
Chapter 28

My feet were propped up on the bed's end seat. 

I just realized I haven't gotten any sleep since last night. I guess I unconsciously drank a drum of coffee because I didn't feel drowsy at all. I'm not really sure why I've remained awake and active till now. 

After going home from the mall, I'm currently here in Jaxson’s room. He had been silent while we were driving home. I kept asking him questions and assuring him that we will go back there and see if we can treat the child next time because he looked so disappointed.

Jaxson was sitting on the sofa near the bedside table with tons of documents and a laptop in front of him, as I rested on his bed and watched him.

“It's far too late, and you're still at it. You've just gotten home from work, yet you're still working nonstop instead of resting. You are so dedicated,” I commented. 

But Jaxson didn't even bother to look at me as he sipped his coffee and kept his eyes fixed on the papers.

I was a bit disappointed, so I just decided to slump down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling as I let out a weak sigh.

I don't know why, but not having a job to put my energy and work into makes me feel a little dull. I'm not saying that I don't like this, that I can rest whenever I want to and do whatever I want. But, I kind of miss doing work. Have I turned into a workaholic? If I haven't met Jaxson by this time, I'm definitely slinging drinks at a nightclub. 

My lips curled into O as I let out a loud yawn after a few minutes of staring at the ceiling like a dumbhead. I'm starting to feel sleepy and knackered. 

My eyes wandered to the side table, where I had placed the paper bag containing the laptop that Jaxson had bought for me. I chose to stand to look at it and try.

I gently picked up the laptop’s paper bag because it was even more expensive than in my whole life and I can't afford to drop it.

I swear, after hearing how much this costs, I scarcely coughed up. That's why even though I can't afford fancy dinners, I still tried to treat Jaxson to dinner so I could make it up to him. 

I instantly opened my social media account after slowly and carefully opening the laptop. To keep up with what's going on at the university through our group conversations while I'm away. My notification sounded as Finn's face popped up when I was scrolling through my account.

“He sent me a friend request?” I murmured as I read the screen. “Oh my word, he's so cute,” I said as I checked his profile photo and some of his pictures more closely. 

Jaxson's eyes were raised to me with an arched brow, which grabbed my attention. 

I waited for him to say something, but all he did was look directly at me for a few seconds before returning his attention to what he was doing.

[Hi! Catt!]

“Catt?”I recited after reading Finn's message, giggling. 

He quickly messaged me after I accepted his request. And he called me Catt, which was more pretty funny. 

Finn is a social butterfly. 

As I typed my message to him, I mumbled, “Hello... Hee... Hee…”

[Why is your profile picture like that? You should have taken more photos yourself.]

[Btw. Do you have something to do tomorrow?]

[I have something to tell and show you.]

Finn sent three messages at once.

How dare this guy talked about my profile photo? It’s a beautiful sunset.

Also, I do have some plans tomorrow. I mean, a lot. Since I still have to go with Jaxson to his company and meet with the wedding coordinator. And also, I will drop by our university.

“I don’t know… If I… Will be free… Tomorrow…” I pressed the send button after adding some emojis.

[That’s too unfortunate. But if you find some time, make sure to message me on this account. I have some new information I can tell you about Lance.]

I was stunned for a moment after I read Lance's name on the screen from Finn's message to me. My eyes moved slightly up to Jaxson to glance at him before returning my gaze to the laptop.

“Okay… I will try to… find some time…” 

I also have something to ask Finn about. I don't think that Jaxson normally acts like how he did whenever he meets with kids. I just feel like there’s something more to it.

As I continued scrolling, suddenly, messages to my account popped up one after another. My lips parted as creases formed on my forehead. Even my notifications and friend requests suddenly flooded in.

“What's going on..?” I murmured to myself.

As soon as I saw Lauren’s name, it was the first message in my inbox that I opened.

[Is this real? Are these people serious? You are gonna marry that guy from the nightclub?]

My head slightly tilted as I grimaced. 

When I noticed that he sent me a link, I didn't miss a second and immediately opened it.

I was exposed to so many photos of Jaxson and me holding hands while walking in the mall. It also includes a photo of the two of us inside the shop where he bought me a laptop. This picture was taken the moment my eyes widened as I heard how much the price of the laptop he bought for me was, as well as Jaxson’s laughter at my reaction. Following the sequence is when I receive it from him with a big smile because this is the time when I am saying thank you to him and being shy.

If I were the only one who will be asked, I would say that the story behind these is fun. But, I'm afraid that people will misunderstand these photos.

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