
Chapter 50


I went out of the venue to get some air and at least steal time to rest.

I really can’t stand Emily’s presence. She just always has something to say that makes the heat all of my body run quickly to my head, and makes me want to blow fire right to her face.

“Aagh…” I breathe out. “So nice to be alone and get a rest from everyone…”

It was a good thing that people are enjoying themselves, talking nonstop business, and having a buffet.

Well, I don’t even know if I can call it sharing the food. Because as Emily said, it seems to be only Uncle Joe and my other neighbors eating and sharing the food together. Of course, I won’t stop them from what they’re doing. Those rich people don’t even move their plates. There would be so much food waste if not because of people like Uncle Joe. They should thank them. Actually.

My knees are worn out and I could already feel my body screaming for bed because of how low my social battery is right now. Even if I charge it for three consecutive days it is impossible not to drain because of how people inside sapped all my energy.

I have been standing for hours in our reception, talking to different people whom I don’t even really know, answering to their repetitive questions and such.

“I mean, I don’t want to whine but it really is exhausting…” I murmured.

One thing they always ask me is my background, what kind of business my family is at, and our net worth. Of course they all give me the same disappointed reactions every time I tell them the truth. But, what can I do for it really? I don't want to lie on that side as well. I am exhausted.

I feel it is really suffocating when I am with a lot of people who don’t know the truth about us. Also, almost all the visitors there have never even seen me before or have any idea who I am. Manager Sol is even more known because of his business and how he is pretty much alike with their state in life.

The reception venue was not only a short distance from the church so we arrived immediately. I didn’t didn’t even have a chance to eat because Isabella ran to me as soon as my feet touched the ground because she needed to change my dress which is more appropriate for reception. I actually noticed that it resembled the wedding dress I requested. Straight cut fitted white dress that has a low slit on the side which you can adjust because it has a zipper.

Whenever there is a gathering or event like this, I can’t always eat right. Maybe this really is their secret and not by just having botox. I have been wondering how wealthy people can buy a lot of food with their money and yet they don’t get fat. Maybe this is, because their lifestyle is to socialize in gatherings like this. Unlike people like us who’s first agenda is to try a lot of food at parties. I feel like I already lost how many pounds just by socializing with people I don't really have the same social stand.

As I was walking, I stumbled across a waiter with a tray of drinks.

“Are those for the reception?” I asked him.

The waiter immediately responded with a polite nod before approaching me.

I picked up one glass of champagne as well as its bottle. I already had a few glasses of champagne while chatting with the guests. I already feel the alcohol hitting me too, but I am still fine. I can still think properly.

“I guess, the bride still has the right to enjoy the night. Am I?” I talked to myself, holding one glass in my hand and the other one was for the bottle.

“Perfect…” I mumbled as I found a perfect spot where I could sit and relax for a while.

A smile drew on my lips feeling the soft couch on my bottom.

Finally, I can now sit down without anyone trying to talk to me and ask how Jaxson and I have met.

It is a long teak sofa design. There are glass doors opened for the balcony on the outside, the roofs are also made of glass allowing my eyes to gaze straight in the night sky full of stars.

“This is just so perfect. Seems like you’ve been waiting for me, huh?” I giggled because I talked to the place like an insane woman.

A cool breeze greeted me as my hair swiftly moved towards my back, following the direction of the wind.

It’s fascinating that this spot is surrounded by brilliant yellow lights and green plants that add to its refreshing look even at night. It’s just so cozy and perfect for a bottle of champagne.

It looks as though I’m the only newlywed bride who celebrates her reception alone.

I couldn’t help but to let out a tiny laugh because of how my situation looks as I lay my back down on this big couch. My eyes met the stars in the sky as the cold wind continued to caress my face.

I lost track of time and didn’t even feel that it got darker because of how busy I was inside trying to please people. Having a personal time like this is so rewarding to me.

It suddenly occurred to me to make a call to my mother and say my hello to them. If I’m not wrong, it’s morning there because of the time difference that we have.

I quickly took my phone out of my dress’s pocket where I had put it earlier. This dress is more convenient to me than I expected.

My eyes remained staring at the sky, as my my hand moved gently to placed the phone on my ear, waiting for my mom to answer at the end of the call.


My lips hang open as it slowly forms a big smile, hearing a very familiar voice.

“Charles!!!” I exclaimed as I could no longer contain my excitement to hear his voice again. “I miss you…” I whispered as I kept looking at the stars.

My breath quickened as my chest moved up to and down rapidly.

[“Catcat?”] He asked in his shrill voice.

I nodded even though he couldn't even see me right now.

“Meow.” I murmured.

[“Catcat! It’s you! It’s really you!”]

To my great delight, tears spontaneously dripped from my eyes. I stifled myself from crying as I didn’t avert my eyes from looking up. I saw the stars the same as Charle’s eyes whenever he saw me and heard my voice.

“Yes… It’s me, Charles. I’m glad that you’re finally awake. How are you feeling?”

I gulped scarcely, trying my best to contain my emotions and remain calm to not give any pressure to him.

[“Well, Catcat, I am good… But I felt my tummy aching after waking up. I also saw this large band aid that is covering my whole tummy. It hurts when I poke it. But I am really okay, I can handle it. I miss you too Catcat.”]

“You are so brave Charles.” I whispered.

I don’t know how he was able to cope at such a young age with what he was going through but I admire his courage because of how he was able to cope with the pain he is feeling.

[“You are braver than me, Catcat. Also, I hope I can survive this pain in my stomach as quickly as I can so that we can already go home and see you. I haven’t seen you ever since that night and I miss playing with you. Mom is sleeping and I understand that she is also tired from taking care of me so we can’t really play here. I’m thinking, who are you playing with there? Are you not feeling lonely by yourself? Please tell me you’re not very sad there. Please?”]

“As much as I don’t want you to worry Charles, I can’t hide it to you…” My tears can’t stop dripping on my cheeks as I listened to my brother’s voice. “I’m lonely, Charles… I really am so lonely… I wish I could hug you right now. I feel so lonely…”

I felt a finger swiftly run on my cheek that distracted my attention from Charles.

My vision was so blurred from tears accumulating in my eyes so I couldn’t really see who it was sitting next to me and wiping my tears.

“Feeling lonely, doesn’t mean you’re alone…”

As I heard his voice, I immediately recognized who it was.


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