
Chapter 46

“Cattleya, Hija!” Uncle Joe’s voice reverberated across the dressing room. I saw the beaming smiles of the people from our apartment that also shouted my name at the same time.

“Come in, come in,” I said politely, before Gunther let them walk inside the room reserved for me. “Uncle Joe, Aunt Marie. Thank you guys for coming!”

I was relieved when I finally let my bottom breathe by standing from the chair. I was sitting for almost three hours for hair and make up preparation. It feels flatter now than it used to be from too much sitting here while I have been staring at myself in the vanity mirror where I can see my face being doll-up.

“Wow, Catt. You look spectacular! Ha-ha! That wedding gown is amazing, and I just want to mention how obvious it looks that this is expensive and only rich people like you can afford it!” Aunt Marie exclaimed as she ran her hand on the gown that I will wear. “Take a look at its fabric as well as the stones and diamonds attached to it. You’ll be a millionaire just by running away after you wear this.” She snickered as Aunt Marie couldn’t take her eyes off the gown.

Isabella was right when she picked this one. It’s the first time that I saw it today and I couldn’t help but be amazed at the details that the wedding gown carries. It’s also real how it looks very expensive because of the stones and diamonds on it, which I heard they mentioned, to be real ones. Pretty sure this would be heavy when worn.

“Would you hold my hand if I run away wearing this, Aunt Marie? Let’s buy a lot of stuff!” I said jokingly with a laugh. My eyes shifted to Linda, who also came with Uncle Jorge and Aunt Marie. “Hi, thank you for coming.” I greeted her with a sweet smile as I inched closer to her.

She also lives in the apartment with her child and husband. As far as I remember, we are both at the same age, but not to insult her but Linda looks mature than I am. She looks older than her age, perhaps, it is brought by fatigue and difficulties in raising her child.

“You look so beautiful, Catt. And also, the wedding was set up outside, it’s wonderful! I feel jealous…” Linda uttered. “Your husband probably did not give you all his wealth, but he was also very hands on to your wedding based on how we see him outside. — Seriously, your luck in finding a husband is incomparable. Also, I saw him outside and the rumors are true! You really did catch a big fish, he's so handsome. I wish I waited more time before I got married, I may have a husband like yours too.” Linda’s eyes sparkled as she showed excitement in his voice. Her eyes seem like diamond hitting lights.

I chortled, faking a nod to all the praises he gave to Jaxson. The only fact in those is that he really got the face.

It was bitter and sweet for me to remember everything yesterday.

“If only you knew how cheeky Jaxson really is! It took us a while wearing and removing wedding gowns on my body just so he could pick the most perfect among them!” I feigned excitement in my voice but I couldn’t hide my annoyance enough.

Last night really tires me.

I spent the most exhausting night of my life as Gunther took me to DeepBlue. He said it’s a great way to spend the last night of being single before I got married.

I was so exhausted that I couldn’t even eat dinner last night. I also did not wait for Jaxson to come home before going to bed because I am pretty sure he doesn’t need me to accompany him.

I haven't even seen Jaxson yet after I left Ruegold yesterday.

Linda making a sound on her tongue grabbed my attention once again.

“Oh, Catt! You are lucky enough that you have a fiance to help you choose your wedding outfit. You are lucky to have such a caring and hands-on husband.” She continued. “Look at me! I never even experienced getting married and yet I have a husband at home. All I did was to take care of our child. You are so lucky in life and I hope you know that.”

I was momentarily taken aback by Linda’s words.

I am having a hard time to find the right words to answer what she told me. It was as if all those words that she threw on my face hit me harder than a truck.

“Linda is right, hija.” Uncle Joe muttered in a calm voice. “Do you know that it is difficult to even live in this world? Especially with your own family. Not everyone is as lucky as you to find such a perfect husband. Having someone to be with together in life is a blessing in our lives that doesn't happen to everyone. Some are even reluctant to marry different people before finding the right soul for them.”

“Your Uncle Joe is right, Catt.” Aunt Marie murmured as she drew closer to Uncle Joe and clasped her arm around him. “We know that we aren’t your parents but you are already like a child to us. And what we can advise you, is that you should be grateful for everything that is happening to you right now. Don’t learn to appreciate things when it’s too late.” She took a long pause as she gape into my eyes. “By the way, aren't your mother and Charles going to attend this special day? This is a magical moment of a woman, it’s important to spend this with your loved ones.”

I tucked my lips as my head bobbed slightly. I felt my eyes drooped down as the sadness in me grew bigger.

When I was younger, I always pictured what my wedding would look like and I was so happy every time I looked at my whole family together on the same table. It feels magical whenever I dream of holding my father’s arm and walking beside him down the aisle. Which… sadly… will never happen.

Even if only mom and Charles could be here would be more than enough for me. But the situation right now is not in our hands.

They are not even aware that I was going to marry a man today, which I don’t know if I really know very well.

“They uh… They couldn’t make it today.” I said, faintly. “But I will make sure to give them a call later. I already tried to contact them but they were not responding. Mom was probably busy taking care of my brother.” I smiled even though the more I tried to smile, the more this hurts.

Even though this marriage is not real and all of this happening to me was not permanent, it is still painful to me that I don’t have any family present at my very special wedding.

“That’s too unfortunate that they couldn’t make it. It’s so sad to hear that knowing you should have them by your side… But, Cattleya, do not think about that too much. Okay? Let yourself enjoy this day no matter what. The wedding is one of every girl’s dream so don’t let anything ruin it. Besides, we are also your family. We live in the same place, don’t we? We’ll be here for you.” Aunt Marie flashed a smile heartily.

“Thank you… I really appreciate having you guys here and for treating me like a family.”

We were enveloped in silence for a moment, exchanging smiles with each other.

Thinking that my life wasn’t very fortunate, because of the people around me, makes me feel grateful. And even though I often forgot to see the bright side, I am lucky that I have people who are willing to come by my side whenever I need them. Only now that I realized those special things…

And most importantly, meeting Jaxson wasn’t an entire trouble. He actually saved me a lot of times already. He made me realize things that I have never known before. Made me feel emotions that I never felt before.

It was such a bizarre accident that the two of us met and will marry each other at such a short time. And I should be thankful that I have him in my life just like what they are telling me. But I am grateful for him not because he will be the someone that I will have by my side for the rest of my life, but for saving me before I shattered on the ground. He saved my life more than any superheroes in movies. He came into my life just the right time when I needed him the most. And for that, I should be grateful for him and treat him the best that I can do. Though, I was, until I felt deceived by seeing him still mingling with his ex fiance.

I am not sure if Daniella will be out there in our wedding, but one thing I am sure of is that I don't want to see her face that is faking all the people with her innocent aura when in fact they are still having their dirty play behind all of them. Even the father of her child.

Our attention was taken away and I was brought back to reality when we heard a knock on the door.

“Seems like you're not that alone at all.” Linda said as we were all looking at the door.

“Loren! You came…” I exclaimed with a beam on my lips as I walked quickly to greet her.

“Of course, I came. And, I didn't come alone.”

I let go of her hug to look into her eyes.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Loren took a step back and went to my side to give space to who she was with.

“Mr. Sol?”

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