy he is at this time. He would feel sorry for himself if he could only see himself today.

I carefully returned the photo in its previous spot before taking another picture next to it.

Here is young Jaxson again, this time in the arms of his father, Mr. Madrigal. As I looked at the boy next to Jaxson in the photo, my head tilted slightly. Lance has a similar appearance to this child. He stood alongside Jaxson and Mr. Madrigal. But, unlike Jaxson, the young Lance is not in the arms of his father and is simply smiling at the camera. When I noticed Jaxson's small hand holding Lance's back, I drew the photo closer to my eyes. I'm not sure why, but I believe he was attempting to pull him closer to them.

When I heard a faint noise behind me, I swiftly turned around and watched Jaxson put his laptop away after turning it off.

I seemed to recall something, so I carefully placed the photo back on the shelf and walked over to where he was sitting.

“Aren't you going to use that anymore?” I asked shamelessly as my finger pointed at the laptop he had already set away from him. Because it looks like he's done using it.

“This laptop? Why?”

My hand, pointing to the laptop, crawled over my head and barely scratched it. “I just need to finish a project proposal for our major class. I can't borrow Loren's laptop because I'm not with her, so I don't really have one to use as of now.”

I'm hoping Jaxson will lend me his laptop so that I can make the most of my free time and complete some of the numerous activities I've missed.

“If you need a laptop for your studies, I can ask Geo to get you one and deliver it here in the office for you to use.” he offered sparingly, to which I merely replied with a scowl.

“There you go again, being overly generous. I’m only borrowing it for a short time. I'm not asking you to buy one for me. I just want to use this spare time to finish the activities and projects that have piled up,” I said firmly. “Also, can I leave tomorrow? Even if it is only for a short time, so that I can attend university and then submit my activities.”

Jaxson remained silent for a few minutes before picking up his laptop and opened it for me. Fortunately, he actually listened to me once again. This person has no other answer but to buy right away when there is a need.

“Here, you can use this for now. After the wedding planner discussed with you, wait for me again here in my office, and we’ll drop by the store later and buy you your own. I couldn't answer because he handed me his laptop. “And perhaps we can also eat dinner together before we head home. Gunther will not accompany you tonight because you will only be with me.”

Because of what he uttered, my brows drew together yet again.

“Are you asking me out on a date?”

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