
Chapter 36

This is the only free time I got after being engaged to Jaxson to attend university and catch up on some of the activities and quizzes that I’ve missed. But now, Jaxson and Finn came here to make a scene and use this time for the play when it should be me trying to make myself graduate.

As much as I want to complain and talk to Jaxson about this, I can’t. Because Loren came with us, and I suspect that she is trying to watch us and see if I am lying to her about my love.

Ever since we got out of the classroom, I have been noticing that Loren and Finn are exchanging fierce and evil gazes.

It seems that Loren has her blood boiling to Finn and they seem to be having a hard time getting along.

“Lady, can you stop staring at me?” Finn exclaimed, in an annoyed tone as he drew farther from Loren.

"I'm not staring at you. I am glaring." She replied with one of her brows raised.

Loren has been a sweet and kind of a person. This is the very first time that I've seen her being annoyed this much because of someone.

Finnley must've really hit a spot of her patience.

"Then, where did you get the audacity to glare at me without any reasons?"

I caught Jaxson’s eye as it twitched because of annoyance from Finnley’s voice.

"I'm not discriminating or judging you in anyway," Loren responded. "But, are you gay?"

I suppressed my laughter because of her sudden question as Jaxson and I walked past them and let them bicker behind us. Jaxson, on the other hand, shifted his attention by moving his eyes around the university.

Finn hissed. “Those tricks won’t work on me, lady. I’m not gonna kiss you just because you’re trying to provoke me by calling me gay. Na-uh. Those tricks are lame and rusty.”

“Ohh, alright. So, you’re not gay. You’re just not kind enough to help me carry these. ”

I turned to look at Loren and saw that she was carrying the huge paper bag that Finn handed her earlier. That looks heavy. If only I could help her carry those. But I am also struggling with this big bouquet that is almost blocking my eyes to see my way. It’s quite heavy too.

“Don’t you want those gifts? Then carry it yourself. ” Finn said in a sarcastic tone, winced at Loren’s face.

We were slightly engulfed in silence after those words by Finn and Loren not paying attention to him anymore and it seems like she really is so pissed at his behavior.

Even me, this is the first time I've seen Finn act like a stubborn little boy and I completely understand Loren. She’s not trying to have a joke time with him, she seriously needs help.

He’s lucky that I already met him before and know that there’s still part of his body that has a good moral. Because I know that I will have the same reaction with Loren to Finn’s attitude. Finn is not often like this, maybe there are just times when he feels a little goofy and naughty.

I suddenly felt Loren glance at me so I took a slight step closer to Jaxson and gave him a miserly smile.

I barely lifted the heavy flower on his face to indirectly tell him to carry the flowers for me because it was also heavy and I didn’t want Loren to wonder why even Jaxson didn’t insist on helping me carry these.

Finn was also the one carrying my bag and a plastic envelope which contained the activities that I was supposed to pass on but I didn’t get a chance.

“Why are you giving it to me?” Jaxson asked with both his brows raised. "It's yours now."

My eyes secretly rolled up because it was almost exactly the same as what Finn said to Loren. Fortunately, there was no one in front of us. There are still very few students outside because the bell for lunch break has not yet rung.


Finn's sudden shout left me shocked. I turned to him with some difficulty because of the size of the flower I was carrying. How could Jaxson have carried it into our room without even complaining? I bet his Finn carried it for him again.

"I'm going to take a picture of you there!" He shouted loudly even though I was just in front of him and I can obviously hear him even if he whispers. “Come, quick! That’s a great background. Bring your flowers! ” He said happily and then went to the university garden first as he took his phone out of his pocket.

I turned to Jaxson with a teasing grin on my lips.

"What?" He questioned, still not losing the tangle on his forehead.

“Don’t be jealous. Finn is my friend too. ” I tease him while moving my eyebrows up and down, jiggling it.

“Jealous? Why would I be jealous? Cattleya, we will be married in a few days and you will be my wife. Do you really think I should worry about you being stolen?” Jaxson answered, seriously. “And, you really think that out of all people I will be threatened, it would be that man?

I frowned at him jokingly.

“I mean, don’t be jealous that Finn is also acting so friendly to me as he is to you now that he’s also my friend too. What are you even thinking? ”

Jaxson's lips parted as they were about to speak when Finn suddenly waved from the garden to call my attention.

“Catt! Come here quickly!”

Our feet move at the same time to walk closer to where he is standing.

“This guy is getting on my nerves…”

I heard Loren's weak murmur before continuing to walk towards Finn.

I turned to her and gave her a little smile, telling her that everything is okay.

“He is such a great guy, Loren. And one more thing, you’re not going to be with him all the time. So, at least try to give it a chance to get to know him today. I assure you, he is kind and very very cute! ” I said in an upward tone and continued walking where Finnley was waiting for us.

“You think that Campbell is cute?” Jaxson uttered with a wince on his face.

“Stand here. I’ll take a picture of you and your flowers. ”

I was about to answer Jaxson when Finn grabbed me away from him.

“I noticed that you have almost no photos in your friendsbuck account. Maybe no one takes pictures of you so I'll just take photos of you with it so you can post more on your account because it’s a pity.”

I smiled, seeing how determined he is.

“Waa… I feel like it's my graduation day now." I muttered with a faint laugh before I tried to find the stance that Finn pointed at me.

"When will be your graduation day?"

I was stunned from hearing Jaxson’s unexpected question.

"A-Ah… next year," I replied, and he in turn responded with a slight nod and a grin on his lips.

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