
Chapter 49

The ring glided onto her ring finger, captivating her attention with its appearance. Cattleya found it to be quite lovely as well as unique.

She took the ring next, resting it carefully on Jaxson's hand until it was finally on her finger.

“I, Cattleya Santos, take you, Jaxson Madrigal, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”

Jaxson couldn’t help but to stare at her finger for a while, having a peculiar feeling. He lifted his gaze to Cattley after being lost for a moment.

“In the name of the Holy Spirit, I now solemnly declare you husband and wife. Let no one put asunder those that have been joined together today in the presence of almighty God. You may now kiss the bride.”

Upon hearing that, Jaxson's hand moved foray extending towards Cattleya to slowly lift the veil that she is wearing.

Cattleya raised her eyes to Jaxson, and they finally locked eyes. The moment their eyes met, it looked as though everyone else in the enormous church had suddenly vanished, leaving only the two of them. As a result, it took him some time to figure out how to go about things.

Jaxson held Cattleya's chin with his right hand as he gently lowered his face to hers. It's not the first time they've kissed each other. But after being bound to one another, this is the first time they will do it.

Jaxson paused for a moment with their noses touching when he finally reached Cattleya's face to look into her eyes. Cattleya, on the other hand, is just looking directly at him and seems to be just waiting for his move. So Jaxson brought his face more but he was perplexed when he didn’t feel Cattleya’s lips, but rather, her soft skin.

When he opened his eyes he saw Cattleya with her face slightly tilted and not looking in her direction. Jaxson frowned in astonishment at Cattleya's actions. He is baffled as to why she is doing this. Jaxson tried to reach her lips again by using his hand on her cheeks to turn her head and face him. When Jaxson drew closer again, his brows crumpled with his lips hanging open as he stared at Cattleya with her shoulders scrunched up and head turned down, slightly leaned backwards.

Instead of continuing to try to kiss her on the lips, Jaxson just lifted his lips towards her forehead and then gave her a soft and gentle forehead kiss.

Cattleya is still trying to avoid having eye contact with him as Jaxson releases her face and it can’t help but leave Jaxson in perplexed.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife!”

Hearing it from the priest, loud cheers and yells from the crowd seemed to fill the church.

While hearing many voices and pondering what her life will actually be like now that she is married, Cattleya, on the other side, appears startled. She married a man she never would have imagined.


“Cattleya.” Mr. Madrigal simply called to Cattleya as he approached her while she was having a conversation with her friends, Loren and Richard at the wedding reception.

Mr. Madrigal was simply swift from Jaxson’s stance and did not bother his son, talking to their own guests as well.

When Cattleya heard that Jaxson’s father was calling her, she immediately excused herself from them and walked towards him with a smile.

“Mr. Madrigal.” She greeted him.

“Mr. Madrigal?” He asked with a streak of astonishment on his face. “Did you just call your father in law, Mr. Madrigal?”

“U-Uh… I’m sorry, s-sir..?” Cattleya uttered in hesitation as they walked through one counter to get a glass of wine.

“Sir?” Matienzo blurted with a laugh. “That's even way worse than calling me Mr. Madrigal.” He said as he gently extended his arm to guide Cattleya in her stance. “You can call me father from now on. Or dad if you prefer to. You are my daughter now, Cattleya. You married my son, so don’t act like you are some of my employees.”

“F-Father..?” Cattleya mumbled and she suddenly seemed to be lost in thought shifting her eyes straight to the floor.

“What’s wrong, hija? Are you uncomfortable calling me- ”

“Uh, no.” she cut his words. “No, not really. Please don’t misunderstand. I am just… Not used to it. It’s been a very long time since I last called someone… Father…” she whispered under her breath as her eyes gaze up to Matienzo. Cattleya’s eyes seemed to sparkle as tears accumulated below her eyes.

She quickly moved her face away to avoid Jaxson's father catching a glimpse of her reaction to its condensed tears.

“Oh…” Matienzo said. “I remember that you lived only with your brother and mother as your father passed away. I’m so sorry.”

Her gaze returned quickly and waved her hand timidly. “No… Please don’t say sorry. I’m the one who is actually thankful for your kindness to me. It’s just that sometimes, I become emotional...”

“How could I not be nice to you? You are also my daughter now.” He comforted her with a smile. “And by the way, I haven’t seen any member of your family yet. I really want to meet them and have a little chat as in law. And you know, I also want to say my thanks to them for giving birth to you and- ”

“They unfortunately couldn't come, father…”

Matienzo was stunned as Cattleya’s eyes glistened in sadness as she stared deeply into his eyes.

Like what Jaxson sees, Cattleya’s resemblance to her late wife Ruella Madrigal was undeniable. The first time Matienzo saw her, he had no doubt that she resembled the deceased Ruella, Jaxson's mother. But it doesn’t stop at having a face and body like her late wife, Matienzo was also astonished at how Cattleya’s behavior and actions are similar to Ruella.

That’s merely why he has a soft side for her.

“Well,” he muttered in a gentle tone after being lost in a train of thoughts. “That's really unfortunate. I was looking forward to meeting them and having a conversation.”

After a long pause, Matienzo spoke again because Cattleya couldn't utter a word.

“Hmm, how about your friends or any other people that are close to you?”

Her eyes drifted on the crowd, “Yeah, I have my visitors sir. My best friend is here.” She tried to put on a smile.

Cattleya has a thought of calling her mother to greet her and somehow alleviate her feelings. She can’t hide how much she misses her family and her quiet life. But it seems that she has no choice but to accept her current situation.

She had been feeling unwell and dizzy at the amount of people that wanted to have a chat with her and ask her some questions she never even knew how to respond to. She is saving her energy to at least give her hi’s and hello’s to guests.

Cattleya was perplexed as she didn't seem to catch Jaxson in the crowd even though he told her that he would just take care of the other guests.

“That’s okay, don’t think so much about it.”

She was jolted back to reality as Matienzo let out a word again.

Cattleya smiled at him.

“— We still have plenty of time to meet after this ceremony. Of course, you and Jaxson will be together for a very long time.” Matienzo uttered in pleasure. “Once your family is ready and free, please invite them for dinner. Would that be okay?”

Cattleya's eyes rose again at Jaxson's father and was slightly surprised at how he gently treats her like his own daughter. Until now, she couldn’t believe how good this man’s heart is and not like the other wealthy people she knew.

“Yes, dear!” Emily interjected into their conversation as she moved to their stance, clasping her hand on Matienzo’s arm. “Invite your family to our house and have dinner with us so they can at least try high quality foods. Right? They will love it! It will be a once in a lifetime experience for them, you know.” She voiced annoyingly.

Cattleya’s brows rose bit by bit as her lips parted because of the bewildering words coming out of Emily's mouth.

“But!” She raised her index finger, “Don’t forget to remind them that it’s only for one night and not everyday charity.”

She was taken aback at how Jaxson’s step mother could directly insult her family even in front of Matienzo.

“Oh? You are giving me that face again, dear?” Emily continued in annoying voice. “Why? Did I say anything wrong? Well… I was just telling the truth. Go on, look at the visitors you brought here. They had been at that buffet table for hours. As if what’s left to do is to take home all the food. I hope you at least told them that this is a reception party, and not a community feeding program.”

Cattleya's breathing quickened because of the anger she felt at her direct insult. But unlike Emily, she knows well where to put her emotions. And she believes that it’s not here in front of everybody, especially that Jaxson’s father is here.

“Please excuse me. I may have to take some air.” She muttered, still with respect, before walking out of the venue.

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