
Chapter 41

12. 2006


“What’s with the hasty call?” Keegan Campbell raised a question as he folded his dripping umbrella.

He ironed his coat by running his bare hand as it got a little wrinkle and damp from the downpour.

It was already so late at night and it was raining strenuously when he received a call from the Madrigal that he needed to go in the manor as soon as possible.

Keegan Cambell was presently appalled from the death of Matienzo Madrigal's wife, Ruella Madrigal after he finalized taking care of the documents that he requested.

“Mr. Keegan Campbell, Mr. Matienzo Madrigal is already inside the headquarters waiting for you.”

He gave a simple nod to the man that welcomed him before he quickly walked towards the Madrigal's headquarters.

Keegan Campbell spotted young Jaxson on the stairs near the headquarters door. He is hugging his own knee as its eyes look out the window and he seems to be watching the raindrops.

“Jax…” He called softly.

Even though he was in such a hurry because of Mr. Madrigal’s summoning, he still cared of giving the young Jaxson a moment of time to comfort because he felt sorry for his current situation that the little guy is facing. He was not very distant from Jaxson because of the friendship he had with his mother, Ruella. That's why he felt a sincere pity for him.

When Jaxson turned to Mr. Campbell, he was greeted by his puffy eyes. He was no longer surprised by what had recently happened to the Madrigal family that surprised everyone.

"What else are you doing there?" He asked the young Jaxson who was still hugging his knee and silently looking straight into his eyes. “It's too late at night. Shouldn't you be resting in your room now?”

Keegan Cambell frowned as Jaxson didn't speak to him and instead his restless eyes went to the headquarters door. He was so perplexed at the child's behavior that he slowly stood up while his eyes remained on Jaxson for a moment. The kid doesn’t act the way he was, and it bothers Keegan. 

He patted his head before he decided to continue walking to the door, surprised by Jaxson's attitude.

Keegan Campbell was befuddled when he finally opened the door and see a lady who seem to be younger than Mr. Madrigal, and a boy sitting next to her.

He didn't have a very good feeling so Keegan’s eyes instantly searched for Matienzo.

“What’s with the abrupt call in the middle of the night?” He greeted Matienzo with the question. Keegan is having a bad feeling in the atmosphere as he gives the young lady a series of glances. “Let’s finish this quickly because Finn is also waiting for me in my house just like how Jax is waiting for you.”

“So,” The young lady shouted rudely to intentionally take away their attention. “You’re the attorney that we have been waiting for. Goodness gracious you arrived. We have been waiting for you.”

Keegan’s eyes twitched as he noticed that the smile on the woman’s lips was feigned.

Instead of answering, he decided not to speak and instead roughly turned his gaze back to Matienzo and waited for what he was about to say. His eyes shifted slowly to the boy beside the young lady.

“That child is mine.” Matienzo uttered sparingly with no trace of emotion on his face. “I asked you to immediately come here to make some papers and arrangements about the shares that the child will get.”

The little boy’s eyes deliberately crawled up to Matienzo but quickly withdrew it when they met each other’s eyes.

Keegan immediately made a grimace at what he said before his eyes flew to the boy clinging to his mother's arm. His chest rose as he dropped his jaw when he noticed the boy’s resemblance to the Madrigals.

“Have you already taken a DNA Test to confirm that he is your son?” He said calmly even though he knew in himself that he had a hunch that the woman's claim was true because it obviously came out from the boy’s appearance. 

But one thing that this little boy differs from the Madrigal, the aura that he brings.

“He already did. Years ago.” The woman replied that sharply made Keegan surprised.

He was Matienzo’s attorney and he never heard about him having a son from a different woman. He should be the one to study the DNA Test paper and confirm.

“Excuse me, ma’am. But if this is a false accusation then I hope you also understand that your actions will be facing legal—”

“Campbell.” Matienzo snapped him. “What she is saying is true.”

Keegan’s brows meet as he looks back and forth between them.

“So you didn't just hide about Lance and me from your wife... You didn’t even tell your attorney about us? Don’t you feel sorry for your son?” The young lady muttered as her eyes pinned on Matienzo. “As expected, the most respected Matienzo Madrigal has a lot to hide.” The woman said with a bitter grin on her lips.

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